Black Lives Matter/ISIS

Black Lives Matter Vows to Destroy the “Nuclear Family”
In favor of communitarian 'collective care'
Paul Joseph Watson | - August 29, 2016

The official ‘Black Lives Matter’ website vows to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with communitarian-style collective parenting.

“We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable,” states on its “guiding principles” page.

The notion of collective communities being responsible for children and not parents is an idea that has been pushed by the leftist establishment before, most notably during a piece for MSNBC by Melissa Harris-Perry in which she said the notion that kids belonging to their parents was outdated.



Black Lives Matter Vows to Destroy the “Nuclear Family”
Pawns Of the Left
The black community cannot afford to go along with the war on police.
February 16, 2017
Walter Williams

Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority. That agenda makes for more black crime victims. Let's look at what works and what doesn't work.


Academic liberals and civil rights spokespeople make the claim that the disproportionate number of blacks in prison is a result of racism. They ignore the fact that black criminal activity is many multiples of that of other racial groups. They argue that differential imprisonment of blacks is a result of the racist war on drugs. Mac Donald says that state prisons contain 88 percent of the nation's prison population. Just 4 percent of state prisoners are incarcerated for drug possession. She argues that if drug offenders were removed from the nation's prisons, the black incarceration rate would go down from about 37.6 percent to 37.4 percent. The vast majority of blacks in prison are there because of violent crime — and mostly against black people.

That brings us to the most tragic aspect of black crime. The primary victims are law-abiding black people who must conduct their lives in fear. Some parents serve their children meals on the floor and sometimes put them to sleep in bathtubs so as to avoid stray bullets. The average American does not live this way and would not tolerate it. And that includes the white liberals who support and make excuses for criminals. Plain decency mandates that we come to the aid of millions of law-abiding people under siege. For their part, black people should stop being pawns for white liberals and support the police who are trying to protect them.

Pawns Of the Left
“What the Negro needs is a Hitler.”
August 21, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


There are schools in America named after a racist who admired Hitler and Mussolini, and claimed to have been the first fascist.

"We were the first Fascists,” Garvey boasted. He also contended that, “Mussolini and Hitler copied the programme of the UNIA.”

Marcus Garvey urged his followers to read Mein Kampf. “What the Negro needs is a Hitler,” he declared.

“Hats off to Hitler the German Nazi,” cheered the national hero of Jamaica.

Rename Marcus Garvey Park. Rename every school and street named after the Nazi collaborator.

Not far from Malcolm X Boulevard in New York, you’ll come across W. E. B. DuBois Avenue. The W. E. B. Du Bois Research Institute is hosted by Harvard. Fisk University has a statue of DuBois. The University of Texas at Austin has a DuBois sculpture. A huge 800 pound bronze bust of DuBois sits at Clark Atlanta University.

They must all come down.


What the left hates, what Malcolm X and the KKK hated, what Antifa and the Neo-Nazis hate, is a liberal society in which people actually get along with each other and don’t need a tyrant to “save” them. The left embraced identity politics to destroy American civil society. Their plan is working.

But if the left wants to start smashing statues, those of its racist leaders must also fall.

These Racist Black KKK and Nazi Statues Must Fall

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