BOBO's Faux Sophistication

That's typical of almost all liberals. They have a phony poser sophistication about them. All their lives they've been convinced how special and brilliant they are....usually just by other moron lefties.
Meanwhile, “chanting ‘Death to America’ does not create jobs,” Obama continued, apparently unaware that no one who spends their time chanting “Death to America,” painting intricate murals of a skull-faced, razor-clawed Lady Liberty, or enthusiastically burning effigies actually cares about working their way up the career ladder. Now that I think about it, you know what else doesn’t create jobs? Bombing Syria! Quick, somebody tell Vladimir Putin. What on Earth is he thinking?

My best guess, if we could glimpse into the grizzly-strewn wilds of Putin’s mind, is that we’d see several variations on the catchphrase of the legendary American professional wrestler Ric Flair, each repeatedly cold-cocking opponents in a desperate fight for supremacy: “To be the man, you gotta beat the man. Woo!” This, to be sure, is not sophisticated. Unfortunately, when you venture out into the world’s rougher neighborhoods, Mr. Flair’s maxim often matches reality.

The problem with mass-market, eternal-progress “sophistication,” meanwhile, is that it’s often just dressed-up naiveté. In 1992, Francis Fukuyama released “The End of History and the Last Man,” a provocative and oft-discussed book.

No one can claim easy solutions to the Syrian debacle. But it’s helpful to remember one particular 2012 presidential debate, when Obama mocked Mitt Romney for calling Russia our nation’s number one geopolitical threat. “The 1980s are now calling,” he said dismissively, “to ask for their foreign policy back.”

Amazingly, here we are, with Russia poised to steamroll the Middle East, while our president spouts Fukuyama-inspired platitudes before the U.N. Mr. President, don’t look now, but the 1990s are calling. They want their copy of “The End of History and the Last Man” back. There are some corrections to be made.

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