
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Bill de Blasio. The man who went to Nicaragua on his honeymoon so that he could help the communist Sandinistas defeat the Contras (illustrates how much respect he had for his wife - typical of that side of the aisle). And today he sits in the New York City Mayor's mansion while tens of thousands go homeless in his city.

Why hasn't he opened the doors to the mansion and invited every last homeless person in (including illegals)? Why does a man - who insists on the "share the wealth" philosophy - sleep comfortably every night in a mansion while tens of thousands a freezing outside, homeless? :dunno:

Folks...this is who they are. A bunch of greedy, selfish, oppressive dictators who want to live like Saddam Hussein while you live like kurds in northern Iraq. Mansions for them, scraps for you (and worse if you don't continue to blindly support them).

Homeless protest hits mayor’s mansion in New York City – here’s what they’re demanding
DeBlasio loves that the homeless are back at Grand Central, it shows he cares, or something
Bill de Blasio. The man who went to Nicaragua on his honeymoon so that he could help the communist Sandinistas defeat the Contras (illustrates how much respect he had for his wife - typical of that side of the aisle).
Just can't help littering your posts with lies, can you? He was in Nicaragua in '88, but didn't get married until '94. I guess lies are typical for your side of the aisle.
Bill de Blasio. The man who went to Nicaragua on his honeymoon so that he could help the communist Sandinistas defeat the Contras (illustrates how much respect he had for his wife - typical of that side of the aisle). And today he sits in the New York City Mayor's mansion while tens of thousands go homeless in his city.

Why hasn't he opened the doors to the mansion and invited every last homeless person in (including illegals)? Why does a man - who insists on the "share the wealth" philosophy - sleep comfortably every night in a mansion while tens of thousands a freezing outside, homeless? :dunno:

Folks...this is who they are. A bunch of greedy, selfish, oppressive dictators who want to live like Saddam Hussein while you live like kurds in northern Iraq. Mansions for them, scraps for you (and worse if you don't continue to blindly support them).

Homeless protest hits mayor’s mansion in New York City – here’s what they’re demanding
Are you a stinkin' Communist? Cuz you sure sound like one.
Bill de Blasio. The man who went to Nicaragua on his honeymoon so that he could help the communist Sandinistas defeat the Contras (illustrates how much respect he had for his wife - typical of that side of the aisle).
Just can't help littering your posts with lies, can you? He was in Nicaragua in '88, but didn't get married until '94. I guess lies are typical for your side of the aisle.

So you're saying he lets all the homeless stay in the mansion? Good to know.
Bill de Blasio. The man who went to Nicaragua on his honeymoon so that he could help the communist Sandinistas defeat the Contras (illustrates how much respect he had for his wife - typical of that side of the aisle).
Just can't help littering your posts with lies, can you? He was in Nicaragua in '88, but didn't get married until '94. I guess lies are typical for your side of the aisle.
So you're saying he lets all the homeless stay in the mansion? Good to know.
Where did I say that? Oh that's right, your side doesn't consider lying to be a bad thing. It's just another virtue along with "pussy grabbing" in the Age of Trump!
He was in Nicaragua in '88, but didn't get married until '94.
Oops! My bad. His communist activities in Nicaragua were before his honeymoon. It was Cuba for his honeymoon. A nation that was under travel ban at the time for sanctions. And he broke the law.

But hey, despite the fact that a devout communist now runs the most powerful city in the United States, lets focus on me getting his honeymoon wrong. Because that's the important thing here.

You're SUCH a DICK, comrade konradv. It takes such a disingenuous dick to get "outraged" over the slight inaccuracy about an irrelevant issue just to intentionally ignore the major issue.
Who jumped from the Sandinistas to the homeless in NYC? Nice try, shortbus. :laugh2:
Snowflake...that is the topic. The communist Sandinista sympathizer refusing to shelter the homeless in his mansion.

I can't tell if you're really this stupid or this disingenuous. :laugh:
He was in Nicaragua in '88, but didn't get married until '94.
Oops! My bad. His communist activities in Nicaragua were before his honeymoon. It was Cuba for his honeymoon. A nation that was under travel ban at the time for sanctions. And he broke the law. But hey, despite the fact that a devout communist now runs the most powerful city in the United States, lets focus on me getting his honeymoon wrong. Because that's the important thing here. You're SUCH a DICK, comrade konradv. It takes such a disingenuous dick to get "outraged" over the slight inaccuracy about an irrelevant issue just to intentionally ignore the major issue.
You're lying again. You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist". As for outrage, ever looked in a mirror?
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
You mean other than his own acknowledgement of his commitment to communism?
“I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it
Yeah...every American dreams of a day where government will decide for them who gets to live in a building. It’s ok, comrade konradv. Keep being an immature little dick. I’ll keep running circles around you with facts.

New York City’s Mayor Dreams of a Communist Future
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
You mean other than his own acknowledgement of his commitment to communism?
in every kind of community, that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs.”
I’ll let the author own you on this one...
Notice the mayor’s not so subtle allusion to Marx who wrote, “to each according to his need.”
Yeah...every American dreams of a day where government will plan out all of society and their entire lives, for them. Like I said, comrade konradv, keep being an immature little dick. I’ll keep embarrassing you with facts.

New York City’s Mayor Dreams of a Communist Future
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
You mean other than his own acknowledgement of his commitment to communism?
"It's funny, you called him a Democrat. If it was up to him he would be a communist,"
Gee comrade konradv...it would appear to rational, educated, logical people that I have mountains of “evidence” that he is a devout communist. But hey, you just keep on being the immature little dick that you are. It’s doing wonders for both you and your reputation here! :laugh:

Sam Nunberg: Bill De Blasio Is a 'Communist'
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
You mean other than his own acknowledgement of his commitment to communism?
Historian Ron Radosh describes de Blasio as: (a) “a far left radical whose ancestors are the New Left and the Communists”; and (b) “a bona fide red diaper baby” who, “like many of his generation … kept his parents’ … pro-Communist politics not far from his heart.”
Gee comrade konradv...it would appear to rational, educated, logical people that I have mountains of “evidence” that he is a devout communist. But hey, you just keep on being the immature little dick that you are. It’s doing wonders for both you and your reputation here! :laugh:

Discover the Networks | Bill de Blasio
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
You mean other than his own acknowledgement of his commitment to communism?
Historian Ron Radosh describes de Blasio as: (a) “a far left radical whose ancestors are the New Left and the Communists”; and (b) “a bona fide red diaper baby” who, “like many of his generation … kept his parents’ … pro-Communist politics not far from his heart.”
Gee comrade konradv...it would appear to rational, educated, logical people that I have mountains of “evidence” that he is a devout communist. But hey, you just keep on being the immature little dick that you are. It’s doing wonders for both you and your reputation here! :laugh:

Discover the Networks | Bill de Blasio
Seems I've gotten under your skin. You're like a child that keeps acting out until someone pays attention. I hope this holds you, TTFN. :bye1:
You have NO evidence he's a "devout communist".
Folks...nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Comrade Konradv says there is “no evidence” that Bill de Blasio is a communist so there is “no evidence” that Bill de Blasio is a communist.

Comrade Konradv knows how to put his head in the sand. You need to learn as well. Just ignore posts #15, #16, #17, #18 because...well... comrade Konradv doesn’t like to accept reality and doesn’t want you to either!

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