Blind Faith in Obama

The ban imposed on deep water drilling was lifted by court order, so none of the other rigs has yet been shut down. According to the Interior Department, there are 3,500 drilling rigs and platforms in the Gulf, 79 of them deepwater wells, and they are operating at 97% capacity.

And I fail to see how cap and trade will be a job killer when production will go on as usual.

That's not true. Please provide the link to the Interior Departments rig count and status.
See map in this link. The same information can be found in numerous places. My posted information came from a CBS news item which quoted the Interior Department. Why would I lie about something that can so easily be verified?
What Investors are Learning From the BP Oil Spill | Before It's News

The list indicates that nine rigs have already shut down operations as a result of the May 27 directive from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in his 30-day report on the blowout of the Deepwater Horizon well and the oil spill, the worst in U.S. history, that has followed. Another 16 will cease operations at the first safe opportunity.

Cap and trade is a job killer and even the democrats acknowledge it. Obviously only idiots like you can't accept that fact.

Democrats Admit That Their Cap and Trade Bill Is a Job Killer

Why are you liberals incapable of being honest?

Talk about dishonesty, I don't know where The Washington Times got its figures, but the bill as passed by the House doesn't specify subsidies for potential layoffs. I suspect if that happens, those people laid off would be compensated in the same way any other industry employees are. That said, I also don't think they envision a lot of layoffs in any event. Additional, new training of certain employees, yes. Highlights of the House bill are in the Wiki link (the bill is hyperlinked therein). The Senate has not yet passed anything, and in fact, a completely revised version will be proposed by Senators Lugar and Graham, possibly next week, which contains a watered-down cap and trade.

American Clean Energy and Security Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't tell me you're offering wikipedia to counter the stats the times quoted. :cuckoo:
lumpy has to be one of the farest right republiklans i've read yet!!! And the comedy was untopped. Bush was better than Obama on the economy. LOFL

8 yrs and about how much stock market return there lumby?
40% for Obama's first year. Stay tuned

Yes the stock market is doing better in spite of Obama.
lumpy has to be one of the farest right republiklans i've read yet!!! And the comedy was untopped. Bush was better than Obama on the economy. LOFL

8 yrs and about how much stock market return there lumby?
40% for Obama's first year. Stay tuned

Yes the stock market is doing better in spite of Obama.

Well heck.. what else are the banks.. etc. going to to do with our money.. loan it back..?
Earning this qyr projected up 27 percent. Lol but were going to he'll in a hand basket.
Earning this qyr projected up 27 percent. Lol but were going to he'll in a hand basket.

Sounds like your employed.. I'm employed but if your among those that aren't employed and haven't been for some time your 27% (unlinked) and projected earnings figure would put nothing on the plate....yes
Unemployment is depression like for the unemployed. To say the 90 percent working are sucking as an economy because the unskilled are floundering is laughable.
Unemployment is depression like for the unemployed. To say the 90 percent working are sucking as an economy because the unskilled are floundering is laughable.

Globalizatin is not changing with the recovery. Most of the unemployed will gets jobs making less if they get them at all. Those who get or are educated will be ok.
That's not true. Please provide the link to the Interior Departments rig count and status.
See map in this link. The same information can be found in numerous places. My posted information came from a CBS news item which quoted the Interior Department. Why would I lie about something that can so easily be verified?
What Investors are Learning From the BP Oil Spill | Before It's News

The list indicates that nine rigs have already shut down operations as a result of the May 27 directive from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in his 30-day report on the blowout of the Deepwater Horizon well and the oil spill, the worst in U.S. history, that has followed. Another 16 will cease operations at the first safe opportunity.

Cap and trade is a job killer and even the democrats acknowledge it. Obviously only idiots like you can't accept that fact.

Democrats Admit That Their Cap and Trade Bill Is a Job Killer

Why are you liberals incapable of being honest?

Talk about dishonesty, I don't know where The Washington Times got its figures, but the bill as passed by the House doesn't specify subsidies for potential layoffs. I suspect if that happens, those people laid off would be compensated in the same way any other industry employees are. That said, I also don't think they envision a lot of layoffs in any event. Additional, new training of certain employees, yes. Highlights of the House bill are in the Wiki link (the bill is hyperlinked therein). The Senate has not yet passed anything, and in fact, a completely revised version will be proposed by Senators Lugar and Graham, possibly next week, which contains a watered-down cap and trade.

American Clean Energy and Security Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't tell me you're offering wikipedia to counter the stats the times quoted. :cuckoo:

Wikipedia cites its sources at the bottom of each page. If you still don't get that, then I feel sorry for you.

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