Bikers for Trump roll into Wisconsin

These 2 clowns are perfect reason why a new order will need to be put in place....if the constitution was such a great thing it would have stood up to the years of hasn't therefore its not worthy of sticking around. My facts remain. The founders were proud white men and intended this country to be for whites,by whites.

The again how many totalitarian regimes have stood up to the test of time?

USA 1776-present
Nazi Germany 1933-1945
Mussolini's Italy 1921-1943
Mugabe's Zimbabwe 1980-present but when he dies.... it'll probably collapse.

The Constitution isn't the best it could be, it could be better. However the alternatives, like fascist regimes aren't great at all and aren't based on something solid.
Don't forget...the Confederate States of America 1860-1865.
Hmm...a white supremacist likes what the candidate has to say. What could they possibly have in common?
Duke isnt a White Supremacist but anyways we have in common a love for our country and a urge to save it from destruction
Trump isn't a racist

Discriminating against people doesn't make one a racist?
He burst onto the scenes and into the public's eye in the early 70's, exposed by a justice department discrimination lawsuit against him.
Inside the government’s racial bias case against Donald Trump’s company, and how he fought it
If discriminating against people makes someone racist then the left is racist against straight white religious people.
those are not current pictures

unless Wisconsin has had an unusually warm winter
Its spring dipshit.

You're right of course.
View attachment 69917

There's no reason to believe a Duke endorsement means anything more than patriotic zeal amidst the endorsements from other white supremacist groups.
I bet you don't even know WHY the Klan was made in the first place. To protect white women from the savage hordes of ******* freed in the south since so many white husbands had died in the war. Oh and seeing how Duke hasn't been in the Klan since the 1970's you better come up with something better than that. You are supposed to know more about your enemy kid....Duke is also a former State Represenative so I guess that means ALL State Represenatives are now white supremacist by following your idiotic logic. Oh and finally the Klan is a white civil rights group. Not a White Supremacist group again would do some good for you to learn the difference to avoid looking like an idiot constantly.MY religion/political belief is White Supremacist and I am DAMN PROUD of it as well. The Klan not even close.
Sorry, the country wasn't founded by a bunch of far right fascists. In fact, for their time, the Founding Fathers were generally LIBERAL.

They wanted HUMAN RIGHTS and the theory of that.
This country was founded and built by white men for white people. Simple. Not sure what you find so hard to understand in that. Read the Naturalization act of 1798 for reference. The fact that ******* were considered 3/4ths of a man and NOT humans (which they aren't) is more proof that our founders were much smarter than you give them credit for.

It seems the worm has turned for you and yours. The dream is gone.
Nope. Its just beginning problem with the work is eventually it eats its self and that's exactly what is happening in this country..its going to collapse on its self trying to be the do gooder and pay for everything for everyone around the world.
These 2 clowns are perfect reason why a new order will need to be put in place....if the constitution was such a great thing it would have stood up to the years of hasn't therefore its not worthy of sticking around. My facts remain. The founders were proud white men and intended this country to be for whites,by whites.

The again how many totalitarian regimes have stood up to the test of time?

USA 1776-present
Nazi Germany 1933-1945
Mussolini's Italy 1921-1943
Mugabe's Zimbabwe 1980-present but when he dies.... it'll probably collapse.

The Constitution isn't the best it could be, it could be better. However the alternatives, like fascist regimes aren't great at all and aren't based on something solid.
The US since it was founded is totalitarian? ROFLMAO!

You dopey bigots trying to explain away the klan are pathetic.

We need to flush you shits asap.

Crawl back up the ass you dropped from.

Hey, take it up with this guy


Sorry, he's dead. But doesn't stop you guys from pathetically bringing him up even now.

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