Black man "goes to war" on City Hall, killing 5

No. If people want to find out the details of such killings, then they can certainly do so. Yet, in my opinion, by bringing up the racial element, you are just perpetuating the race game/war. It gives people like William Joyce the license to participate. After such stories are run with strong attention placed on race, it becomes a bean-counting game. “See blacks are bad. Look at how many people they killed. “ “See whites are bad, see how many people they killed.” “Blacks are racist thugs. See the Black Panthers”. “Whites are racist thugs. See the skinheads and the KKK.” “Blacks are the scourge of society.” “No. whites are worse”. If we are lucky, it stops at words and hateful rhetoric. Hopefully it does not progress to physical violence. (Unfortunately, such is not often the case.) It just goes on and on and it will probably continue to go on and on for as long as people like William Joyce like to play this “we versus them” divisive game.

I like to play a different game. Find good things about people who are not within your group. For example: If you are White, find some good stories about black people. Even beyond that, why not try to find good things to say about all classes of people? Work on trying to improve those things that are bad within your own group (whatever group you choose to place yourself in). Doesn’t the Bible say something about cleaning your own eye before you complain about the dirt in someone else’s eye? Anyway, that is my take on the whole race stories thing.

sooo.. are you telling me that you would have suggested to Emmet Till's grieving mother NOT to bring the body to chicago for an open casket funeral in order to convey what white people in the south were capable of at the time due to RACISM?

Sure, it's great to point out the positives... Maybe its just that, in light of a tragedy like the above shooting, WJ has become sensitive to the "fuck whitey" motivations that make people disregard the horror of shooting up a city council for the sake of an ethnic common denominator. Call it the product of the automatic assumption of racism ala the duke rape scandal. We could disect WJ further but it would tangent the thread.
Yes, but people like you parade it like a banner as if trying to make sure that everyone see how foolish this shooter’s family member(s) is, making sure that people know that they are Black. The comments were stupid and not worthy of being reported and the “news item” certainly did not warrant being spread around. Sometimes such comments are best left ignored to die on their own.

If the shooter's family can't admit the travesty of shooting up city hall then, yes, THEY deserve to be lampooned and paraded as ignorant bastards.

After all, thats exactly what our local zionists do every time someone dares to criticize israel while muslims breathe.

I mean, aren't we bitching that not enough muslims do the same thing this side of 2001?
If the shooter's family can't admit the travesty of shooting up city hall then, yes, THEY deserve to be lampooned and paraded as ignorant bastards.

After all, thats exactly what our local zionists do every time someone dares to criticize israel while muslims breathe.

I mean, aren't we bitching that not enough muslims do the same thing this side of 2001?

That's what we need, a bit more clear thinking, untrammelled by useless ideologies - and just in case there's a danger of misinterpretation of text, no, I'm not being sarcastic, I mean exactly what I wrote.
What a duck-and-cover liberal hiding from the truth.

I am not playing “duck and cover”. I am not hiding from the truth.

So you think that "reverse racism" that results in MASS MURDER should be IGNORED by the media?

What do you mean by reverse racism resulting in mass murder? As far as I’m concerned, unless the killing was related directly to self defense, murder is murder. That is all that needed to be reported.

If this was a white man shooting 5 innocent black people do you think the media would IGNORE it? You know that would be front page news for months, not a blip on the radar screen like these murders were.

That is speculation on your part. I doubt that they would ignore it. I also doubt that out would be front page news for months. Besides, the news media is the news media. Each individual is responsible for what he does. It is one thing for a news reporting source to tell a sad story. It is quite another for “every day citizens” to hold it up like a banner.

Like a typical liberal you obviously also believe in manipulating the media and thus, free speech.

I believe in free speech and in presenting facts. I also believe that, in some cases, it is best to not present everything about a story. For instance, do we know what color shoes the shooter was wearing? Some information is just not necessary.

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