Birth Certificate: Obama's lawyer says forgery so obvious it cannot be used to deter

Because he said he was. Because Hawaii proved he was. Because the quality of his naysayers are in the barrel, the shit barrel that is.
Im not up on this issue,

Man, have you pegged yourself correctly.

What you think does not matter.

The State of Hawaii states the BHO was born there: end of story.

To think anything else is to enter a time warp conspiracy syndrome that defies imagination.

Yep, you live in the bottom of a shit barrel. Sorry to have to say it, but there it is.

Interesting...because a question is asked, that makes someone live in a shit barrel.
I'm sorry you cant read either, maybe you need the same remedial class Gadawg needs to take when it comes to reading comprehension. I have an 8 year old that will help you with that...she reads at a 6th grade level...apparently higher than your capabilities.

Please re-read what was posted, if you need help I will get my daughter to help you understand it.

With your reading comprehension skills as low as they are and you have the right to vote...thats scary.
Interesting ... because you embrace the immorality of unreasoning stubbornness.

You are not, although you pretend to be reasonable, practical or mature.
I would like to play Devil's Advocate here;
I would like to ask his supporters some questions regarding this issue. Im not a birther by any stretch, but a friend asked me these questions and I couldnt answer them with absolute certainty.

1) Pres B.O. nor his attorneys has ever said he was born in the US. only his supporters and pundits have...why do you believe he was if he has never admitted such himself?

2) Pres. B.O. has spent close to $1 million fighting to not show his birth record...if he was born here (as his supporters claim) why is he wasting that money rather than just show the proof?

3) After several dozen legal proceedings, not one has confirmed Pres. B.O. is a citizen, just that he didnt need to show his records (NJ case to be the last). Why do you supporters use that as confirmation that he IS a citizen?

4) Pres. B.O. has a social security number that was issued to a Conn. resident (female) who was born in 1890....Pres. B.O. was issued this Conn. number while living in Hawaii in 1980, The Social Security Administration states that they never reuse the numbers. How did Pres. B.O. get this number?

5) With absolutely no evidence, on only the word of pundits and supporters...not even the man himself...why do you believe Pres. B.O. is a natural born citizen?

BS. Where is there an expert that can testify to anything you claim?
Fact is every birther case has been thrown out of court because NO ONE can verify it.
The social security number claim is so bogus it is hilarious. That claim was refuted years ago in a birther case and the social security administration denies it out right
And you mention "after several legal proceedings":
How come the birthers LOSE EVERY ONE of those legal proceedings?
It gets even better and more hilarious. At every one of those legal proceedings no one on the Obama side shows up to defend the accusations.
And the birthers STILL LOSE.
Pretty bad when you show up for a ball game and the other team does not show up and YOU STILL LOSE.
Guess why they always LOSE?


I vote Republican.

I havent claimed anything...please read the opening lines of that post before you say I claimed anything.
I hate having to educate people on how to read and that words...when put together one after another...form a sentence that has a meaning. Im sorry you decided NOT to read the post in its entirety (not even the opening lines) but rather took an opportunity to try and belittle someone for asking questions. Maybe you should try asking questions once and a while rather than believing you know everything.

Thank you for your time...have a nice day...Schmuck.

You play devil's advocate you just might get another devil in the game.
I read your entire post.
Do not cross the lines Moe if you can not handle a little fun. If you can not handle this milk weak forum stay at home.
Im not up on this issue,

Man, have you pegged yourself correctly.

What you think does not matter.

The State of Hawaii states the BHO was born there: end of story.

To think anything else is to enter a time warp conspiracy syndrome that defies imagination.

Yep, you live in the bottom of a shit barrel. Sorry to have to say it, but there it is.

Interesting...because a question is asked, that makes someone live in a shit barrel.
I'm sorry you cant read either, maybe you need the same remedial class Gadawg needs to take when it comes to reading comprehension. I have an 8 year old that will help you with that...she reads at a 6th grade level...apparently higher than your capabilities.

Please re-read what was posted, if you need help I will get my daughter to help you understand it.

With your reading comprehension skills as low as they are and you have the right to vote...thats scary.

:lol::lol: You 1 funny man.
Now I freely admit I am far, far educated beyond my intelligence but even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see you clearly posted with your fanny straddling both sides of the fence.
"But Obama has spent millions hiding behind his lawyers" you clearly say
As the shit drools out of the other side of your mouth:
"I didn't mean it as I am playing devil's advocate"
We read you loud and clear Moe but your voice sounds like you are in a sewer pipe somewhere. Go back to your spot on the end of the bench with the water bucket wedged between your ears.
Imnukingfutz, if you are what the birfers have as an attack dog, the correct avi is a drunk atttack hamster scratching in the corner trying to find a hole.

If you have offered nothing of substance.
Toro, you disappoint. I didn't exclusively put leftists into that category, nor did I say that the leftists on this board were wrong about the current law of the land regarding the status of anchor babies. Conservatives generally know that and do not dispute it. On the contrary, I emphatically stated that such are natural-born citizens, despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or case law stopping Congress from declaring that all future anchor babies would not be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, an understanding that flies right over the heads of many, an understanding that should alert one to the fact that the majority's claim in Wong Kim Ark that a common-law tradition applied after the ratification of the Constitution is bogus, knowingly and cynically bogus. (That's a think about it for a moment thingy.)

Hello! I know the law inside and out.

I appreciate your knowledge, rationality and obvious conclusion on the birfer issue, but you'd do even better if you laid off the trite and hard-edged ideological bias.

"[T]he trite and hard-edged ideological bias"?

Nonsense. This is a political board dealing with issues and ideas, and entails the struggle among political ideologies, governing philosophies. Leftists certainly do not pull their punches, however limp-wristed and ill-informed they may be. Ideological bias--hard-edged or otherwise--is the going currency here as it is anywhere else in the political arena. Your objection is silly and self-serving. My estimation of progressives is accurate, and the operative word here is contempt.

I am an American patriot. I know the political history and philosophy of her founding and love it, defended it in the field of battle, bled for it. Progressives do not: they despise it, spit on it, assail it at every turn and incessantly attack those who defend it with vicious lies and epithets, including wild and hysterical accusations of racism and corruption for starters. What? Those who defend the notion of limited government so that the individual may live freely, be secure in his property and ideological associations? These are the targets of the progressive's ridicule and scorn?

Progressives are statists. Fact! Progressives are collectivists. Fact! They are bent on erasing the founding principles of this nation from the hearts and minds of its people and replace it with a fawning allegiance to the Nanny State; they aim to obliterate a proud and courageous history, and reduce the masses to a morally depraved and dependent pile of quivering goop. The elite among them are the self-anointed tyrants of old, and the sheep among them assault the defenders of liberty with epithets like racist and fascist as mindlessly as a dog licks its genitals.

Racists? Fascists?

The progressives are the race-baiting whores, obsessed with dividing American into classes and colors and creeds and pitting one against the other. Progressives are the peddlers of abortion on demand and euthanasia, the haters of traditional family values and parental authority. Progressives, obliged by corrupt justices, are the thugs imposing their secular paganism in the public schools in order to encourage the acceptance of the former and undermine the stability of the latter two, because of course a passionate regard for the sanctity of human life, sexual virtue and familial allegiance are the foundations of individual liberty and free-association, an immutable fact of reality well-understood by the elites of American progressivism as it was by the Nazis of Germany and the Communists of the Soviet Union before them.

Trite? You must be outside your mind. jillian's "so many words . . . so much stupidity" and Cowman's "[t]his is all no more silly than the rest of the shit conservatives say" are trite.

My observation that the idolatry of the State--the destruction of all that is sweet and lovely, the end of music and poetry, passion and romance, love and justice, the stuff of every murderous and tyrannical atrocity in human history--is profound, and my contempt for its acolytes, unremitting. Progressivism is the barbarism of mob rule and the criminal proletariat. There is nothing trite about my bias. Unlike some, I have not been lulled to sleep or been desensitized by lefty's counterfeit and profane political and cultural apparatus of hypocrisy, intolerance and greed.
Toro, you disappoint. I didn't exclusively put leftists into that category, nor did I say that the leftists on this board were wrong about the current law of the land regarding the status of anchor babies. Conservatives generally know that and do not dispute it. On the contrary, I emphatically stated that such are natural-born citizens, despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or case law stopping Congress from declaring that all future anchor babies would not be subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, an understanding that flies right over the heads of many, an understanding that should alert one to the fact that the majority's claim in Wong Kim Ark that a common-law tradition applied after the ratification of the Constitution is bogus, knowingly and cynically bogus. (That's a think about it for a moment thingy.)

Hello! I know the law inside and out.

I appreciate your knowledge, rationality and obvious conclusion on the birfer issue, but you'd do even better if you laid off the trite and hard-edged ideological bias.

"[T]he trite and hard-edged ideological bias"?

Nonsense. This is a political board dealing with issues and ideas, and entails the struggle among political ideologies, governing philosophies. Leftists certainly do not pull their punches, however limp-wristed and ill-informed they may be. Ideological bias--hard-edged or otherwise--is the going currency here as it is anywhere else in the political arena. Your objection is silly and self-serving. My estimation of progressives is accurate, and the operative word here is contempt.

I am an American patriot. I know the political history and philosophy of her founding and love it, defended it in the field of battle, bled for it. Progressives do not: they despise it, spit on it, assail it at every turn and incessantly attack those who defend it with vicious lies and epithets, including wild and hysterical accusations of racism and corruption for starters. What? Those who defend the notion of limited government so that the individual may live freely, be secure in his property and ideological associations? These are the targets of the progressive's ridicule and scorn?

Progressives are statists. Fact! Progressives are collectivists. Fact! They are bent on erasing the founding principles of this nation from the hearts and minds of its people and replace it with a fawning allegiance to the Nanny State; they aim to obliterate a proud and courageous history, and reduce the masses to a morally depraved and dependent pile of quivering goop. The elite among them are the self-anointed tyrants of old, and the sheep among them assault the defenders of liberty with epithets like racist and fascist as mindlessly as a dog licks its genitals.

Racists? Fascists?

The progressives are the race-baiting whores, obsessed with dividing American into classes and colors and creeds and pitting one against the other. Progressives are the peddlers of abortion on demand and euthanasia, the haters of traditional family values and parental authority. Progressives, obliged by corrupt justices, are the thugs imposing their secular paganism in the public schools in order to encourage the acceptance of the former and undermine the stability of the latter two, because of course a passionate regard for the sanctity of human life, sexual virtue and familial allegiance are the foundations of individual liberty and free-association, an immutable fact of reality well-understood by the elites of American progressivism as it was by the Nazis of Germany and the Communists of the Soviet Union before them.

Trite? You must be outside your mind. jillian's "so many words . . . so much stupidity" and Cowman's "[t]his is all no more silly than the rest of the shit conservatives say" are trite.

My observation that the idolatry of the State--the destruction of all that is sweet and lovely, the end of music and poetry, passion and romance, love and justice, the stuff of every murderous and tyrannical atrocity in human history--is profound, and my contempt for its acolytes, unremitting. Progressivism is the barbarism of mob rule and the criminal proletariat. There is nothing trite about my bias. Unlike some, I have not been lulled to sleep or been desensitized by lefty's counterfeit and profane political and cultural apparatus of hypocrisy, intolerance and greed.


And kind of silly to boot.

But I admire your conviction.
Bottom line on Obama and just my opinion:
He is a legal citizen and was born in Hawaii, period.
He is a good family man and 100% devoted to them. That is so important to me and I admire him for it.
He has not done an effective job as leader and no offense to him so I do not support him.
I am tired of the lame attacks based on things not related to his job performance.
I hope he makes a lot of dough off of his book in his retirement next year.

My bottom line:

Obama is and has always been an arrogant, condescending bastard. While he is indeed a silly ass, his beliefs are not merely sincerely wrong, his policies well-meaning failures. Throughout his life he has made it abundantly clear that he despises the historic American ethos. He's a statist thug, a cynical political operative who intended all along to saddle the people with a staggering national debt, the ball and chain of governmental largesse, dependency and confiscatory taxation tethered to the wealth and liberty of future generations. That's the whole point! His hopey-change was never anything but the rhetoric of camouflage.

This Pollyannaish, moralizing little prick does not get a pass from me simply because he faithfully loves his wife and children, for simply doing what he's supposed to do in that regard, while he simultaneously promotes policies and programs that systematically destroy the families and livelihoods of the "benighted" masses, the working poor and middleclass, at which he looks down his nose.
I would like to play Devil's Advocate here;
I would like to ask his supporters some questions regarding this issue. Im not a birther by any stretch, but a friend asked me these questions and I couldnt answer them with absolute certainty.

1) Pres B.O. nor his attorneys has ever said he was born in the US. only his supporters and pundits have...why do you believe he was if he has never admitted such himself?

2) Pres. B.O. has spent close to $1 million fighting to not show his birth record...if he was born here (as his supporters claim) why is he wasting that money rather than just show the proof?

3) After several dozen legal proceedings, not one has confirmed Pres. B.O. is a citizen, just that he didnt need to show his records (NJ case to be the last). Why do you supporters use that as confirmation that he IS a citizen?

4) Pres. B.O. has a social security number that was issued to a Conn. resident (female) who was born in 1890....Pres. B.O. was issued this Conn. number while living in Hawaii in 1980, The Social Security Administration states that they never reuse the numbers. How did Pres. B.O. get this number?

5) With absolutely no evidence, on only the word of pundits and supporters...not even the man himself...why do you believe Pres. B.O. is a natural born citizen?

Tell your friend to read this and stop bothering grown ups with silly questions: Prufrock's Lair: A House of Cards: the Case Against the Birther Movement
M. D., I am going to vote for Romney.

If enough people are reacting like you to BHO, he will win hands down.

If he is elected again, he now knows who to say "This is going to happen".

He will not try to get along, he will get his way.

Either both parties learn to govern together, or it will BHO and the Dems.
By Dan Crosby
April 12, 2012

Obama Lawyer Admits Forgery But Disregards "image" As Indication Of Obama’s Ineligibility

Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”. Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate....

Hill, of Genova, Burn & Giantomasi Attorneys in Newark, made a desperate motion to dismiss the ballot objection arguing that Obama’s lack of natural-born citizenship status was not relevant to being placed on the New Jersey presidential ballot because no law exists in New Jersey which says that a candidate’s appearance on the ballot must be supported by evidence of natural born citizenship status. Only the U.S. constitution restricts eligibility to hold the office of president to natural born citizens....

Judge Masin denied the motion to dismiss and the case proceeded to trial.

Obama’s document forgery and fraudulent presidency have now forced him to flee to a “strange twilight zone” between political popularity and legal legitimacy where poorly counterfeited records are apparently allowed to be published by Obama using government media resources for political purposes, yet those same records are held by the courts as irrelevant for determining Obama’s legal eligibility status because they are, according to judges, “so poorly forged” they are obviously meant to be satirical and not to be taken seriously as evidence.

(The rest of Crosby's article can be found at the link shown below.)

Before It's News

Well, I guess all you Obamabots who made fun of the “birthers” have some explaining to do. Actually, the evidence of forgery was so compelling I cannot understand how anyone could have actually believed the documents were authentic. You Obamabots are looking more and more foolish with each passing day.

Professor, did you read the "featured" stories from your "source"?

Before It's News :: FEATURED

You might want to check these out. And next time, get something more reliable:

I should not have bothered Obama's loyal supporters with the truth. At a date to be determined later, I will hold a press conference during which I will apologize profusely. Sure I will.

What is really pathetic, but in a humorous sort of way, is that the Obamabots don't realize that the object of their adoration, yea, veneration, has called them stupid. By admitting that the alleged birth certificate was an obviously sham, Obama has confirmed that his defenders were the only ones who didn't get it. And most likely never will.

At least the issue is settled. The birth certificate is phony as hell, and that is by Obama's admission. What gets me is how easily the Obamabots were deceived. You didn't have to be a document examiner to know that the birth certificate was a forgery. When I saw that the document listed the race of Obama's father as “African” I laughed out loud. But the Obamabots would not have wavered from their faith even if his father was listed as “Klingon.”

So the question remains for Obama's stalwart defenders: Why would your glorious leader circulate a phony birth certificate if a legitimate one really existed? Yeh, like I really expect an answer, silly me.

To all the Obamabots: When birthers tried to tell you Obama's birth certificate was a forgery, you called them stupid and even crazy Well, if you want to see stupid and crazy look in a mirror. Now apologize to the birthers, got Corsi's book (you know, the one you ridiculed even though you never read it), and try to think for yourself for a change.
The birth certificate is not a sham, but The Professor certainly is a con man, albeit an incredibly dull one.

For shame, can't you do better than that? You not even good entertainment.
Before I posted this article, I checked it out. I saw several article on "before It's News" and other sites. I even checked out the author of the ariticle I quoted. Everything seemed legit. However, I am having difficulty finding all my original links. Here's all that I could find that gave the specific language I quoted: - Tea Party News by and for Tea Party Members | Blog | Categories | Evidence-of-natural-born-citizenship-status

Here is a portion of the report from, Mario Apuzzo the attorney representing The People in the NJ case:

"After calling to the witness stand Mr. Moran and Mr. Purpura, who gave testimony as to why they brought the ballot challenge, and introducing documents showing there is a question as to Mr. Obama’s identity, I called Brian Wilcox to testify as an internet image expert. Mr. Wilcox was going to testify on how the Obama April 27, 2011, long-form birth certificate has been altered and manipulated either by computer software or by a human or both, producing a forged documents, and that since the image is not reliable, we need to see the original paper version. Obama’s lawyer objected to my proffered testimony. I then offered that I would not need to have Mr. Wilcox testify, provided that Obama stipulated that the internet image of his birth certificate could not be used as evidence by either Judge Masin or the New Jersey Secretary of States and that he presented to the court or the Secretary of State no other evidence of his identity or place of birth. Judge Masin also asked Obama’s attorney whether she would so stipulate. She did so stipulate, agreeing that both the court and the Secretary of State cannot rely on the internet birth certificate as evidence of Obama’s place of birth and that Obama has produced no other evidence to the court regarding his place of birth."

By stipulating that the birth certificate offered by Obama could not be used to prove citizenship, Obama's attorney admitted it was forged. Am I the only one here who has noticed that when citizenship is an issue, Obama will say anything, do anything - EXCEPT - offer proof of his birth? Do you guys get it?

OK, I am done with this one.

Bye bye.

NJ Ballot Access Challenge Hearing Update
Before I posted this article, I checked it out. I saw several article on "before It's News" and other sites. I even checked out the author of the ariticle I quoted. Everything seemed legit. However, I am having difficulty finding all my original links. Here's all that I could find that gave the specific language I quoted: - Tea Party News by and for Tea Party Members | Blog | Categories | Evidence-of-natural-born-citizenship-status

Here is a portion of the report from, Mario Apuzzo the attorney representing The People in the NJ case:

"After calling to the witness stand Mr. Moran and Mr. Purpura, who gave testimony as to why they brought the ballot challenge, and introducing documents showing there is a question as to Mr. Obama’s identity, I called Brian Wilcox to testify as an internet image expert. Mr. Wilcox was going to testify on how the Obama April 27, 2011, long-form birth certificate has been altered and manipulated either by computer software or by a human or both, producing a forged documents, and that since the image is not reliable, we need to see the original paper version. Obama’s lawyer objected to my proffered testimony. I then offered that I would not need to have Mr. Wilcox testify, provided that Obama stipulated that the internet image of his birth certificate could not be used as evidence by either Judge Masin or the New Jersey Secretary of States and that he presented to the court or the Secretary of State no other evidence of his identity or place of birth. Judge Masin also asked Obama’s attorney whether she would so stipulate. She did so stipulate, agreeing that both the court and the Secretary of State cannot rely on the internet birth certificate as evidence of Obama’s place of birth and that Obama has produced no other evidence to the court regarding his place of birth."

By stipulating that the birth certificate offered by Obama could not be used to prove citizenship, Obama's attorney admitted it was forged. Am I the only one here who has noticed that when citizenship is an issue, Obama will say anything, do anything - EXCEPT - offer proof of his birth? Do you guys get it?

OK, I am done with this one.

Bye bye.

NJ Ballot Access Challenge Hearing Update
My guess will be that you're NOT done with this. BTW, my name has nothing to do with me being an Obama supporter. I think he's a shitty President and did NOT vote for him.
Man, have you pegged yourself correctly.

What you think does not matter.

The State of Hawaii states the BHO was born there: end of story.

To think anything else is to enter a time warp conspiracy syndrome that defies imagination.

Yep, you live in the bottom of a shit barrel. Sorry to have to say it, but there it is.

Interesting...because a question is asked, that makes someone live in a shit barrel.
I'm sorry you cant read either, maybe you need the same remedial class Gadawg needs to take when it comes to reading comprehension. I have an 8 year old that will help you with that...she reads at a 6th grade level...apparently higher than your capabilities.

Please re-read what was posted, if you need help I will get my daughter to help you understand it.

With your reading comprehension skills as low as they are and you have the right to vote...thats scary.

:lol::lol: You 1 funny man.
Now I freely admit I am far, far educated beyond my intelligence but even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder can see you clearly posted with your fanny straddling both sides of the fence.
"But Obama has spent millions hiding behind his lawyers" you clearly say
As the shit drools out of the other side of your mouth:
"I didn't mean it as I am playing devil's advocate"
We read you loud and clear Moe but your voice sounds like you are in a sewer pipe somewhere. Go back to your spot on the end of the bench with the water bucket wedged between your ears.

Read the post on what it said....they were questions asked to me that I could not give a definitive answer to.

Didnt you also see the phrase - playing Devils Advocate.

Holy crap...did I join onto a web site full of people who cant read?
I should not have bothered Obama's loyal supporters with the truth. At a date to be determined later, I will hold a press conference during which I will apologize profusely. Sure I will.

What is really pathetic, but in a humorous sort of way, is that the Obamabots don't realize that the object of their adoration, yea, veneration, has called them stupid. By admitting that the alleged birth certificate was an obviously sham, Obama has confirmed that his defenders were the only ones who didn't get it. And most likely never will.

At least the issue is settled. The birth certificate is phony as hell, and that is by Obama's admission. What gets me is how easily the Obamabots were deceived. You didn't have to be a document examiner to know that the birth certificate was a forgery. When I saw that the document listed the race of Obama's father as “African” I laughed out loud. But the Obamabots would not have wavered from their faith even if his father was listed as “Klingon.”

So the question remains for Obama's stalwart defenders: Why would your glorious leader circulate a phony birth certificate if a legitimate one really existed? Yeh, like I really expect an answer, silly me.

To all the Obamabots: When birthers tried to tell you Obama's birth certificate was a forgery, you called them stupid and even crazy Well, if you want to see stupid and crazy look in a mirror. Now apologize to the birthers, got Corsi's book (you know, the one you ridiculed even though you never read it), and try to think for yourself for a change.

If it is "phony as hell" then cough up the evidence.
Mr. Professor.
I vote Republican and just sent Romney a big check.
Anyone that believes the birth certificate is a forgery is "stupid and even crazy."
After 4 years of this WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?
You are a birtherbot.

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