Bodyguard for gun-hater Michael Moore booked for illegal weapon


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All liberals from Obozo down are like this. Stinking hypocrites. Guns for me but not you.

Michael Moore

A bodyguard of filmmaker Michael Moore, who has long been a proponent of stringent gun control, was arrested at New York’s JFK airport for carrying an illegal firearm.
According to a Fox News report:
Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.
I hope they throw him in jail, chain his ass to the wall and starve him to death. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Worst Case Scenario.....Presidential Pardon. ;) You forgot about the "Us and Them" Factor. I doubt the Attorney General would even enforce it.
Seems like I recall a govt official or two caught with guns at airports...

As I said before this proves that even idiots can have guns.
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Nothing will be done to this criminal. He's an obama supporter and they're allowed to get away with everything. Look at the millions of illegals obozo has given amnesty to.
Seems like I recall a govt official or two caught with guns at airports...

As I said before this proves that even idiots can have guns.

An even bigger idiot is one that makes a movie about gun control (Bowling for Columbine) yet still depends on guns. An equal idiot is one that makes a movie lambasting the abuse of Detroit Unions (Roger and Me) and yet moves the production of the move to Canada so he does not have to pay union wages. What kind of idiot does that make if it is the same person who did both movies?
All liberals from Obozo down are like this. Stinking hypocrites. Guns for me but not you.

Michael Moore

A bodyguard of filmmaker Michael Moore, who has long been a proponent of stringent gun control, was arrested at New York’s JFK airport for carrying an illegal firearm.
According to a Fox News report:
Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.

Moore isn't a gun hater dummy, just because he's a Democrat doesn't mean he's ever supported banning guns. He openly owns guns and was a member of the NRA
Wasn't it Rosie O'donnell who said it's OK for her to have armed security because she's a celebrity? Sounds like the same hypocrisy. Do as they say... Not as they do.

Moore isn't a gun hater dummy, just because he's a Democrat doesn't mean he's ever supported banning guns. He openly owns guns and was a member of the NRA

Moore is a gun hater. As for being in the NRA i doubt it but then again, half the NRA is govt informants.
Wasn't it Rosie O'donnell who said it's OK for her to have armed security because she's a celebrity? Sounds like the same hypocrisy. Do as they say... Not as they do.

I think all celebs feel that way. They think they and their families are at special risk of kidnapping. That's prolly true but OTOH they don't have the everyday risk the little people have from random muggings and shootings and house breakins.
I have never seen a more obnoxious human being as that Moore....

that's what liberal loonies are all about.... he is the Emperor of the left wing Democrats.... Lord I hate Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!

I spit on them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid bleeding hearts .................idiots
I hope they throw him in jail, chain his ass to the wall and starve him to death. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

lol...can you imagine what horror that would create? All that flabby and flappy skin hanging on his bones...::::shudder::: just...ewwww.



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