Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered - it shows how the white supremacists of today will be treated by history.

Note how all these modern-day Republicans who swear on their mothers' graves that the KKK were all Democrats are always so defensive of them.

Have you ever seen modern-day Republicans defending Democrats in any way, shape or form?

Like I said, you can't make this stuff up folks. You just can't.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
No one is asking you to do so. There will always be racism in the world. It's just another human failing. The reality is that most of the rabid racist types have been kicked to the curb in modern society. The actions being taken today to divide the races and to generate hostility between us is going to lead to a place that could look worse than the days of Bull Connor and George Wallace.

I'm from Alabama. Hell, I remember shaking Wallace's hand at a 4th of July speech when I was about 8 years old. He was a politician who used hate of blacks to get votes - early in his career. After he was left in a wheel chair by a would-be assassin's bullet, he changed his outlook and asked for forgiveness from Black Alabamians. They forgave him and were responsible for returning him to the governor's office one last time.

Whites and Blacks in my state generally get along. The Black youth are the ones falling for the racism propaganda and their actions are going to destroy the hard earned progress of the 60s and 70s. It will leave NONE OF US better off.
What's a "rabid racist type?"
TDS is much like Bull Connor Derangement Syndrome, or Lester Maddox Derangement Syndrome or George Wallace Derangemnt Syndrome. It means you have a moral compass and want to point out and eliminate immorality. You have no moral compass.
So does this mean that you're ready to join me as we rip down the rest of these statues of racist "heroes" from our past?
George Washington owned slaves.

When do we rename the District of Columbia?
So does this mean that you're ready to join me as we rip down the rest of these statues of racist "heroes" from our past?

what damage are the statues doing?

do they hurt your feelings?
I need a list of those white supremacists. Got one? Cause president Trump is NOT one except in your spongy honeycombed little head.
That is a very easy question. Please enjoy the articles below.

Bloody Sunday in Selma remembered. Those who protested for equal rights and were beaten by segregationists are looked on as heros, today. People like John Lewis and Martin Luther King.
Those who led the segregation in the 1960's are looked on as villians and an embarrassment to the United States. People like Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace. There are no statues or celebrations for these embarrassments of US History.

Donald Trump and his segregationist followers will be treated the same way in history. No politician has embraced white supremacists, like Donald Trump has since Bull Connor, Lester Maddox and George Wallace.

Alabama was run by Democrats in the 1960’s, not Donald Trump or Republicans.
"White supremacy" has been replaced with "Black Supremacy". White supremacy has not been a thing for decades. My recollection is that the DOJ stated that there are about 6,000 KKK members in the United States today. Most are in prison, and the rest are fat, diabetic rednecks who burn a cross once and a while at barbeques; i.e., not exactly a threat to anyone but themselves.

This is another one of those things the left pimps that common sense tells you is untrue. Why we do not listen to common sense is beyond me. It's like the Russian collusion lie or the many Covid-19 lies. They are self-evidently stupid. But there are a lot of stupid and impressionable people out there who will accept anything if told it enough times. These tools are utilized to parrot the narrative.

For example, the race hustlers want you to believe that white supremacy is still a thing. They want you to believe that lynchings are still a thing. Even Biden has been recruited as a useful fool (which is a stretch because he is used to being a useLESS fool), spouting off lies about the threats posed by non-existent white supremacists. That is what he did yesterday in Selma.

This is all bullshit. There is no white supremacy threat today. It is a common leftist M.O. to manufacture bad guys and crises for them to fight against. That is standard Marxist theory: There has to be a revolution where you are fighting/struggling against something. Well, white supremacy is not it.
White supremacy has been replaced by whine supremacy. An endless parade of whines and complaints, kvetches and grievances. A growing monolith of blacks, browns, gays, trans, pedophiles, degenerates and Satan worshippers. This is what you got.

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