Bill Clinton Finally speaks the truth

There are Christian groups in Muslim nations and have been since before the Muslims...

In some Muslim nations, and that's entirely because there were run by secular governments.
You saw how Europe was when ruled by Papal decree..they were like total assholes, even to other Christians, and after the Reformation and the Counter Reformation, you could be killed for being Christian, by a Christian, now is that wac?
I don't think President Clinton meant that every Muslim who immigrates to the West believes in the violent extremism that killed those cartoonist.

“I think it can be rooted out if, and only if, the modernizing Muslims, the Arab Emirates, for example, Oman, which has tried to be a force in movng away from this, will do what they should do.”
BJ Bubba is right, but is the Left listening or even reporting his comments to any significant degree?

Many on the Left scream about what they consider intolerance in the West, all the while ignoring the much greater intolerance in the Muslim world. Saudia Arabia has executed 15 people already in 2015...many by beheading them in public....and the Left is silent. Their silence indicates something.

For all his many faults Slick Willie is a smart, savvy, pragmatic political animal. His best years, in the aftermath of Hillary constantly away and out of his hair as Sec. of State, could be ahead of him if he can somehow help drag her fat ass into our White House to be totally tied up with the duties of office while he sets his libido monitor to Hi and selects a relatively young age demographic for at least four years of happy hunting.

However, to achieve his goal Willie has to be sure Ms. Pants Suit's campaign takes advantage of any and all opportunities to publicly disagree on variou issues such as this one. She and all dimocrat '16 candidates will have the stench of the rotting Obama albatros hanging around their necks when trying to convince certain segments of the electorate they should vote for them. You know...more of the same dimocrat "leadership" for the future.

Thus the plan has to be to try to distance candidate Clinton from the national/international mess Barry will be leaving behind for the benefit of his party and those of us outside their booby hatch. And that's exactly what Cigar Man is doing here, giving the "Clintons" slant on Muslim extremism vs. the drivel we get now and then from some spokesdope of Barry's administration, a world void of certain terms or phrases in favor of PC politi-speak mumbo jumbo.

All in all a good performance by Billie Jefferson and not the last we'll hear. He's got a lot at stake in this so I expect he'll work his ass off for a couple of years. Heck, a sixteen-year-old now will be legal by Inauguration Day!

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