Bill Clinton and Hillary


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013

There's nothing else to add. Hillary knew what was going on.
The best part is soon the walls will come tumbling down and both of them will be in Federal prison.
This video shows real people relating real experiences relating to the Clintons.
It's long but well worth watching if you seek the truth about the Bonnie and Clyde Clintons. Even being involved peripherally with multiple murders.
Had the Clinton's been Reps they would have been in prison years ago.
Neither of the Clintons will ever be held responsible for ANY of their criminal misdeeds.

It just ain't gonna happen.

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal organization and, as we all know, criminal organizations don't turn on their own.

If we get a Republican with some balls :)ack-1:) in the White House, he might get his Attorney General to investigate and prosecute them but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would go absolutely INSANE if we do.

I just don't see it happening.

I'm actually starting to believe what you say. The fact the Clinton's have literally gotten away with murders by people they have surrounded themselves with is frightening.
They think they are 'too big' to have to answer for whatever criminal acts they commit and this hubris is going to soon put them both in prison. The DNC is 110% committed to never allow this to happen of course. They would end up looking compliant as a party. NOT what Howard Dean wants his clown car legacy to be.
Neither of the Clintons will ever be held responsible for ANY of their criminal misdeeds.

It just ain't gonna happen.

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal organization and, as we all know, criminal organizations don't turn on their own.

If we get a Republican with some balls :)ack-1:) in the White House, he might get his Attorney General to investigate and prosecute them but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM would go absolutely INSANE if we do.

I just don't see it happening.


I seriously hope you dont believe that the republican party isn't a criminal organization as well? thats being delusional if you do.

there is no difference between the two parties,they are BOTH corrupt.Its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats disguised as a one party so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.

the Clintons,the Bush,The Obama;s,their ALL criminals who will never get prosecuted. everybody knows that there is one different law for citizens like us and one different one for politicians.they commit crimes in washington everyday that we could never get away with.
That bitch Hildebeast is a freaking criminal and let her lover and father of her child (Webster Hubble) go to prison in her place. And like the big democrat prick he is, he cow towed to the bitch. Probably didn't want to give up his life...literally. Bill was more involved in those murders than just peripherally...maybe not by actually pulling the trigger but in planning and arranging. They were a black scourge upon the state of Arkansas. But like typical democrats everywhere, they are revered in Arkansas. And being a native Arkansan, I hate that shit.
I'm actually starting to believe what you say. The fact the Clinton's have literally gotten away with murders by people they have surrounded themselves with is frightening.
They think they are 'too big' to have to answer for whatever criminal acts they commit and this hubris is going to soon put them both in prison. The DNC is 110% committed to never allow this to happen of course. They would end up looking compliant as a party. NOT what Howard Dean wants his clown car legacy to be.

Havent you two guys heard of the Mena arkansas scandal that Slick Willie and his pals the Bushs were involved in?

While Clinton was governor of arkansas,he allowed an operation being run by the CIA of drugs being smuggled into the country via a Mena arkansas airstrip in exchange for weapons to be shipped out to the operation that was being run by his buddy vice president George Bush and President Ronald Reagan.

Many people witnessed the operation and Clinton had them killed off for knowing too much. The mena arkansas scandal transcends four presidencys of presidents that were involved in it.1.Reagan,2.Bush sr,3.Clinton,4 Bush jr.

matter of fact one of his bodyguards in arkansas wrote a book about it talking about how he was infuriated with clinton when he found out the CIA was smuggling drugs into the country and he did not tell him about it.He approached him and Clinton said to him-Dont worry,my buddy Bush knows all about it.

if you have time,you should check out this video.Its all documented.The guy in that video even wrote a book on it called CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA.He tried to bring a lawsuit against Clinton but the courts sabatoged it and did not allow him to present his evidence. Our Judicial system is so corrupt its sickening.

Here is the video,that pic of that guy in that video is the author who wrote that book I mentioned.If you got two hours to spare,you should check it out.

Like Porker said,Clinton was involved in those murders,not pulling the trigger,but planning and arranging them.

the reason they wont ever be prosecuted is again,both parties are corrupt. why do you think Bush Jr did not prosecute Clinton? simple fact,the Bushs are involved up to their ears in those murders as much as Clinton is.
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