Bikers for Trump roll into Wisconsin

Now THIS is what I'd call an AMERICAN DREAM!

A photo-shopped image. Why am I surprised? Bush lied, people died, and yet, Obama is a common criminal. You, my friend, are why we want a republican democracy, NOT a common democracy, where the majority can abuse the minority.

Car rims? Really? That is what you stand for?

Stay with me here. I know it's complicated but just try....

Whites spend money on bikes & live in trailers.
Blacks spend money on cars and live in the ghetto.
The two don't usually mix for social gatherings. If they did the end results would be bad.
Hence blacks don't ride bikes.



All stock photo's from previous events. Not a single one of these photo's depicts what is being claimed.

Stay with me here. I know it's complicated but just try....

Whites spend money on bikes & live in trailers.
Blacks spend money on cars and live in the ghetto.
The two don't usually mix for social gatherings. If they did the end results would be bad.
Hence blacks don't ride bikes.

Wow, it is complicated... I'm trying... I'm trying... tell me more. Please, I beg you, enlighten me.

Stay with me here. I know it's complicated but just try....

Whites spend money on bikes & live in trailers.
Blacks spend money on cars and live in the ghetto.
The two don't usually mix for social gatherings. If they did the end results would be bad.
Hence blacks don't ride bikes.

Wow, it is complicated... I'm trying... I'm trying... tell me more. Please, I beg you, enlighten me.
Stick around awhile noob . You'll figure it out
Stick around awhile noob . You'll figure it out
Who rang your chime, dufus? You sticking up for the grampa? I don't need him or you to say what I want. F you both. If I don't fit in here, then fine. I will go. I am not a f'ing loser. I just want to say what I feel.
Umm, I am Grampa lol. I think your bell gone rung a few times too many.

Anyhow, don't go. This place is a blast. You just gotta learn the people & their quirks.
Umm, I am Grampa lol. I think your bell gone rung a few times too many.

Anyhow, don't go. This place is a blast. You just gotta learn the people & their quirks.
THAT is exactly what I thought. I love it here, and if you don't mind, I will contribute what others only hope to. I respect your authority, I will be the one that brings sense and sensibility to a forum that needs my insight. I am liberal, I am free, and if I don't agree with you, then you must yield to my superior arguing ability. Just kidding.
Umm, I am Grampa lol. I think your bell gone rung a few times too many.

Anyhow, don't go. This place is a blast. You just gotta learn the people & their quirks.
THAT is exactly what I thought. I love it here, and if you don't mind, I will contribute what others only hope to. I respect your authority, I will be the one that brings sense and sensibility to a forum that needs my insight. I am liberal, I am free, and if I don't agree with you, then you must yield to my superior arguing ability. Just kidding.
Really? I am invincible? Are you even real? Are you bashing the middle class or are you just trying to destroy the american dream? Which rich friends are you trying to impress?
Why do people believe Trump is racist?
I don't get it. Whatever.

It's not that he's racist, it's that he's getting the racist support, deliberately.
Most racists support Jesus. Does that mean liberal Christians are bad too? Or does it just mean that you're a moron grasping at straws?

No, it means you've gone and completely taken what I said and then made it into something completely different.

As I said, if you'd read it properly, Trump isn't a racist, he's just gone with a strategy to target certain people, generally poorer right wingers, which would include a lot of racists out there.

That is what it is. I have not made a comment on his morality for doing so. I could have done, but didn't.

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