Bill Cosby Sentencing Thread


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Please place ALL threads concerning Bill Cosby and his sentencing in this thread

Pennsylvania should probably build a special cell block for Ultraliberal Archcriminals.

Cos will join the state's rogues gallery which include Kermit Gosnell, Jerry Sandusky, Mumia Abu Jamal and Ira Einhorn.

No other state has so many far left nogoodniks under lock and key
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Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.
Bill Cosby is far left? Nice swipe at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, though.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

2004 isn't 30 years

Cosby has been classified as a violent sexual predator and they merged all charges. He's now facing 10 years
Bill Cosby is far left? Nice swipe at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, though.

Cosby did endorse B Hussein O for President, the furthest left president we ever had

Which is odd b/c I remember hearing and reading that Cosby was being attacked for daring to be a conservative.

Hell, many even on this forum consdiered Cosby to be a conservative. Search his name and see for yourself.

Frankly, I don’t give two figs about his political leanings. He’s a creep and now has to face the consequences of his actions.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.



btw: I feel allegations are now convictions. Not that this matters in sex crimes.
Most of Cosby's accusers had their claims dismissed due to lying. One woman made a particularly nasty claim of violent rape. She was stupid and actually made up a date. Cos and wife were out of the country. Out of all those women, there are now three.

Bet he gets house arrest.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Allegations were made by multiple adults while Cosby was an adult. False equivalency. At least you're consistently stupid. I recommend a college education.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Allegations were made by multiple adults while Cosby was an adult. False equivalency. At least you're consistently stupid. I recommend a college education.

Crimes, aka criminal acts, are crimes no matter what age. Just under 18 years old they
get a pass. Or should they for sex crimes?
Stealing a car for a joyride. The car is not going to be emotionally damaged for life. Or at all.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Cosby was found guilty in a court of law, by a unanimous vote of 12 Angry Men.

There were actually witnesses as to day, time, place.
What really affected the guilty verdict was less from witnesses and far more from a contemporaneous deposition where Cosby admitted giving women quaaludes, alcohol and having sex with them.
Do USMB Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives wish Cosby to be let off too? You know, being as how these allegations are 30+ year old and everything.

Allegations were made by multiple adults while Cosby was an adult. False equivalency. At least you're consistently stupid. I recommend a college education.

Crimes, aka criminal acts, are crimes no matter what age. Just under 18 years old they
get a pass. Or should they for sex crimes?
Stealing a car for a joyride. The car is not going to be emotionally damaged for life. Or at all.

Adults are more credible. A drunk kid at 15 is not credible.

The Left is insane. They aren't asking for jail time but want him off the SC. NO ONE on these boards has even mentioned jail time. Because they know this is bogus BS.
These are democrat lies. An orchestrated smear campaign. It's their method. It has worked so far.

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