Birth of the People's Party


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Are Americans beginning to awake to the fact that our economy now delivers a larger share of total income to the very top than at any time in living memory?

"That big corporations are making more money and creating more jobs abroad than in the United States?

"That this concentration of income and wealth has so corrupted politics that corporations can extort whatever they want from the government — tax breaks, loan guarantees, subsidies — while the super-rich can take most of their income as capital gains (taxed at 15 percent), and the rest at the lowest top rate in 25 years?

"And that because of this our kids are crowded into classrooms, our streets and highways and bridges are falling apart, and our healthcare bills are out of control?"

The Tea Party focuses its anger like a laser on "government" when actually the state is one-third of an axis of evil along with big business and the richest 5% of the population.

Global class war from Cairo to Madison to Ohio, Indiana and beyond is building.

Get ready to rumble...
"Are Americans beginning to awake to the fact that our economy now delivers a larger share of total income to the very top than at any time in living memory?

"That big corporations are making more money and creating more jobs abroad than in the United States?

"That this concentration of income and wealth has so corrupted politics that corporations can extort whatever they want from the government — tax breaks, loan guarantees, subsidies — while the super-rich can take most of their income as capital gains (taxed at 15 percent), and the rest at the lowest top rate in 25 years?

"And that because of this our kids are crowded into classrooms, our streets and highways and bridges are falling apart, and our healthcare bills are out of control?"

The Tea Party focuses its anger like a laser on "government" when actually the state is one-third of an axis of evil along with big business and the richest 5% of the population.

Global class war from Cairo to Madison to Ohio, Indiana and beyond is building.

Get ready to rumble...

what do you want us to do trotsky?
"are americans beginning to awake to the fact that our economy now delivers a larger share of total income to the very top than at any time in living memory?

"that big corporations are making more money and creating more jobs abroad than in the united states?

"that this concentration of income and wealth has so corrupted politics that corporations can extort whatever they want from the government — tax breaks, loan guarantees, subsidies — while the super-rich can take most of their income as capital gains (taxed at 15 percent), and the rest at the lowest top rate in 25 years?

"and that because of this our kids are crowded into classrooms, our streets and highways and bridges are falling apart, and our healthcare bills are out of control?"

the tea party focuses its anger like a laser on "government" when actually the state is one-third of an axis of evil along with big business and the richest 5% of the population.

Global class war from cairo to madison to ohio, indiana and beyond is building.

get ready to rumble...

what do you want us to do trotsky?

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"Are Americans beginning to awake to the fact that our economy now delivers a larger share of total income to the very top than at any time in living memory?

"That big corporations are making more money and creating more jobs abroad than in the United States?

"That this concentration of income and wealth has so corrupted politics that corporations can extort whatever they want from the government — tax breaks, loan guarantees, subsidies — while the super-rich can take most of their income as capital gains (taxed at 15 percent), and the rest at the lowest top rate in 25 years?

"And that because of this our kids are crowded into classrooms, our streets and highways and bridges are falling apart, and our healthcare bills are out of control?"

The Tea Party focuses its anger like a laser on "government" when actually the state is one-third of an axis of evil along with big business and the richest 5% of the population.

Global class war from Cairo to Madison to Ohio, Indiana and beyond is building.

Get ready to rumble...

what do you want us to do trotsky?
Choose up sides.

Here are today's captains David Frum and Chrystia Freeland with Fareed Zakaria as referee.

"This [Wisconsin struggle] is, I think, a real test case of, Can America make the adjustments it needs to face a future that is going to a lot less comfortable ….than the recent past has been?" declared influential right-wing commentator David Frum, appearing Sunday on Fareed Zakaria's GPS Show on CNN..."

"Because of federal and state budget deficits, Wisconsin is the first battleground on whether American citizens will face up to the reality that they must make more sacrifices, Frum argued:

"Frum left no doubt that he would exempt Wall Street billionaires or corporations exporting jobs from 'the squeeze.'

"'I don't see a lot of squeezes on Wall Street yet, David,' countered co-panelist Chrystia Freeland, author a recent superb Atlantic article on the rise of a new, stratospherically wealthy global elite cushioned from economic shocks.

"But Frum made clear that those at the top were to be spared from the shakedown:

'FRUM: Well, that's maybe not the place to -- but look at the healthcare sector where you --

'FREELAND: That's [not the place you should squeeze? I mean, aren't they the guys who are responsible for the financial crisis?"

One thing Trotsky understood about big "R" Revolution...

There are no Silver Medals.
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russia not so big R anymore, there is much cold winter left, is much smaller in soviet union now... you come back one year
nobody's coming to your fuckin' party man... or rally or whatever.
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Damn those Obama tax cuts for the rich!
"It gets worse.

"Obama’s 'Bush' tax cut is only Part I of a one-two punch to shift taxes onto wage earners. Congressional economists estimate that extending the tax cuts to the top 2 per cent will cost $700 to $750 billion over the next decade or so...

"The political axiom at work is 'Big fish eat little fish.'

"There’s not enough tax money to continue swelling the fortunes of the super-rich pretending to save enough to pay the pensions and related social support that North American and European employees have been promised.

"Something must give –"

Schoolteachers or Wall Street bankers?

Whose side are you on?
Damn those Obama tax cuts for the rich!
"It gets worse.

"Obama’s 'Bush' tax cut is only Part I of a one-two punch to shift taxes onto wage earners. Congressional economists estimate that extending the tax cuts to the top 2 per cent will cost $700 to $750 billion over the next decade or so...

"The political axiom at work is 'Big fish eat little fish.'

"There’s not enough tax money to continue swelling the fortunes of the super-rich pretending to save enough to pay the pensions and related social support that North American and European employees have been promised.

"Something must give –"

Schoolteachers or Wall Street bankers?

Whose side are you on?
I'm on the side of NOT raising taxes on anyone and not having any NEW taxes until we get Gramm-Rudmann and line-item veto back, otherwise they will just SPEND any extra they get!

The REAL problem by the way, isn't revenue or spending. It's the IDIOTIC projections of revenue which are always WAY too rosy, which they base their spending on. When the projected revenue doesn't show up as expected, you have a large deficit. Then the howls for increasing taxes begin anew, and the cycle continues.

Example: The $700-750 billion figure being bandied around? Cut that IN HALF as a projection, and base your spending on that figure. NOT the over-inflated, exaggerated one.
russia not so big R anymore, there is much cold winter left, is much smaller in soviet union now... you come back one year
nobody's coming to your fuckin' party man... or rally or whatever.
Russia still biggest country on whole planet...

Biggest crooks except for Wall Street.

About that party or whatever...

Everybody welcome!

"March 19 International Day of Action
Los Angeles March & Rally
Saturday, March 19, 12 noon
Gather @ Hollywood & Vine, LA
With Obama in the White House, you're going to see maybe about 10 people show up for that. There are no "Stop The Wars" people anymore.
i thought alaska was the biggest country, anyway they're both cold and filled with oil.
for russia and cuba, it's looks as if capitalism is beating the drum, of conservatism.
if you find yourself picking out olive beige jumpsuits... well you know...
russia not so big R anymore, there is much cold winter left, is much smaller in soviet union now... you come back one year
nobody's coming to your fuckin' party man... or rally or whatever.
Russia still biggest country on whole planet...

Biggest crooks except for Wall Street.

About that party or whatever...

Everybody welcome!

"March 19 International Day of Action
Los Angeles March & Rally
Saturday, March 19, 12 noon
Gather @ Hollywood & Vine, LA
COOL!.......I've got saturday open......Gonna have to take a trip over there and laugh at you loony bastards.

I'll be the guy across the street going:
Oh look. GP is having a wet dream about communism coming to America. How cute.

russia not so big R anymore, there is much cold winter left, is much smaller in soviet union now... you come back one year
nobody's coming to your fuckin' party man... or rally or whatever.
Russia still biggest country on whole planet...

Biggest crooks except for Wall Street.

About that party or whatever...

Everybody welcome!

"March 19 International Day of Action
Los Angeles March & Rally
Saturday, March 19, 12 noon
Gather @ Hollywood & Vine, LA
COOL!.......I've got saturday open......Gonna have to take a trip over there and laugh at you loony bastards.

I'll be the guy across the street going:
Come one
Come all.

Wear a Dick Cheney mask and a Goldman Sachs blazer.
Russia still biggest country on whole planet...

Biggest crooks except for Wall Street.

About that party or whatever...

Everybody welcome!

"March 19 International Day of Action
Los Angeles March & Rally
Saturday, March 19, 12 noon
Gather @ Hollywood & Vine, LA
COOL!.......I've got saturday open......Gonna have to take a trip over there and laugh at you loony bastards.

I'll be the guy across the street going:
Come one
Come all.

Wear a Dick Cheney mask and a Goldman Sachs blazer.

Jesus H Christ, what are you, 12? :lol:

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