Black lives matter

I don’t hate black people. I more hate white supremists

At the very least, you have openly expressed distrust of people, just on the basis of them being black. I suppose there is some room to argue about whether that, and other things that you have expressed about black people, amount to “hate”, but I am comfortable with assuming that it does. It's certainly clear that you specifically do not like black people.

In any event, it's quite clear that you are a white supremacist, and a self-hating example of one at that.

It seems that the only comfort you are able to find is in falsely assuming that all white people are filthy racists just as you are, and that you are somehow superior because at least you admit to it.
Are you suggesting blacks like im2 who bitch are sitting on their asses or not successful?

I am called a racist by IM2 for the "crime" of my declaring that I will never pay reparations due to the fact that my Family ancestors never owned slaves, never supported slavery, never supported segregation.

I consider him a race hater because of it, since I personally haven't done anything bad to other races he hates me because I am white.
Reparations are paid by the government, not by individual citizens, for policies, laws, etc. that caused harm to specific groups of people.

Think of it as a class action. Not everyone in the class may have been individually harmed but the fact that they are a member of the certified class entitles them to compensation for the wrong committed against the class as a whole.

IM2 is not a race hater although he has little patience for white racists including those who deny they are racists while making derogatory and racist comments about about black people.

I have no knowledge of whether or not you fall into that category, I haven't seen anything to support that but again I haven't been looking so I have no reason to believe otherwise.

You are very different from IM2, you at least try to discuss the topic without a lot of anger thrown at me, and reply reasonably, thank you.

Where does the government get the money? if they don't use their FIAT money process, otherwise it IS from the taxpayers themselves, who are also the same people who elect those people into office in the first place.

No reparations will never happen because no blacks today have been a slave and have been free for almost 60 years which means except for the oldest generation (who could qualify) has NEVER tasted segregation either.

I have been telling the truth all along about my family history and myself as well.

The white privilege argument is dishonest and unfair since that is a blanket statement against all whites, while many whites don't do racist stuff at all. It is this divisive talk that can only backfire on those who push this crap.

I was born white and automatically guilty as being white is galaxy class stupid, that is the crap IM2 and other push, it is self defeating because that is the ULTIMATE racist statement to make.

If this blatant racist attack continues, it will erode MY interest, since being chronically attacked for just being born white will only create enmity.
This isn’t personal. I’d be a great moderator. I have empathy towards blacks. I may still have bigoted opinions about the black community and their responsibility for the conditions, I at least admit it’s not all their fault. You republicans won’t speak your mind. Why are there so many black shitholes in America?
I don’t hate black people. I more hate white supremists

At the very least, you have openly expressed distrust of people, just on the basis of them being black. I suppose there is some room to argue about whether that, and other things that you have expressed about black people, amount to “hate”, but I am comfortable with assuming that it does. It's certainly clear that you specifically do not like black people.

In any event, it's quite clear that you are a white supremacist, and a self-hating example of one at that.

It seems that the only comfort you are able to find is in falsely assuming that all white people are filthy racists just as you are, and that you are somehow superior because at least you admit to it.
Are you telling me if you took your mother with Alzheimer’s and can’t even tell us if they are abusing her, and you a white person take her to a place that is 100% black, you’re not going to worry for a second? We still left her. They treated her fine. They were sweet people. It was a learning experience for me. Glad I could share. You’re welcome
Where does the government get the money? if they don't use their FIAT money process, otherwise it IS from the taxpayers themselves, who are also the same people who elect those people into office in the first place.

Even if they do use their Fiat money (now Fiat-Chrysler, and soon to be renamed “Stellantis”) then that means printing and circulating more money, which diminishes the value of that already in circulation, resulting in the people still paying the price, not in the obvious form of a direct tax, but in the devaluation of whatever wealth the may currently have in dollars.

Which means everyone loses a little more from it.
" Simple Answer Of Self Preservation Basis For Reciprocity "

* Mutual Bias Without Violence Is Not Racism *

When have white livves not mattered more than everyone elses?
Where white lives matter to blacks , white lives do not matter more than the black lives matter to blacks .

Where black lives matter to whites , blacks lives do not matter more than the white lives matter to whites .
I don’t deny I say bigoted things and can be prejudice. Are any of you better than me?
I don't know, maybe...
Unkotare won’t tell us what he thinks. And since so many blacks vote democratic, and the way he talks to us liberals here on usmb, one can only believe he disrespects them as much as he does us. But he won’t say. Probably keeps his racist opinions to himself.
Because more and more women, gays, non christians and people of color are being elected as democrats. You keep giving us only white rich old Christian men. And don’t bring us no Herman Cain tokens.

Further proof that the bigotry that you keep projecting on other is your own.

Sane people care about the qualifications of those who are elected, appointed, or hired into positions of importance; not their status as politically-correct minorities.

Only a bigot puts such minority status above actual qualification for any position.

And look where your brand of bigotry gets us. We had eight years of the most corrupt, incompetent, unqualified President that this nation has ever seen, elected because he was “black” (half-black, actually, and with no connection whatsoever to the heritage of most black Americans that is different from that of other Americans) rather than because he had any qualifications for the job. And now, it appears that your party is putting a fake-black whore in the Vice Presidency, not because she is anywhere close to being qualified, but because she's a woman, a fake-black, and she sucked the right dicks to get where she is.
Look at what white men have done. Let’s try something new.
What do you think keeping people alive entails? Do you believe that Prog wonder kinds will keep people moving forward? Only the best of the best of the best keeps a nation as the top star in the universe. We do not follow that direction anymore.
Are you telling me if you took your mother with Alzheimer’s and can’t even tell us if they are abusing her…

I would not put my mother in any facility, if I had no way of determining whether that facility was abusing or neglecting her.

…and you a white person take her to a place that is 100% black, you’re not going to worry for a second?

You're the one who thinks that race is even relevant. That's because you're a filthy racist piece of shit. So deeply so, that you cannot even comprehend how another white person couldn't also be a racist piece of shit just like you.

If I were choosing a facility in which to put my mother, I'd judge on objective reports and evidence about how well they do their job, how well they care for their other patients. The racial composition of the staff or other patients wouldn't be a consideration at all.

And yes, I know, once again you're going to call me a liar because I don't admit to being a racist piece of shit like you. Just go fuck yourself, and go fuck your stupid psychological projection of your own deep faults on others who do not share them. Nobody, other than one or two other of your fellow racists pieces of shit, is buying the bullshit that you're trying to sell.
Even if they do use their Fiat money (now Fiat-Chrysler, and soon to be renamed “Stellantis”) then that means printing and circulating more money, which diminishes the value of that already in circulation, resulting in the people still paying the price, not in the obvious form of a direct tax, but in the devaluation of whatever wealth the may currently have in dollars.

Which means everyone loses a little more from it.

Yes. More or less to the same degree that if government simply levied a direct tax to support it. But a direct tax would be more honest, more transparent, and more efficient.
I don’t deny I say bigoted things and can be prejudice. Are any of you better than me?
I don't know, maybe...
I’ve had a lot of interaction with the black community. I was born a poor black child. The only immigrant greeks in an all black neighborhood. Wasn’t always that way until white flight. Whites moved to the suburbs driving down property values and taking the economic opportunities with them.

My advice to the black community might be harsh but I bet most of you conservatives and moderates would agree. Fatherlessness, crime, not keeping up their homes, basically blacks have failed to show us they can take Detroit and build something like the Jews built in the fucking desert.
Are you telling me if you took your mother with Alzheimer’s and can’t even tell us if they are abusing her…

I would not put my mother in any facility, if I had no way of determining whether that facility was abusing or neglecting her.

…and you a white person take her to a place that is 100% black, you’re not going to worry for a second?

You're the one who thinks that race is even relevant. That's because you're a filthy racist piece of shit. So deeply so, that you cannot even comprehend how another white person couldn't also be a racist piece of shit just like you.

If I were choosing a facility in which to put my mother, I'd judge on objective reports and evidence about how well they do their job, how well they care for their other patients. The racial composition of the staff or other patients wouldn't be a consideration at all.

And yes, I know, once again you're going to call me a liar because I don't admit to being a racist piece of shit like you. Just go fuck yourself, and go fuck your stupid psychological projection of your own deep faults on others who do not share them. Nobody, other than one or two other of your fellow racists pieces of shit, is buying the bullshit that you're trying to sell.
Unfortunately insurance doesn’t work that way. You don’t get to tell the insurance company where they put their facilities. So your mother becomes violent and needs to be medicated differently. They tell you to take her to this address. Theres no way of knowing. The fact your insurance company uses them I’m sure means they have passed their inspection.

Shit, one of the patients could have smacked her around. I grew up in Detroit I know what they think about whites. Al sharpton isn’t the only brother spitting 9n burgers
Because more and more women, gays, non christians and people of color are being elected as democrats. You keep giving us only white rich old Christian men. And don’t bring us no Herman Cain tokens.

Further proof that the bigotry that you keep projecting on other is your own.

Sane people care about the qualifications of those who are elected, appointed, or hired into positions of importance; not their status as politically-correct minorities.

Only a bigot puts such minority status above actual qualification for any position.

And look where your brand of bigotry gets us. We had eight years of the most corrupt, incompetent, unqualified President that this nation has ever seen, elected because he was “black” (half-black, actually, and with no connection whatsoever to the heritage of most black Americans that is different from that of other Americans) rather than because he had any qualifications for the job. And now, it appears that your party is putting a fake-black whore in the Vice Presidency, not because she is anywhere close to being qualified, but because she's a woman, a fake-black, and she sucked the right dicks to get where she is.
Look at what white men have done. Let’s try something new.
What do you think keeping people alive entails? Do you believe that Prog wonder kinds will keep people moving forward? Only the best of the best of the best keeps a nation as the top star in the universe. We do not follow that direction anymore.
Being a progressive I believe we are progressing
Republicans are good at pointing out liberal racists but they never say if they agree or disagree with us.

I'll say so.

You're a filthy racist, who has openly expressed hatred of black people, distrust of black people, and other adverse opinions of black people.

And I totally disagree with you on nearly everything that you've ever said, expressing judgement against anyone on the basis of their race.



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Are blacks wrong to believe bias exists?

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