Blumenthal: the federal government has failed Connecticut & needs to do more to prevent overdoses


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Narrator: Dick Blumenthal has been a Senator for 8 years; CT AG for 20 years before then & endorsed every state & local official responsible for this debacle

But it’s not his fault
Narrator: Dick Blumenthal has been a Senator for 8 years; CT AG for 20 years before then & endorsed every state & local official responsible for this debacle

But it’s not his fault
The party of "free love" & amorality will never act to curb physical-gratification addiction of any type or sort. So, as long as dems rule the roost, look for overdose deaths to escalate.

The solution of course is to teach kids in school at the earliest of ages to avoid aberrant pleasure-seeking; that it is deadly and leads to shunning. But you know how the left feels about anyone shunning anyone else's BEHAVIORS. They want to fine people for that.
If you're stupid enough to do drugs you have to expect consequences.

I have a difficult time feeling sorry for someone who does
If you're stupid enough to do drugs you have to expect consequences.

I have a difficult time feeling sorry for someone who does
C'mon Sassy. Many addicts get started after being prescribed pain meds by MDs for accidents and other pain sources. I know of a few myself who were previously regular people just like you. One is a school teacher who had back pain and now struggles between trying to hold her job and walking around unshowered and looking for more meds. Probably looking for heroin by now.. This is a plague that BigPharma has a huge hand in. And it affects all demographics. I know of another woman, rich landowner, drives an expensive car, a success by anyone's measure in your circle. The first day I met her she said "hi, I'm _____ do you have any Vicodin?". Those were the first words out of her mouth on introduction-shit you not. I guess she figured that since I was lower-income that I'd automatically be plugged into an opioid connection??

I remember when opioids were prescribed very conservatively and only in cases of extreme pain and only for very short periods of time to be weaned back on non-addictive pain meds. Now, every friggin' time I go to the doctor they ask me if I want an opioid prescription for pain as minor as a a stubbed toe or slight back ache. I'm not kidding. Every single time I've been to the doctor since about 2010, I've been asked/pushed into getting on an opioid medication. I say "no" every time and they look butthurt, like they just lost a sweet commission.

Another case, a man who had his neck broken in a car accident who was in extreme pain and needed the meds at the time (but admits later he could've gotten by on strong ibuprofen just as well). He's deep into heroin now after not being able to kick the pills. He'll be dead soon. A friend of his girlfriend-addict just overdosed and died a couple weeks ago just after her party-buddy got out of jail...for opioid addiction related arrests. The girl who died was trying to get sober. It's an insidious disease that involves "families" of addicts keeping each other addicted. The doctors are part of these "families"...
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If you're stupid enough to do drugs you have to expect consequences.

I have a difficult time feeling sorry for someone who does
C'mon Sassy. Many addicts get started after being prescribed pain meds by MDs for accidents and other pain sources. I know of a few myself who were previously regular people just like you. One is a school teacher who had back pain and now struggles between trying to hold her job and walking around unshowered and looking for more meds. Probably looking for heroin by now..

I've been prescribed pain meds...I was smart enough to monitor my usage, ask my doctor about them and stop taking them when no longer needed.

My post went more towards people who use drugs as recreational and it progressively gets to the point their lives revolve around it.
I've been prescribed pain meds...I was smart enough to monitor my usage, ask my doctor about them and stop taking them when no longer needed.

My post went more towards people who use drugs as recreational and it progressively gets to the point their lives revolve around it.

You and me. But less enlightened people trust their doctor's "good judgment" that they continue the opioids until that crucial threshold has been crossed. Have you ever seen anyone trying to withdraw after opioid addiction sets in? I have. It's a gruesomely painful process and I can easily see how a person would chicken out and opt just to keep using the drugs until they become the poster child we all kneejerk to as "just another addict who should die".
And when that good doctor cuts off the pain meds, the addict runs right to the nearest lawyer to sue for malpractice.
Physicians' legal duty to relieve suffering

Remove failure to treat pain as a cause of action and doctors won't prescribe opiods.

This will do nothing to stop the increasing number of addicts since most of them have never seen a doctor. They started partying with friends. It feels good to get high. It's their little exercise of freedom. You believe in freedom don't you?
I've been prescribed pain meds...I was smart enough to monitor my usage, ask my doctor about them and stop taking them when no longer needed.

My post went more towards people who use drugs as recreational and it progressively gets to the point their lives revolve around it.

You and me. But less enlightened people trust their doctor's "good judgment" that they continue the opioids until that crucial threshold has been crossed. Have you ever seen anyone trying to withdraw after opioid addiction sets in? I have. It's a gruesomely painful process and I can easily see how a person would chicken out and opt just to keep using the drugs until they become the poster child we all kneejerk to as "just another addict who should die".

After his wife's death and back injury my husband's brother spiraled down into addiction. He was full blown addicted to the point his entire day was getting his fix. Neglected his son's needs to the point we took him in for his own well being and safety.

He's clean now, it took tough love, support and hin hitting absolute bottom. He was lost and going to die if he didn't stop. If he can get it done anyone can. They have to want it. In his case it was his son...he knew he had to stop. I'm so happy he did for both of them
Most addicts become addicted by using drugs recreationally. Then they badger doctors into prescribing pain meds many times by doctor shopping, going from doctor to doctor until they find one to agree.

Like addicts and their cheerleaders everywhere they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions and blame doctors or even the manufacturer.

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