Bill clinton calls OBAMACARE, "CRAZIEST THING IN THE WORLD"...HUFPO tries to spin it.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Calm Down -- Bill Clinton Didn't Say Obamacare Is Terrible | Huffington Post

This article is's a must read. they are trying to tell you that WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON screwed up on the campaign trail and we SHOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM.

From the article:

"A CNN report published Tuesday begins this way:

Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama’s signature policy reform while on the stump for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world.”

That quotation, while accurate, doesn’t fully portray Bill Clinton’s argument for keeping the Affordable Care Act ― which has extended health coverage to 20 million people and cut the uninsured rate to a historic low ― and enhancing it with policies proposed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign."
.Jesus Christ...what a bunch of pathetic bullshit, trying to twist Bill's VERY CLEAR statement. This article is absolutely insulting and I am pretty sure no one is stupid enough to fall for this shit....then again....millennials.

Funny how the HUFPO never includes the full quote from Trump on how many Mexicans are wonderful people, but they try to explain away BILL CLINTON BLASTING OBAMACARE.

HUFPO really thinks we are all stupid.
ll clinton calls Obama, "CRAZIEST THING IN THE WORLD"...HUFPO tries to spin it.

He called ObamaCARE the craziest thing in the world. With good justification.

But it's crazy only if you assume that the leftists' goal was to provide good medical coverage, as they claimed.

In fact, their goal was to put a half-a$$ed policy into place, force people to take it, let it fail, and then say, "Gee, only the government can fix this." At which time they put fully socialized medicine (aka "Single Payer") into place, and force people to take THAT.

In fact, govt medical care IS crazy. It's also unconstitutional. But that doesn't matter to liberals. Their plan is working just fine.
It's worth noting that in 1993, his wife tried to implement essentially the same thing. Normal Americans were so repelled by her plan, that they voted Democrats out of majorities in both the U.S. House AND Senate, and most state governorships and lower offices in 1994.

So when someone asks you what are Hillary's worthwhile accomplishments, the most prominent one is breaking the deadlock Democrats have had almost since WWII on the House and Senate, and getting more Democrats voted out of office than anyone in U.S. history.

It's probably the best thing she's ever done for this country.
Calm Down -- Bill Clinton Didn't Say Obamacare Is Terrible | Huffington Post

This article is's a must read. they are trying to tell you that WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON screwed up on the campaign trail and we SHOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM.

From the article:

"A CNN report published Tuesday begins this way:

Bill Clinton criticized President Barack Obama’s signature policy reform while on the stump for his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, calling Obamacare “the craziest thing in the world.”

That quotation, while accurate, doesn’t fully portray Bill Clinton’s argument for keeping the Affordable Care Act ― which has extended health coverage to 20 million people and cut the uninsured rate to a historic low ― and enhancing it with policies proposed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign."
.Jesus Christ...what a bunch of pathetic bullshit, trying to twist Bill's VERY CLEAR statement. This article is absolutely insulting and I am pretty sure no one is stupid enough to fall for this shit....then again....millennials.

Funny how the HUFPO never includes the full quote from Trump on how many Mexicans are wonderful people, but they try to explain away BILL CLINTON BLASTING OBAMACARE.

HUFPO really thinks we are all stupid.

how about blaming it on booze?
The ACA is not has areas that need to be fixed.

Why has congress not made any effort to address these problems.
Video from Haiti reveals the impressive work the Clinton foundation did there...rebuilding their infrastructure. Some of the best tin shacks I've seen. Trump must be envious....yo.

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