blm signs stolen

thats what happens when you support terrorists

Someone stole a "We back the Blue" sign from down the end of the driveway this summer. I paid for the sign with a $20 donation. So I have no problem with anyone who wants to take someone's BLM sign. Invariably, it's some lilly-white SJW faggot who puts those in their yard.

blm signs stolen​

Have they called the police?

Someone stole a "We back the Blue" sign from down the end of the driveway this summer. I paid for the sign with a $20 donation. So I have no problem with anyone who wants to take someone's BLM sign. Invariably, it's some lilly-white SJW faggot who puts those in their yard.
notoce how they dont make big deal out oyur sign. terrorist america.
It’s Bethesda. A bunch of rich, insulated white people whose only interaction with blacks is when the mailman delivers the mail. The phoniest of phony. Epitome of soft core white supremacists. They think blacks are an inherently inferior endangered species.

The chick is married to a black guy.
They should have just drawn a line through black and wrote all with a sharpie.
It would put them in a difficult position and they probably wouldnt have reported it.
No it doesn't. My guess is that the post is intended to incite racial animosity with trivial crap.
yes it does. i post them on here all the time.tons of articles on blm flags. arts and other crap that if some one loks at it cross eyed and its a crime. but no one acts the same over arw american flags and monuments and art. n
That's Sssoooo really.

This family has to get out and search for their stinking blm sign. Eventually they'll find some idiot who has a shit to give.
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