Bill O`Reilly Debates Colin Powell--8:00 ET

General Powell knows right from wrong and is not afraid to stand behind the party that best exemplifies that!. He had issues with the strategies used by the Repubs to keep people of color from voting. He had issues with republicans playing the race card by resisting everything Obama wanted to do. Powell did not ignore the racist innuendos and comments emanating from the core of his party. His brand of conservatism melded with those who use the word to mean liberty and justice for all!
What evidence do you have that a respected general and former secretary of state is a racist? That's a fairly strong allegation.

As osama has proven and now Powell is too, you are the asshole you hang out with........

sitting by people at state occasions makes someone a racist?

No that just makes him a democrat, I don't know a single conservative who could sit with Nancy and Osama.
Sitting with that racist pile of shit loopy Louis surrounded by his very gay gang of dimwit.........yes,

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