Black Lives Matter(BLM) movement; A peaceful civil rights movement, or just another hate group?

BLM; A peaceful civil rights movement or just another hate group?

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
BLM has made claims that they are a non-violent activist group, that has protested against police killings of black people, racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States.

They claim they are not just another hate group like other race groups such as the KKK or the White Supremacy.

The whole BLM movement is based on a lie. The idea that the United States is experiencing an epidemic of racially driven police shootings is false. Yea there was a few unfortunate cases that involved a police officer shooting and killing an unarmed black person, but really since 2013 when BLM was first created, How often does that really happen? They act like that they are the only race that the police go after, the only race the police harass, the only race that police kill. Sorry but that's not true. Police actually shot and killed more white people than black.

Has anyone ever considered where these incidents have occurred? Was the area more populated with blacks and is there a lot of crime in the areas? The areas where most likely areas that are dangerous and riddled with crime. I'm sure it wasn't like it was just a random black person walking down the street in a white neighborhood. I'm also pretty sure the victims were not all that innocent.

Now you have this group who is standing up to the police and causing everyone to resist and question the authority of Law Enforcement. That is only going to make Law enforcement officials fear for their life even more causing them to react in self defense.

To me they are only another hate group stirring up more racism.
From the start, they have been just another hate group.
They have nothing to contribute to society.
From the start, they have been just another hate group.
They have nothing to contribute to society.

you mean other than forcing police departments to finally reform their practices?
see post # 5
what practices??

    • 1.
      the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use.

3rd person present: practices
  1. 1.
    perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.
    "I need to practice
there is NOT a huge, chronic problem of police practicing brutality, inequality, etc
we've gone over this in other threads and I've linked and documented the numbers/evidence to prove it
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Yes, they clearly shouldn't be upset about this sort of thing at all.

The black guy was dressed like a thug and had the gun on his side. The white guy was dressed like a nerd and had the gun behind his back. Also, different cops do different things. The uncontrolled variables causes to fail that racist attempt to prove cops are racist. But, even if race played a role, so f1cking what. N1ggers are statistically ten times more dangerous than whites. Only an absolute fool would ignore a stranger's skin color when safety is an issue -- which is how YOU know race played a role in the police response.
BLM wants to KILL white people

Do you have something more credible than the Daily Caller? Didn't think so.

see post # 5
what practices??

Well, to start with, they are being trained with de-escalation tactics.
Use of force policies are being revised.
More emphasis on community policing.

You know, less dumbass.

there is NOT a huge, chronic problem of police practicing brutality, inequality, etc

Tamir Rice
Mike Brown
LaQuan McDonald
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott

The list can do on, but you get the idea. Or no doubt, you'll come on and tell us how all those little N-words had it coming.
The black guy was dressed like a thug and had the gun on his side. The white guy was dressed like a nerd and had the gun behind his back. Also, different cops do different things. The uncontrolled variables causes to fail that racist attempt to prove cops are racist. But, even if race played a role, so f1cking what. N1ggers are statistically ten times more dangerous than whites. Only an absolute fool would ignore a stranger's skin color when safety is an issue -- which is how YOU know race played a role in the police response.

So they totally aren't racist you guys, but if they were, it's justified?

Got it.
BLM wants to KILL white people

Do you have something more credible than the Daily Caller? Didn't think so.

see post # 5
what practices??

Well, to start with, they are being trained with de-escalation tactics.
Use of force policies are being revised.
More emphasis on community policing.

You know, less dumbass.

there is NOT a huge, chronic problem of police practicing brutality, inequality, etc

Tamir Rice
Mike Brown
LaQuan McDonald
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott

The list can do on, but you get the idea. Or no doubt, you'll come on and tell us how all those little N-words had it coming.
your first sentence totally invalidates your whole post
Seattle teacher's profane speech calls for murder | Daily Mail Online
Watch: Seattle Black Lives Matter Preschool Teacher, 'We Need To Start Killing People' - Blue Lives Matter
‘We need to start killing people’: Pro-Black Lives Matter preschool teacher unleashes F-bomb rant
Epic SJW rant: ‘We need to start killing people’
Black Lives Matter: 'We Need To Start Killing White People'
Category: | Herald Sun
So they totally aren't racist you guys, but if they were, it's justified?

Got it.

Your side is totally racist, and totally open about it, while ironically denying being racist. And, you are without excuse. The video itself is racist for using contrivances to try to make white cops look racist. (Well, I guess I shouldn't expect more from a species with a low IQ.)
your first sentence totally invalidates your whole post

Okay, buddy, you don't get a pass on one crappy source like The Daily Caller by using an even less credible source like The Blaze.

Glen Beck, a guy so crazy, Fox News fired him!

But I'll accept your concession of the other arguments, since you couldn't answer them.

Your side is totally racist, and totally open about it, while ironically denying being racist. And, you are without excuse. The video itself is racist for using contrivances to try to make white cops look racist. (Well, I guess I shouldn't expect more from a species with a low IQ.)

Except it wasn't a contrivance.

If anything, the black guy with the gun completely and totally complied with all Police Commands, and they were still threatening to shoot him and the pregnant lady who was with him.


The White kid refused to show the cops his ID and totally gave them some lip. You know, because "Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People".

Peace out!
BLM wants to KILL white people

Do you have something more credible than the Daily Caller? Didn't think so.

see post # 5
what practices??

Well, to start with, they are being trained with de-escalation tactics.
Use of force policies are being revised.
More emphasis on community policing.

You know, less dumbass.

there is NOT a huge, chronic problem of police practicing brutality, inequality, etc

Tamir Rice
Mike Brown
LaQuan McDonald
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott

The list can do on, but you get the idea. Or no doubt, you'll come on and tell us how all those little N-words had it coming.
so maybe 2 out of those 5 are problems
the police in the MBrown, TRice, and Bland cases were found NOT to be guilty by a fair, legal, civilized courts--so I don't know why you even listed can throw those off your list
please list others

so you have a whopping total of TWO!! wow
McDonald 2014
Scott 2015
TWO in 2 years!!! 1 per year !!!!! there are MILLIONS of calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops--per YEAR...and you say this proves cops PRACTICING brutality, inequality?? a huge, chronic problem??!!!!!!!!??
it's not even close...please look at the definition--if you have to--again

there will always be problems with police--they are not human....there will be problems/accidents/bad judgements
the police also kill white people--wrongly and justly
but it is NOT a major problem

and now-- you have to prove they were shot/killed because they were black!! you can't

blacks commit murder and crime at many TIMES the rate of whites
''''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[''''

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Table 43

the police are having to interact with blacks at a much higher level because blacks commit CRIME at higher levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the police are actually doing a GREAT job at NOT shooting more blacks--as you can clearly see in the numbers
Last year police shot 990 people the vast majority were armed or violently resisting arrest according to the Washington posts database of fatal police shootings. Whites made up 49.9% of those victims, blacks 26%.

In new York city, blacks make up 23% of the city's population , blacks commit three-quarters of all shootings and 70% of all robberies. Whites commit less then 2% of all shootings and 4% of all robberies, thought they are nearly 34% of the city's population.

Maybe blacks have a higher chance of getting shot by police, maybe because they are committing more crimes? Like seriously all this racist shit is just making them look like victims and want more hand outs and to have excuse to justify their behaviors.
your first sentence totally invalidates your whole post

Okay, buddy, you don't get a pass on one crappy source like The Daily Caller by using an even less credible source like The Blaze.

Glen Beck, a guy so crazy, Fox News fired him!

But I'll accept your concession of the other arguments, since you couldn't answer them.

Your side is totally racist, and totally open about it, while ironically denying being racist. And, you are without excuse. The video itself is racist for using contrivances to try to make white cops look racist. (Well, I guess I shouldn't expect more from a species with a low IQ.)

Except it wasn't a contrivance.

If anything, the black guy with the gun completely and totally complied with all Police Commands, and they were still threatening to shoot him and the pregnant lady who was with him.


The White kid refused to show the cops his ID and totally gave them some lip. You know, because "Silly Darkie, Rights are for White People".

Peace out!
here's the video dumbass

just look at this video
blacks hate whites .... blacks are racists
listen to her HATE of whites...and the crowd of blacks CHEER!!
not police...police are not the problem
stop with the whites/police are racists---the blacks are

blacks commit more HATE crimes per capita !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
surely you believe FBI statistics???? yes???!!!!?????
Honestly I think blm is just increasing the chance of a person of the black race becoming a victim of a police shooting. Now police are surrounded by hostile crowds when conducting a street investigation or arrest. They have people of their race, who have no clue about their rights and really think that police have no right to arrest them even though they did commit the crime.
Honestly what has BLM accomplished in regards to civil rights?

They just accomplished the rise in police fatalities and homicides.

How about instead of focusing on the very few unfortunate victims of police shootings and focus on dealing with blacks killing blacks.

A cop shooting a black person isn't ok but a black person killing another black person because he is wearing blue/red or selling krack on their turf is ok?

Honestly they have a much greater chance of being a victim of their own race than a victim of a police shooting.
Except it wasn't a contrivance.

Yeah, dumbsh1t, a guy dressed in dark colors caring an AR on his side vs. a guy dressed like a nerd with the AR on his back isn't a contrivance to provoke a different police reaction between the two people? How about you race-bait some n1ggers and see if you get a racial response out of them?

The white guy refused to show ID only after the fact of being stopped, dumbsh1t. And, that only told the cop that the white guy was up to something political, not that he was a danger.

Now, be gone with your racism, libtard!
How about instead of focusing on the very few unfortunate victims of police shootings and focus on dealing with blacks killing blacks.

BLM is about hating whites, not about saving black lives. BLM probably causes more blacks to be killed by police by encouraging black criminals to act in provocative ways when encountering police (self-fulfilling prophesy).

Honestly they have a much greater chance of being a victim of their own race than a victim of a police shooting.

The only reason black-on-black crime is relatively high is because whites, by wisdom or circumstance, are less accessible to black criminals. If the races were well mixed, with an equal number of whites and blacks, most of all crime would be black-on-white.

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