"Blade Runner" for reals


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Life imitating art it seems.

Sex robots should be BANNED: Experts call for crackdown on technology

"Sex robots should be BANNED: Expert calls for crackdown on 'unnecessary and undesirable' technology

* Robophilia, the word for a sexual attraction to robots, to become common
* Lack of human contact could lead to feelings of isolation and depression
* Experts say current machines reinforce traditional stereotypes of women "

For a illustration of why we shoul ban sex robots this informative PSA explains it well. ;)

I remember Bart Simpson asked his sunday school teacher if a robot with a human brain would be resurrected.
His teacher in frustration said,"can't we just have a little faith."
Why would anyone object to robot human relationships? It makes perfect sense.
Uh, is there a doctor in the house? Somebody here is WAY to into sex related topics. It is getting creepy, and gross.
Uh, is there a doctor in the house? Somebody here is WAY to into sex related topics. It is getting creepy, and gross.

five fingers, a doll, a robot or an animal, some people seek a release of sexual tension. It is not the people in here but people in general. 7,200 times a day men think about it
It's more appropriate to treat women as sex objects than actual sex objects?

Please don't outlaw them before Christmas.

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