Blind at 14, now he designs software


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
It could be said that the work of a software development student from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León is a case of the blind leading the blind. But in this case, the results are positive.
Manuel Eduardo Cortéz Vallejo suffered retinal damage and completely lost sight at the age of 14. Now he is bent on creating tools that will help other blind and visually impaired persons participate in the world of computers and social media.

Cortéz’ determination to overcome his disability motivated him to create a computer program that teaches the visually impaired how to type on a keyboard.

Using voice cues, Natural Intellectual Assisted Dactylography (DANI) instructs the student where to place each finger, and then goes on to test users with timed dictation exercises.

- See more at: Blind at 14, now he designs software for visually impaired
That is totally awesome.
Remember Lizzy in your prayers...

Pope Francis blesses eyes of 5-year-old girl going blind
April 6, 2016 — Pope Francis on Wednesday blessed the eyes of a 5-year-old Ohio girl who suffers from a rare genetic disease that is gradually robbing her of her sight.
Lizzy Myers and her family, including 3-year-old sister Michaela, had special seats for Francis' Wednesday general audience, and Francis spent several minutes with her at the end. He caressed her, hugged her, and placed his hands over her eyes. She gave him a meteorite chunk. Lizzy doesn't know she suffers from Usher's Syndrome, which will take away her hearing and gradually make her blind. Her parents have made a "visual bucket list" to show her as many things as they can before she can no longer see.


Pope Francis caresses the face of 5-year-old Lizzy Myers, from Bellville, Ohio, at the end of his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Lizzy and her family are on a week-long visit to Rome which included a tour of the ancient Colosseum and the hope for a glimpse of Pope Francis.​

Her mother, Christine Myers, said afterward that Lizzy was "awe-struck. She was totally big-eyed and it was a very powerful moment for her." The family is in Rome courtesy of Turkish Airlines; its general manager heard her story and offered free plane tickets to anywhere in the world. The family chose Rome because of its history and beauty. A local hotel offered them lodging.

Lizzy's father, Steve Myers, said he had been nervous ahead of Wednesday's audience but that as the pope approached his family, he felt an incredible sense of calm. "You know, I believe myself, and I think that what Pope Francis has done for her, if there is any chance for a miracle, it would be there," he said. "He asked that we pray for him and said that he would be praying for us."

Pope Francis blesses eyes of 5-year-old girl going blind

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