Black Gangs Declare War on Police


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Some of the black gangs in Baltimore had met with city officials to discuss the riots. Now this. These gangs have too much power to take them lightly.

"The Baltimore police recently released a statement reporting a "credible threat" made by several gangs, including the Bloods, the Crips and the Black Guerrilla Family. While normally these gangs are bitter rivals, they seem to be willing to put their differences aside for now.

"The Baltimore Police Department / Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership to "take-out" law enforcement officers," the statement read. "This is a credible threat. Law enforcement agencies should take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of their officers."

With this threat and the destructive riots taking place in Baltimore, several police departments are taking extra precautions to keep their officers safe.

The Connecticut State Police issued a warning bulletin to their troopers; the Los Angeles Police Department was making their officers ride in pairs; the Fairfield, Conn., police requested citizens report any "suspicious activities"; and the San Francisco Police Department stated that they were taking "tactical precautions" (H/T Breitbart).

"It’s almost a declaration of war," Lt. James Perez of the Fairfield Police Department said. "We’re talking about a serious public safety issue, because if that’s the case, and the officers aren’t safe, no one is safe in any community anywhere in this country."

The racial divide is widening in America while respect for law enforcement is dwindling. Too many people are falling for the false liberal narrative and jump to violent conclusions without knowing all the facts, like in this latest Freddie Gray case."
Some of the black gangs in Baltimore had met with city officials to discuss the riots. Now this. These gangs have too much power to take them lightly.

"The Baltimore police recently released a statement reporting a "credible threat" made by several gangs, including the Bloods, the Crips and the Black Guerrilla Family. While normally these gangs are bitter rivals, they seem to be willing to put their differences aside for now.

"The Baltimore Police Department / Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership to "take-out" law enforcement officers," the statement read. "This is a credible threat. Law enforcement agencies should take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of their officers."

With this threat and the destructive riots taking place in Baltimore, several police departments are taking extra precautions to keep their officers safe.

The Connecticut State Police issued a warning bulletin to their troopers; the Los Angeles Police Department was making their officers ride in pairs; the Fairfield, Conn., police requested citizens report any "suspicious activities"; and the San Francisco Police Department stated that they were taking "tactical precautions" (H/T Breitbart).

"It’s almost a declaration of war," Lt. James Perez of the Fairfield Police Department said. "We’re talking about a serious public safety issue, because if that’s the case, and the officers aren’t safe, no one is safe in any community anywhere in this country."

The racial divide is widening in America while respect for law enforcement is dwindling. Too many people are falling for the false liberal narrative and jump to violent conclusions without knowing all the facts, like in this latest Freddie Gray case."
Besides his service pistol, each officer should carry AR-15s with 30 round magazines. Many, many magazines.
they are not declaring war on the police, more like war on Best Buy so they can break the windows and steal everything, including the toilets.
Some of the black gangs in Baltimore had met with city officials to discuss the riots. Now this. These gangs have too much power to take them lightly.

"The Baltimore police recently released a statement reporting a "credible threat" made by several gangs, including the Bloods, the Crips and the Black Guerrilla Family. While normally these gangs are bitter rivals, they seem to be willing to put their differences aside for now.

"The Baltimore Police Department / Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership to "take-out" law enforcement officers," the statement read. "This is a credible threat. Law enforcement agencies should take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of their officers."

With this threat and the destructive riots taking place in Baltimore, several police departments are taking extra precautions to keep their officers safe.

The Connecticut State Police issued a warning bulletin to their troopers; the Los Angeles Police Department was making their officers ride in pairs; the Fairfield, Conn., police requested citizens report any "suspicious activities"; and the San Francisco Police Department stated that they were taking "tactical precautions" (H/T Breitbart).

"It’s almost a declaration of war," Lt. James Perez of the Fairfield Police Department said. "We’re talking about a serious public safety issue, because if that’s the case, and the officers aren’t safe, no one is safe in any community anywhere in this country."

The racial divide is widening in America while respect for law enforcement is dwindling. Too many people are falling for the false liberal narrative and jump to violent conclusions without knowing all the facts, like in this latest Freddie Gray case."
how about a war on all "Joes Ribs&Chicken" restaurants?
Why are all of you so fucking gullible? Do yourselves a favor.....clean out your bookmarks and unsubscribe from all of your e-mail alerts. You stupid, stupid people.
They're doing what you RWnuts keep claiming you're going to do some day.

Burn down a CVS and small businesses that invest in the inner city? Where and when did the RWingers claim that? RWingers are going to take it to the police? Show US where RWingers are throwing rocks at police and torching their cop cars. You can't.
When was this supposed to have happened? There is no dateline accompanying the "article".

Watch the news, dipstick. Cops are already being killed. They are saying this is just the beginning. Did you expect them to give dates, times and locations? Seriously.
If a group was threatening to go after gays or Muslims, the liberal media would hit the panic button and we'd be seeing 24/7 coverage of every group across the country. Since we are talking about minority gangs threatening those mean ole racist cops, the media yawns. Even as police across the country are being brutally murdered, the liberal media doesn't see it as national news. Obama hasn't sent people to attend funerals or console family members.

There are gangs in most cities across the country and it's likely that many of them are looking for the first opportunity to kill cops. It's sad that the left laughs it off like some joke. It has already begun and the liberals know it. They say stupid shit like others want to do similar things, so it must be okay with them that this is happening. It's justified because the race baiters got people riled up and angry. Rioting, burning down businesses, looting and murdering are the only ways people can possibly express themselves or stand up for what they believe in. If only some people had listened to different voices over the years, they might not be in the position they are in. But, they trusted the left and here we are.
When was this supposed to have happened? There is no dateline accompanying the "article".

Watch the news, dipstick. Cops are already being killed. They are saying this is just the beginning. Did you expect them to give dates, times and locations? Seriously.

You asshole. That was two weeks ago. You fucking loser. Breaking news.....your link called it breaking news. This threat was actually bullshit. It turned out to be bullshit. You lying loser sack of stupid.
You asshole. That was two weeks ago. You fucking loser. Breaking news.....your link called it breaking news. This threat was actually bullshit. It turned out to be bullshit. You lying loser sack of stupid.

Another idiot who can't read. No where does it say breaking news, you illiterate piece of crap.

And, by the way, moron, May 9, 2015 was NOT two weeks ago. Holy crap, you can't read or count days. The gangs announced killings of cops and it has been happening. Latest shootings were 2 days ago.

2 Mississippi Officers Shot Killed Suspects Arrested - ABC News

It is news because the violence continues and they claim it will get worse. If you support gangs and violence, it makes sense why you ignore the deaths of cops because you have no problem with that. Fuck you and all who defend the thugs of the world.
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You asshole. That was two weeks ago. You fucking loser. Breaking news.....your link called it breaking news. This threat was actually bullshit. It turned out to be bullshit. You lying loser sack of stupid.

Another idiot who can't read. No where does it say breaking news, you illiterate piece of crap.

And, by the way, moron, May 9, 2015 was NOT two weeks ago. Holy crap, you can't read or count days. The gangs announced killings of cops and it has been happening. Latest shootings were 2 days ago.

2 Mississippi Officers Shot Killed Suspects Arrested - ABC News

It is news because the violence continues and they claim it will get worse. If you support gangs and violence, it makes sense why you ignore the deaths of cops because you have no problem with that. Fuck you and all who defend the thugs of the world.

You retard. The fake announcement that the Baltimore gangs were teaming up against cops happened on April 27th. They never claimed any such thing.

The two cops were not killed by gang members from Baltimore. Those deaths had nothing to do with gangs.

Your link states that it is breaking. You didn't know about this until today. That's because you are an idiot. There have been threads on this same subject here. They were back on the 27th.

Admit that you fucked up. You stupid,stupid loser.
"The Baltimore Police Department / Criminal Intelligence Unit has received credible information that members of various gangs including the Black Guerilla Family, Bloods, and Crips have entered into a partnership to "take-out" law enforcement officers," the statement read.

That reminds me of this awesome movie:

Campfire Cholera

Is it capitalism-catalyzed urban profiteerism that creates daredevil gangs, or do social frustrations related to population and confluence give rise to clannish gangs that create a shadow over urbanization?

Whichever is the causal link, we do see that various news stories about airline narcotics rings, Tijuana crime syndicates, athlete steroid use, and corporate corruption create a terrible smog over capitalism, globalization, and the modern profiteer-driven free market.

Baltimore is a major populist American city. It houses great restaurants, great real estate, nice schools, and one of the country's best aquariums. Stories about riots and gang-related dissatisfaction suggest that we need to be more vigilant about population management.

Do ethnic-based business districts such as Chinatown, San Francisco reflect the psychiatric value of relevant Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Chinatown" (1974)?


Gangs of New York (Film)


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