Bill would cut lawmaker pay until Congress eliminates the deficit

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is a good idea seeing as how the voters obviously aren't up to the task of doing what's needed, but it will never pass.

A House bill introduced this week would cut lawmakers’ salaries each year until they find a way to eliminate the federal budget deficit.

Under freshman Rep. Rod Blum’s (R-Iowa) measure, lawmaker pay would go down by 5 percent for the first year and an additional 10 percent each successive year.

“For the sake of our children and grandchildren who will be stuck paying off our $19 trillion debt, it’s time we make our politicians face the reality of our fiscal crisis by hitting them where it counts: their own pocketbook,” Blum said in a statement.

Bill would cut lawmaker pay until Congress eliminates the deficit
Zero pay, volunteer job. Two term limit. Staff too. No more fun and games for these thieves.
Zero pay, volunteer job. Two term limit. Staff too. No more fun and games for these thieves.
One 2 weeks session/year. There is no need for them to sit around year around and come up with fucking new laws out of boredom to fuck things up more and more.
Zero pay, volunteer job. Two term limit. Staff too. No more fun and games for these thieves.

Run with that as your campaign promises. Good luck!

The only people who can get elected under that system is if they are independently wealthy.
Not necessarily. One 2 weeks session... all expenses paid. Throughout the rest of the year earning their living like the rest of us.
Zero pay, volunteer job. Two term limit. Staff too. No more fun and games for these thieves.

Run with that as your campaign promises. Good luck!

The only people who can get elected under that system is if they are independently wealthy.
Not necessarily. One 2 weeks session... all expenses paid. Throughout the rest of the year earning their living like the rest of us.

Two weeks? Bernie Sanders, is that you?
Completely unrealistic idea
Why do you need Representatives sitting around in D.C. year around? They are bored to death and are coming up with stupid shit to kill time and look important. Senators are a different story.
Though I like the spirit behind the legislation, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference as most people go to Congress to make more than their base salary.
Yup no chance. A bill that says they say their pay only increases if they cut the deficit would have better chance, even then good luck with that. The last thing they want is to be responsible for anything.
Zero pay, volunteer job. Two term limit. Staff too. No more fun and games for these thieves.

Run with that as your campaign promises. Good luck!

The only people who can get elected under that system is if they are independently wealthy.
Not necessarily. One 2 weeks session... all expenses paid. Throughout the rest of the year earning their living like the rest of us.
Or go on welfare and food stamps. They're the ones who created free shit.
One 2 weeks session/year.

Yeah, because we didn't get our fill of passing bills before we read them when Obamacare came through the pipes.

State legislatures don't even sit for so short a time period. You expect the federal legislature to sit for only two weeks? I guess you don't want Congress exercising any oversight over Executive agencies. No need to actually debate and discuss bills. Just vote. If you don't know how to vote on a bill, just pick something. Flip a coin, even.
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Completely unrealistic idea
Why do you need Representatives sitting around in D.C. year around? They are bored to death and are coming up with stupid shit to kill time and look important. Senators are a different story.

If you seriously think the nation's business can be conducted two weeks out of the year I'm not even wasting my time trying to have a discussion with you.
One 2 weeks session/year.

Yeah, because we didn't get our fill of passing bills before we read them when Obamacare came through the pipes.

State legislatures don't even sit for so short a time period. You expect the federal legislature to sit for only two weeks? I guess you don't want Congress exercising any oversight over Executive agencies. No need to actually debate and discuss bills. Just vote. If you don't know how to vote on a bill, just pick something. Flip a coin, even.
It worked real well in the past 7 years. (What happened to the frog with the banjo? I miss him.:()
I'll tell you how I'd get us out of the deficit.
1. Close the loop holes. 700 billion dollars was stuck in the last budget in tax breaks for the rich. Remove this crap.
2. Get our troops out of germany, japan and south korea. Close the bases down. Cut the military 80-100 billion.
3. Go back to pre-recession levels of welfare and cut unemployment insurance down to pre-recession.

I wouldn't touch a red cent of infrastructure, science, r&d and education as they're drivers of our economy. Touching them would weaken our ability to pay down the debt.

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