Bob Beckel: The Thinking Man's Liberal


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "After a political baptism as a college student in Robert Kennedy's 1968 campaign, a tour of duty in the Peace Corps and a successful stint heading up his own consulting firm, Bob Beckel joined the government in 1977.

As the deputy assistant secretary of state, he steered the controversial Panama Canal Treaties through Congress. He moved to the Carter White House to head an administration effort to press Congress into passing the Middle East and Salt II treaties.

He resumed his career as a political consultant until Walter Mondale asked him to manage his 1984 campaign for the presidency. As national campaign manager, he oversaw the successful race for the Democratic nomination. He holds a B.A. from Wagner College in Staten Island, New York."
Bob Beckel | Biography | Fox News

2. No one who has heard Beckel over a period of time could doubt his Liberal credentials.

3. "Bob Beckel: Liberals Created A Dependent Society With Welfare....

.. made a startling comment today on The Five. When briefly discussing entitlements, he said that Liberals had made a “terrible mistake” with things like public housing and welfare, and that they had inadvertently created a “dependent society”.

As a conservative audience, I can see the temptation to jump on Beckel’s quote and exploit it for all it’s worth. Here we have a Liberal stating point blank that their policies have not only failed, but he’s implying that damage has been done to society. It’s a pretty damning and powerful statement.

Bob definitely gave the Right Wing something to crow about with this quote, but I also think he gave us, as Americans, something to think about: If we’re ever going to actually solve some of the problems in this nation, we’re going to have to admit the instances where our side is wrong."
Bob Beckel: Liberals Created A Dependent Society With Welfare

4. Contrary to the Lock-Step-Liberals, Beckel has opened a dialogue from the Left,... opportuity, I would hope, some of our colleagues on the board would see as the judicious path.

5. It is also a peek into the weakening support for President Obama.
It wasn't "inadvertent" it was as intentional as their sabotage of the educational system, they're a Party that relies on co-dependents
It wasn't "inadvertent" it was as intentional as their sabotage of the educational system, they're a Party that relies on co-dependents

1. While there is some fraction of the Left whose views are both odious and dangerous, as in the case of a President who denies Americans jobs and the national security of Canadian oil, in one fell swoop, most are good hearted, simply misinformed.

In fact, child-like in their understanding of human nature!

2. Malcolm Muggeridge wrote the following about the desires of the Left:
“…my first memories of a serious conversation about our circumstances in the world. I used to hide in a big chair and hope not to be noticed, because I was so interested. And I accepted completely the views of these good men, that once they were able to shape the world as they wanted it to be, they would create a perfect state of affairs in which peace would reign, prosperity would expand, men would be brotherly, and considerate, and there would be no exploitation of man by man, nor any ruthless oppression of individuals. And I firmly believed that, once their plans were fulfilled, we would realize an idyllic state of affairs of such a nature. They were good men, they were honest men, they were sincere men. …. I was entirely convinced that such a brotherly, contented, loving society would come to pass once they were able to establish themselves in power…. dream of how you could transform human society so that human beings, instead of maltreating one another and exploiting one another, would be like brothers.”
Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

I believe that the majority of Leftist actually believe the above.

3. What they fail to digest is the view of Thomas Paine:
"... What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly."

4. They are the party of entitlements, we the party of personal responsibility.

Beckel is, I am certain, hardly the only Lefty who now sees the light.

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