Bill Reimburses States For Illegal Alien Costs Using Feds' Foreign Aid Funds


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This makes sense. The bill would require that money normally sent abroad in foreign aid would be redirected to states to cover the cost of dealing with illegal aliens. Supposedly the money is meant to help people in other countries, so if they come here, the money needs to stay here. We send too much out anyway and most doesn't even help the people who live under dictators.

The federal government has chosen to not only ignore federal immigration laws, but to encourage people to break them. Then the states are forced to deal with the cost of housing, feeding, educating and providing health care for illegal aliens. A lot of cities were overwhelmed when Obama randomly sent thousands of illegals all over the country without giving states a choice and it didn't seem to matter if they were ready to accommodate so many people or not.

Bill Reimburses States for Illegal Alien Costs Using Feds' Foreign Aid Funds
good grief, Just abolish all state governments. We now have a central master, the federal government
good grief, Just abolish all state governments. We now have a central master, the federal government

That is the goal of the left. They love central planning and micromanaging. This whole freedom thing really sticks in their craw. Some find it agreeable to simply have a handful of dictators telling the country what to do. They just can't abide by having people with different views who want to live their lives the way they see fit. Narcissists think no one else's opinion matters.

Of course, the far left wants to go even further and have a world government where the entire planet will be controlled by a few. They dream of the day when a select few make all the rules and accept no input from others.

Right now we are sending billions each year to dictators and everyone pretends that it will help the poor people in countries. We all know that the money is used as dictators see fit, which is beefing up their own quality of life and spending it on their military and such.

We should cut off aid to anyone who oppresses their people, which is probably the majority we help.

While we cut good people from our military and replace them with low paid recruits, some who are illegal aliens, we find money to give to the evil Muslim Brotherhood and others. I always ask whose side our government is on.
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Iagree the funds should go to the states to help with the costs of immigrants legal and illegal. However that money should come without the strings.

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