Blaspheme Against Islam


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
So let's see now you can be tortured or put to death for blaspheme. I say "F" islam, now wtf are you going to do...

If the mob doesn’t get you, the “authorities” will.
May 15, 2017

Raymond Ibrahim


Other Christians accused of blasphemy never get the chance for even a mock trial and are dealt “justice” at the hands of angry mobs—such as the young Christian couple burned alive on a spurious accusation of blasphemy in November 2014. A report from 2012 found that “Since 1990 alone, fifty-two people have been extra-judicially murdered on charges of blasphemy” in Pakistan. Last month, three burqa wearing sisters shot and killed a man accused of committing blasphemy in 2004. “[W]e couldn’t kill him at the time because we were too young then,” they explained later. Also last month, a 23-year-old college student “was killed and another seriously injured by a vigilante mob for allegedly ‘publishing blasphemous content online.’” The incident occurred on campus; the mob was yelling “Allahu Akbar” throughout.

Although Islam’s blasphemy law is most associated with Pakistan, several other Muslim nations use it to persecute Christians and other minorities. Days ago, around the same time Bhatti was being sentenced to life in Pakistan, in Indonesia, Ahok, the Christian governor of Jakarta, was sentenced to two years in prison on the charge of insulting Islam and desecrating the Koran. Similarly, on March 30, a report appeared saying, “Iran sentences a 21-year-old man to death for 'insulting Islam' … after confessing when police promised he would be pardoned if he came clean.”


Last August in Nigeria, after two university students got into an argument, the Muslim student accused the Christian student of insulting Muhammad. Soon a mob of Muslims assembled and said the Christian must die. Then they savagely beat and nearly killed him. The following day, mobs of Muslims rioted and vandalized Christian campuses and churches.

Such nonstop accusations, incarcerations, murders, tortures and death penalties meted out to non-Muslims on the mere accusation of “blasphemy”—at the hands of mobs, vigilantes, and court judges— call into question any claims of tolerance, modernity, or pluralism in many Muslim majority nations.

The Devastating Cost Of ‘Blaspheming’ Against Muhammad
It gets scary when religious nuts are in control, isn't it?

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