Body scanners used as porn by airport security


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
It had to happen sooner or later.

The Nigerian newspaper This Day has reported that security officials at Lagos airport are getting their jollies by watching female passengers go through a full-body scanner.

Nigerian investigative reporters visited the airport during a slow period when security officials had time to spare. The journalists found some of them hanging around the scanner display. Since the scanner blurs the face in an attempt to give anonymity, the officers were hurrying over to the line to peek at the passengers before going back to the scanner to check out their favorites.

Body scanners used as porn by airport security |

Who didn't see this coming?
You know......there is a very easy way to solve this. Believe it or not, I saw it on FAUX News.......

Some guy has set up a system that scans body heat via infrared scanner. Interestingly enough, it WON'T show what you look like underneath your clothes, however, if there is something blocking your body heat (such as a wallet, gun or whatever) the interruption of the heat escaping your body being blocked by whatever is under your clothes will show up plain as day.

Simple solution? Replace the full body scanners with infrared body heat scanners, that way you'll never be seen naked under your clothes.
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You know......there is a very easy way to solve this. Believe it or not, I saw it on FAUX News.......

Some guy has set up a system that scans body heat via infrared scanner. Interestingly enough, it WON'T show what you look like underneath your clothes, however, if there is something blocking your body head (such as a wallet, gun or whatever) the interruption of the heat escaping your body being blocked by whatever is under your clothes will show up plain as day.

Simple solution? Replace the full body scanners with infrared body heat scanners, that way you'll never be seen naked under your clothes.

Agreed. Ive seen them on the news.
This is why Republicans, you know, those guys who scream Obama keeps us unsafe, voted AGAINST using these before the Pantie bomber.

Obviously, these pictures are hot, hot hot.


One such technology is full-body scanning.

According to Robert Poole, adviser to the White House and Congress on airport security following 9-11, the explosives “which the terrorist concealed in his underwear would have been detected had he been required to pass through one of the 15 millimeter-wave body-scanners now in use at Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport).”

And Charlotte Bryan, a former top TSA and FAA official, told CNN that a body scanner could have stopped Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, terror suspect on Northwest 253.

The major objection to the scanner comes from the ACLU and from libertarians on “privacy” grounds. This objection led the House of Representatives to ban full body scans. That the ban was led by a Republican, Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who continues to defend his opposition to body scanning, only shows that the left has no monopoly on foolishness.

But it was House Democrats who overwhelmingly voted to ban body scans. Only a fifth of the Democrats in the House voted against the ban while two-thirds of the Republicans voted against it.

When Security Trumps Common Sense – by Dennis Prager | FrontPage Magazine
If you use infrared, no body parts will be shown, just the things blocking body heat.

Incidentally, I think infrared technology would be cheaper than these body scanners, because we've had infrared for quite a while now.

Interestingly enough, this technology can also be used on scanning crowds.
It's very important that you get scanned like like this because Muslims hijacked all those planes.
If you use infrared, no body parts will be shown, just the things blocking body heat.

Incidentally, I think infrared technology would be cheaper than these body scanners, because we've had infrared for quite a while now.

Interestingly enough, this technology can also be used on scanning crowds.

Will that find stuff hidden inside the body?
If you use infrared, no body parts will be shown, just the things blocking body heat.

Incidentally, I think infrared technology would be cheaper than these body scanners, because we've had infrared for quite a while now.

Interestingly enough, this technology can also be used on scanning crowds.

Will that find stuff hidden inside the body?

Probably not, but that's not really a concern, because the body will absorb most of the blast via the torso and ribcage, resulting in mostly a mess with little damage to people other than the bomber.

There was a terrorist a few years back that tried that as an assassination attempt on someone and all that resulted was a mess on the carpet.

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