Bob Is Walking Into An Ambush


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.

The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.

the first question by GOPers will be, hey bob baby, did you know the dossier was not verified? from there the bomb goes off.

If you knew it wasn't verified, why didn't you verify it? ooops..

did you look into if it was used for the FISA warrants? why did you go after all you did if you knew it was? Hey bob baby, your investigation if your answers are accurate, was illegal.
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the first question by GOPers will be, hey bob baby, did you know the dossier was not verified? from there the bomb goes off.

If you knew it wasn't verified, why didn't you verify it? ooops..

did you look into if it was used for the FISA warrants? why did you go after all you did if you knew it was? Hey bob baby, your investigation if your answers are accurate, was illegal.

Watch for a HUGE document dump from the stash Trump gave to Barr....all those smoking guns declassified that Bob gets to answer for. I'd say it's even money he pulls a "family emergency" and never shows up.
LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.
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LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

What if he did a complete about-face and admitted the whole thing was a HOAX and begged the President for mercy? I think I'd "LOL" for a week. :lol:
LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

What if he did a complete about-face and admitted the whole thing was a HOAX and begged the President for mercy? I think I'd "LOL" for a week. :lol:

Mueller may be getting on in years but he is still sharp as a whip & one of the best attorneys & prosecutors around.

He won't have any issues testifying.

It's not like Mueller is that dumb ass Rudy Giuliani.
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LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

What if he did a complete about-face and admitted the whole thing was a HOAX and begged the President for mercy? I think I'd "LOL" for a week. :lol:

Mueller may be getting on in years but he is still sharp as a whip & one of the best attorneys & prosecutors around.

He won't have any issues testifying.

It's not not Mueller is that dumb ass Rudy Giuliani.

I disagree. Giuliani is far from a dumb ass. You don't get elected the mayor of NY City and clean the place up by being a dumb ass.

Oh and I agree about Mueller. He won't have any problems. He'll just read the report they already have and he won't answer any questions he can't answer according to the law.

Just a big waste of tax dollars and everyone's time. All so the Dem House pricks can look like they are accomplishing something.
The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.


Deep Staters don't imprison other Deep Staters. Ever.

Not ever. Never.

Even if they're playing for the other team, no way, no how.

Which is reason #1 why dimocrap scum hate Trump.

It isn't so much that they 'hate' Trump

They fear him. Because........ They should
Mueller may be getting on in years but he is still sharp as a whip & one of the best attorneys & prosecutors around.

He won't have any issues testifying.

It's not like Mueller is that dumb ass Rudy Giuliani.
We'll see how well Democrats can cover for him.

But it's not just Mueller, it's the entire corrupt Democrat Party.

The MSM will have a hard time going to commercial every time Mueller is asked about all of the times the Obama admin used illegal and/or unethical acts.
Deep Staters don't imprison other Deep Staters. Ever.

Not ever. Never.

Even if they're playing for the other team, no way, no how.

Which is reason #1 why dimocrap scum hate Trump.

It isn't so much that they 'hate' Trump

They fear him. Because........ They should

Wrong again....two days in a need a break. Mueller ain't part of the deep-state anymore....he's out on the same limb as Comey...worse in a way because he enriched himself for months after he knew he had no case. Mueller can not only go down for perjury if he changes anything said in the "report", but for obstruction of justice for not pursuing the Clinton collusion, false charging, and leaking classified information. When you piss off the AG you worked for and the President who you oversaw a coup against, there's a more than fair chance you're going to end up in the jackpot.
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The Birthers are all over this testimony arent they.


Hillary was the original birther, and why not, he admitted he was born in Kenya several times, including to get a foreign-exchange loan from Ocidental....Was that fraud? Did Barry game the system? Too bad we can't get that fairy motherfucker in the docket and a physical for Mike to determine his gender.
Mueller may be getting on in years but he is still sharp as a whip & one of the best attorneys & prosecutors around.

He won't have any issues testifying.

It's not like Mueller is that dumb ass Rudy Giuliani.
We'll see how well Democrats can cover for him.

But it's not just Mueller, it's the entire corrupt Democrat Party.

The MSM will have a hard time going to commercial every time Mueller is asked about all of the times the Obama admin used illegal and/or unethical acts.

I didn't know Mueller is a Democrat; I will have to have my PIs look into that.

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