Bob Woodward - America's Biggest Ass Clown


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Everything Woodward said in his goofball book, has been refuted by the people he fabricated quotes to. What a loon.

This is a jerk who spends his life attacking Republican presidents. Could somebody please offer this fool a real job ? - or a room in a mental hospital.
Maybe he could bag groceries. Actually he's 75 years old. Put him in an old folks home.
I don’t think Woodward is too worried.

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I see Gen Mattis called Woodward out. I figured it was BS when I read it

Secretary Mattis fires back at claims in Woodward's book

Given it's Mad Dog if I were Woodward I'd retract.

LMAO well you know his saying.

Be nice. Be polite and be prepared to kill everyone in the room.

Woodward sure doesn't want to meet with that guy.

I admire Mattis a great deal, one of our sons aspires to make the military his career and he really looks up to Gen Mattis. Good role model for him
Everything Woodward said in his goofball book, has been refuted by the people he fabricated quotes to. What a loon.

This is a jerk who spends his life attacking Republican presidents. Could somebody please offer this fool a real job ? - or a room in a mental hospital.
How about they sue Woodeward? Lets see them do it.
Woodward was praised by Trump not to long ago. Such it up Snowflakes and face the truth that the Orange Baboon is trainwreck and needs to get booted from office.
Trump is a disgrace, but at lease we now know there are a few patriots trying to hold that evil con at bay.
Everything Woodward said in his goofball book, has been refuted by the people he fabricated quotes to. What a loon.

This is a jerk who spends his life attacking Republican presidents. Could somebody please offer this fool a real job ? - or a room in a mental hospital.
He’s got tapes, motherfucker
Woodward is one of the most respected journalists of our time. It's highly unlikely he would fabricate all this stuff.
I see Gen Mattis called Woodward out. I figured it was BS when I read it

Secretary Mattis fires back at claims in Woodward's book

Given it's Mad Dog if I were Woodward I'd retract.

Really, you just don't mess with Mattis:

"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all."

"Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact."

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."

"Nothing keeps me awake at night. I keep other people awake at night."

Mattis made a perfunctory denial just like Tillerson. Mattis is a patriot. Mattis despises Trump as much as anyone who knows Trump despises him. Trump is anathema to anyone who respects rule of law. Mattis is no exception.

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