Black people face 'disproportionately' high charge, arrest rates from Toronto police: report


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canadian police racist? Among other things...

A new report from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has found that Black people are more likely than others to be arrested, charged or have force used against them during interactions with Toronto police.

The report, which is the second interim report in the OHRC's inquiry into racial profiling and discrimination, includes an analysis of Toronto Police Service data from 2013 to 2017. You can read the entire report at the bottom of this story.

"The results … are highly disturbing, and confirm what Black communities have said for decades — that Black people bear a disproportionate burden of law enforcement," the commission said in a news release.

The study found that although Black people make up only 8.8 per cent of Toronto's population, they represent almost 32 per cent of people charged, while white people and other racialized groups were underrepresented.

The report also found that only a fifth of all charges laid in that time frame resulted in a conviction, but charges against Black people were more likely to be withdrawn and less likely to result in a conviction, which the commission says "raises systemic concerns about charging practices."
Canadian police racist? Among other things...

A new report from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has found that Black people are more likely than others to be arrested, charged or have force used against them during interactions with Toronto police.

The report, which is the second interim report in the OHRC's inquiry into racial profiling and discrimination, includes an analysis of Toronto Police Service data from 2013 to 2017. You can read the entire report at the bottom of this story.

"The results … are highly disturbing, and confirm what Black communities have said for decades — that Black people bear a disproportionate burden of law enforcement," the commission said in a news release.

The study found that although Black people make up only 8.8 per cent of Toronto's population, they represent almost 32 per cent of people charged, while white people and other racialized groups were underrepresented.

The report also found that only a fifth of all charges laid in that time frame resulted in a conviction, but charges against Black people were more likely to be withdrawn and less likely to result in a conviction, which the commission says "raises systemic concerns about charging practices."

I thought canada was a Trudeau created Paradise of justice and wonderfulness :)
Canadian police racist? Among other things...

A new report from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has found that Black people are more likely than others to be arrested, charged or have force used against them during interactions with Toronto police.

The report, which is the second interim report in the OHRC's inquiry into racial profiling and discrimination, includes an analysis of Toronto Police Service data from 2013 to 2017. You can read the entire report at the bottom of this story.

"The results … are highly disturbing, and confirm what Black communities have said for decades — that Black people bear a disproportionate burden of law enforcement," the commission said in a news release.

The study found that although Black people make up only 8.8 per cent of Toronto's population, they represent almost 32 per cent of people charged, while white people and other racialized groups were underrepresented.

The report also found that only a fifth of all charges laid in that time frame resulted in a conviction, but charges against Black people were more likely to be withdrawn and less likely to result in a conviction, which the commission says "raises systemic concerns about charging practices."

I thought canada was a Trudeau created Paradise of justice and wonderfulness :)

Canada is racist, full of creepy covert police predators who like them young and like them poor. That is us in essence, and few others will tell you that as I just did.

I defend Trudeau because I think he has, or at least, had the right idea about reforming the RCMP, for instance. Platitudes and symbols don't go nearly far enough, this system needs reform. He is reluctant to do what is necessary because of his lineage, but, I think instinctively, he knows.

That's federal level politics however. Toronto has a flaky mayor in John Tory, Ontario has a "when cops ask me to jump, I ask how high" Premier in Doug Ford. Neither are very popular even when they seem to be doing well, neither of them are trusted, or going to lead our economies and global reputation forward. Ideologues never succeed, unless they err on the side of liberty and freedom. Not that both don't have endearing qualities, but they've been lead by the Creepy Ones.

What makes Trump unique, and yes I have to invoke him for this example; is that he is NOT an ideologue. He sees a problem, he applies common sense and fixes it accordingly. Like most GOP reps, he respects police, but that doesn't force him to be rigid on justice reforms, or calling out a female officer who killed a black man (during his first campaign), or calling out crooked cops. It wouldn't be principled if he just denied bad apples, he calls it out, and if he has the chance, as in justice reform, he addresses it.

That's being principled, not following a script like a Good Little German. Good, honest cops know he has their backs. Our politicians follow a script. They follow extremists. We have Neo-cons, not really conservatives. They all want the same, ballooning, unaccountable cops and shiny new prisons. ALWAYS at the expense of liberty, accountability nd free market economics.

So, give me Brian Mulroney, but not, a second term Harper (his first term he at least tried). Trudeau didn't build this system, it has many cracks and systemic issues at all levels. We don't have a Trump to address it with an objective, common sense view, but, we also don't have a Republic that ensures our liberty.
" Despair "

* Everyone In Prison Is Innocent *

Has any considered that at some point , blacks might need to own up to the statistics more than whites ?


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