Black Lives Matter(BLM) movement; A peaceful civil rights movement, or just another hate group?

BLM; A peaceful civil rights movement or just another hate group?

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But there are also loads and loads of young black males (lot of females, too) who are obnoxious, loud-mouthed, trouble-making thugs who think they can do as they please and get away with it — and fuck anyone who tries to tell them otherwise. These imbeciles walk down the street glaring at other people daring them to start something with them. They’ll pick shit with other people at every opportunity. They love acting like bad-asses. It’s what they do, and it’s all they’ve got. They’re stupid, and they’re losers. Thugs, addicts, thieves, and every kind of con and trouble-maker you can imagine. These are some of the most disgusting humans you can imagine.

Okay, but you guys never ask yourself, "Why is that?"

Yes, these teen are often aggressive. So are white teens, for that matter. Teenage years are when you get into trouble.

The police have an unbelievably hard job to do in these inner city neighborhoods. I sure wouldn’t do it. And when people say, “the police are supposed to comport themselves like professionals, and treat people with respect, etc, etc.,” they’re plain full of shit. I mean, that’s how it should be in a perfect world. But the ‘hood’ is far from a perfect world. And lots of luck to any cop, in finding anyone who treats others with respect, or even knows what it means, when he’s working in these toilets.

Hey, the thing is, 99% of cops DO comport themselves like professionals.

Then you have your Wilsons, your Van Dykes, your Loehmanns- guys who never, ever should have been cops to start with, who usually have whole folders of bad conduct complaints before they finally graduate to killing someone.

A review of the Chicago PD, for instance, found that 50% of complaints for excessive force could be tracked to 143 officers - about 1% of the force. Van Dyke (the mutant who shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground) had 19 complaints in his file, one of which involved an incident where he dislocated the shoulder of someone who wasn't even a suspect and the city paid out half a million dollars.

So, yes, while the behavior of inner city youth needs to change, so do the attitudes of police departments.
Lots of white people act like shit too.
Lots of white people act like shit too.
That's true.

But their numbers are microscopic compared to the huge numbers of thuggish, obnoxious, ignorant, hateful, trouble-making, crime-committing, young and not-so-young, black imbeciles you'll find in any community heavily populated by blacks. There is absolutely NO other community that has this kind of a problem. The problem is a cultural one. And only black people can change that, but so far they haven't stepped up to do so. They don't even admit they HAVE a problem. So the many problems will continue unabated.
Lots of white people act like shit too.
That's true.

But their numbers are microscopic compared to the huge numbers of thuggish, obnoxious, ignorant, hateful, trouble-making, crime-committing, young and not-so-young, black imbeciles you'll find in any community heavily populated by blacks. There is absolutely NO other community that has this kind of a problem. The problem is a cultural one. And only black people can change that, but so far they haven't stepped up to do so. They don't even admit they HAVE a problem. So the many problems will continue unabated.

somebody call Stormfront and let them know they are missing an idiot.
They said the same things and they were right about many more groups who started out preaching and justifying violence which then morphed into terrorism, what's your point?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

For instance, when Osama Bin Laden was killing Russians, Ronnie Reagan call him a Freedom Fighter.
Here we go with the same old "ring around the Rosie" again.
Lots of white people act like shit too.
That's true.

But their numbers are microscopic compared to the huge numbers of thuggish, obnoxious, ignorant, hateful, trouble-making, crime-committing, young and not-so-young, black imbeciles you'll find in any community heavily populated by blacks. There is absolutely NO other community that has this kind of a problem. The problem is a cultural one. And only black people can change that, but so far they haven't stepped up to do so. They don't even admit they HAVE a problem. So the many problems will continue unabated.

somebody call Stormfront and let them know they are missing an idiot.
Yeah. Start with the insults. You're all the same. Puke.
surely you are a troll--or can't think for yourself
it's right there in the video--you can deny it--but you look stupid if you do......he steals, the clerk tried to STOP him for it, then he attacked the clerk..sure--agreement !!!!
''an agreement'''........please stop the idiocy/trollling

But they didn't show the tape from earlier when he was making a deal with the store employees for that merchandise which was being kept for him behind the counter.

And pushing a guy is hardly an "attack".

it doesn't matter how far away he is from the car....
and--if you could understand--yes--he WOULD run back at the cop--please re-read all the IDIOTIC, lunatic, crazy, illogical, etc actions he did before that
he sure would run back at the cop if he did all the other lunatic things
criminals do not think rationally sometimes!

Equally pausible, he realized he had nowhere to run, put his hands up, and the cop shot him because, fuck it, no cameras!

ASterling had guns pointed at him and STILL refused to comply
sure, sure, keep thinking MB was an altar boy.....he would never run back at the cop---or steal, or attack a clerk, or walk in the middle of the road, or disobey a cop !!!

Sterling was shot three times while cops had him pinned to the ground. And why? He was selling bootleg CD's.

they stated he had no serious class A or B felonies--hahahhaha
why not state he had NO felonies?????

But you just said he had felonies... where he clearly didn't. Given that the Racist Furgeson cops were giving out more citations that the town had people, who knows what they hassled him for in the past.

besides, you can debate the blood and physical all backs up the cops story
keep keep digging a bigger hole

actually, it does nothing of the sort. What it shows is that he was 149 feet away from Wilson and Wilson shot him six times... that what it shows.

If anything, it would seem to indicate that witness who said he was giving up were in the right, because if he was charging, there would be blood between where he turned around and where he finally came to a stop.

There wasn't.
you make this too easy
you and I know he wasn't shot for selling CDs...this shows you are extremely stupid or just posting crap
I'm glad you brought up ASterling as a I will CLEARLY show--to those with any brains--why blacks/BLM/you, etc are totally wrong and racist
--the police did everything correct, and everything NOT to shoot AS!!!!::
1. police are called on someone waving a gun/with a gun
...they get there and do they start shooting: NO
2. the police tell him to put his hands on a car hood--but AS ESCALATES the problem by refusing to comply with LEGAL commands the cops shoot now?? NO
3.the cops try to subdue him and then taze him--but AS ESCALATES the problem MORE by struggling/resisting the cops shoot NOW??!!?? NO..NO!!!

--remember, the report said ''man had pulled out a gun''!!!!

4. they tackle AS and he ESCALATES the problem even MORE by struggling again!! the cops shoot NOW...NO NO NO!!
5.they tell him ''not to move''
--but he KEEPS struggling/resisting
5. Stirling is going for a gun and--after all these attempts to use NON-LETHAL means, they HAVE to shoot for self defense
Federal Officials Close Investigation Into Death of Alton Sterling

you/backs/BLM/etc would not call for back up, throw a rock, use a karate chop, talk nicely, etc
please don't say you would---I will just laugh
you would shoot in these situations also would want to stay alive after some one who REPEATEDLY resists/struggles and tries to pull out a gun
you make this too easy
you and I know he wasn't shot for selling CDs...

Yeah, he was.

5. Stirling is going for a gun and--after all these attempts to use NON-LETHAL means, they HAVE to shoot for self defense

Except he wasn't going for his gun, they had him pinned to the ground and they shot him multiple times at point blank range.
It is hard to categorize the alt right as they are not an organized group with a defined platform but insofar as their positions are linked to supremacists, antisemites and new Nazis I think that qualifies as hate. Alt-right - Wikipedia
No different than BLM in any way.
Specifically, drawing from their platforms how is BLM like neonazis and white supremacists?
he has a gun--he KNOWS he has a gun, and he struggles with police--resists, does not comply !!!!!
and blacks/BLM protest his getting shot??!!!???!!!!
they are full of shit..stupid and/or just being jerks

same with the KScott deal..they told him many times to ''DROP THE GUN"" and he didn't
so they had that little black girl crying for him..they are teaching her and other black kids,--
it's ok to be a criminal, do not comply with police,
it's ok and correct to not comply when police are pointing guns at you, self-defense is not ok
they are wrongly teaching that the police are bad--thus continuing the black culture's self destructive cycle
you make this too easy
you and I know he wasn't shot for selling CDs...

Yeah, he was.

5. Stirling is going for a gun and--after all these attempts to use NON-LETHAL means, they HAVE to shoot for self defense

Except he wasn't going for his gun, they had him pinned to the ground and they shot him multiple times at point blank range.
that doesn't even matter..he had a gun and he is struggling with the cops
so they should let him pull out the gun? and let him shoot them??
that's really smart
besides they DID try many non-lethal means.....
and he KEPT struggling/resisting
ANYWAY you look at this--the police did everything correct--and did their best NOT to shoot
it's right there.....
It is hard to categorize the alt right as they are not an organized group with a defined platform but insofar as their positions are linked to supremacists, antisemites and new Nazis I think that qualifies as hate. Alt-right - Wikipedia
No different than BLM in any way.
Specifically, drawing from their platforms how is BLM like neonazis and white supremacists?

Seems like you will get no answer to that.
he has a gun--he KNOWS he has a gun, and he struggles with police--resists, does not comply !!!!!
and blacks/BLM protest his getting shot??!!!???!!!!
they are full of shit..stupid and/or just being jerks

Wait, don't we have a right to have a gun, according to you guys?

Silly Darkie, rights are for white people.

same with the KScott deal..they told him many times to ''DROP THE GUN"" and he didn't
so they had that little black girl crying for him..they are teaching her and other black kids,--
it's ok to be a criminal, do not comply with police,
it's ok and correct to not comply when police are pointing guns at you, self-defense is not ok
they are wrongly teaching that the police are bad--thus continuing the black culture's self destructive cycle

No, what's teaching kids that cops are bad is they keep shooting people for no good reason.

Not sure who KScott" is...

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