Bill-O Da Klown Has Lost His Cotton Pickin' Mind


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
He's out here demanding that free citizens perform for Herr Trump or else.

Every night he claims he doesn't speculate, but that's all he's being doing tonight...speculating on "the fear" people are experiencing at the thought of performing for Herr Trump. According to him, when and if summoned, free citizens ought to perform for Herr Trump for "the good of the country."

I mean...What da what!?!?

Krauthammer had to set his radical rightwing A$$ straight...

Bill O’Reilly Blames Lack of Entertainers at Inauguration on ‘Reverse McCarthyism’
‘You Are Not Summoned to Perform For the King’: Krauthammer Battles O’Reilly on Inauguration Performers

"Reverse McCarthyism"....SMH!!!
first its reverse racism now its reverse mccarthyism, whats next reverse transphobia? lol Fox news is such retarded nazi news network
He's out here demanding that free citizens perform for Herr Trump or else.

Every night he claims he doesn't speculate, but that's all he's being doing tonight...speculating on "the fear" people are experiencing at the thought of performing for Herr Trump. According to him, when and if summoned, free citizens ought to perform for Herr Trump for "the good of the country."

I mean...What da what!?!?

Krauthammer had to set his radical rightwing A$$ straight...

Bill O’Reilly Blames Lack of Entertainers at Inauguration on ‘Reverse McCarthyism’
‘You Are Not Summoned to Perform For the King’: Krauthammer Battles O’Reilly on Inauguration Performers

"Reverse McCarthyism"....SMH!!!
Why the "Herr"?
first its reverse racism now its reverse mccarthyism, whats next reverse transphobia? lol Fox news is such retarded nazi news network
Let's see, you call Fox News "nazi", so that means there is no such thing as "reverse racism". Ok, got it. Great argument, as always.
This stuff is merely a symptom of a much larger issue - the fact that nasty, narcissistic partisan politics has now seeped into every part of our society, even entertainment, even our freaking restaurants. The two ends of the spectrum should be ashamed at what they've done, but they're not, of course.

O'Reilly is a goof, but he doesn't say in that clip that someone must perform, just that they should respect the process.

My candidate lost. Oh well. I've gotten over it. Sheesh.
Americans need to view Fox media with a critical eye. They slant every story and the frequent listener may as well live in a cave for all the stories are biased and often bigoted. Democrats and sane republicans as well as independents should in a presumably open society get both sides of the story. Other media stations go out their way to present opposing views. When republicans screw up Obamacare their next target is Medicare, Social Security and then regulatory structure to follow. We've entered the world of crony democracy, let Trump pay himself from your taxes as he uses his facilities and he'll let Ryan and others screw the working American over and over again. You'd think people would learn.

The Coming Assault on Social Security

The Democrats Won’t Fight Trump, Will You?

Life in Post Truth America - Does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none.
He's out here demanding that free citizens perform for Herr Trump or else.

Every night he claims he doesn't speculate, but that's all he's being doing tonight...speculating on "the fear" people are experiencing at the thought of performing for Herr Trump. According to him, when and if summoned, free citizens ought to perform for Herr Trump for "the good of the country."

I mean...What da what!?!?

Krauthammer had to set his radical rightwing A$$ straight...

Bill O’Reilly Blames Lack of Entertainers at Inauguration on ‘Reverse McCarthyism’
‘You Are Not Summoned to Perform For the King’: Krauthammer Battles O’Reilly on Inauguration Performers

"Reverse McCarthyism"....SMH!!!
Why the "Herr"?
Is that not how Herrs behave?

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This stuff is merely a symptom of a much larger issue - the fact that nasty, narcissistic partisan politics has now seeped into every part of our society, even entertainment, even our freaking restaurants. The two ends of the spectrum should be ashamed at what they've done, but they're not, of course.

O'Reilly is a goof, but he doesn't say in that clip that someone must perform, just that they should respect the process.

My candidate lost. Oh well. I've gotten over it. Sheesh.
O'Reilly almost never outright says something that's controversial. He's too much of a weasel to do that. He's the master of tap dancing around the edges of a thing and suggesting a thing in order to have "plausible deniability." Remember the "Tiller the baby-killer" fiasco?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Americans need to view Fox media with a critical eye. They slant every story and the frequent listener may as well live in a cave for all the stories are biased and often bigoted. Democrats and sane republicans as well as independents should in a presumably open society get both sides of the story. Other media stations go out their way to present opposing views. When republicans screw up Obamacare their next target is Medicare, Social Security and then regulatory structure to follow. We've entered the world of crony democracy, let Trump pay himself from your taxes as he uses his facilities and he'll let Ryan and others screw the working American over and over again. You'd think people would learn.

The Coming Assault on Social Security

The Democrats Won’t Fight Trump, Will You?

Life in Post Truth America - Does anyone find it ironic that the man who will now travel on your taxes pays none.

What a load of bullshit. They get some quasi-center-center-center-center-right idiot and parade him around as a conservative/libertarian/whatever and claim to be "balanced"

Lies are bad, but this is a stupid lie.
At least have a losers Ball where sychophants can call her madam president cause she won ya k ow, she can dance with girls and gays.......
He's out here demanding that free citizens perform for Herr Trump or else.

Every night he claims he doesn't speculate, but that's all he's being doing tonight...speculating on "the fear" people are experiencing at the thought of performing for Herr Trump. According to him, when and if summoned, free citizens ought to perform for Herr Trump for "the good of the country."

I mean...What da what!?!?

Krauthammer had to set his radical rightwing A$$ straight...

Bill O’Reilly Blames Lack of Entertainers at Inauguration on ‘Reverse McCarthyism’
‘You Are Not Summoned to Perform For the King’: Krauthammer Battles O’Reilly on Inauguration Performers

"Reverse McCarthyism"....SMH!!!
Why the "Herr"?
Is that not how Herrs behave?

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Ok, just wanted to confirm the anti-German bigotry.

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