Blanket Pardons on the Way?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you think Clinton/Holder abused Presidential Pardons, just wait until Obama nears the end of his term in office. I predict that he will pardon virtually every person who ever served in his administration, including Lois Lerner (and maybe even Hillary). If the GOP takes the Senate and vigorously pursues its investigations, he may even resign (claiming racism, of course) in order to take some important job at the UN and then be pardoned by President Biden.

OK, Knee Jerks, have at it...
Although I see zero chance of Obama resigning, it would really destroy Hilliary's chances for the nomination. Going against an incumbant Pres in the primaries is futile.
If you think Clinton/Holder abused Presidential Pardons, just wait until Obama nears the end of his term in office. I predict that he will pardon virtually every person who ever served in his administration, including Lois Lerner (and maybe even Hillary). If the GOP takes the Senate and vigorously pursues its investigations, he may even resign (claiming racism, of course) in order to take some important job at the UN and then be pardoned by President Biden.

OK, Knee Jerks, have at it...

Here's how it's going to play out.

You'll probably take the Senate and find out the same thing that Reid found out in 2006 and Frist found out in 2003- controlling the senate by a vote or two doesn't get you much. You can't override filibusters or vetos and you always have the risk of one of the Egos Larger than Life playing his one vote for all it is worth.

Your "majority" will be counting on John McCain, Lindsey Grahm and Susan Collins to stick with you on every vote.

The biggest problem with winning in 2014 is that you will win a bunch of states you never should have lost to start with. You still won't correct your problems with women, minorities, working folks or young people, which is what you are going to need to win an election in 2016.

Because no only do you have to pull someone out of the Clown Car to run against whoever the Dems put up, but you have a bunch of states you won in 2010 you probably won't win back in 2016. I know here in IL, they can't wait to "Retire" Mark Kirk.

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