Bigotry has consequences: Except if you're a Dem


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Media Matters sent me a congratulatory email that we drove Dr. Laura off the air because "Bigotry has consequences"

As near as I can tell, Dr. Laura's only "Crime" was sounding like a Dem without actually being a Dem

"White folks greed runs a world in need" -- Obama

"Typical whited behavior" -- Obama

“In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” -- Biden (We know you're not joking)

"I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days..." LBJ

Tuskegee Experiment -- Owned and Operated by FDR and the Dems

Dr. Laura quits: Bigotry has consequences

"Ari Rabin-Havt, Media Matters for America

Media Matters August 18, 2010

Dear Friend,

Last week, Dr. Laura Schlessinger went on an extended, racially charged rant on the air, using the N-word 11 times and promoting a divisive view of race in America.

She tried to bury her mistake, pulling the audio from her website -- but you were there to expose her racially charged rhetoric and to challenge her advertisers to take a close look at what they were supporting."
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People like Dr Laura need to not feel so guilty for insulting the negros.

Shit, in America insulting a negro is worse then insulting the handycap.
The TRUTH is that a Democratic Bigot must apologize, and either quits politics or joins the Republicans.

After targeting blacks, hispanics, muslims, gays, women, and anyone not white and Christian and confederate conservative, everyone expects Republicans to be bigots. No big deal. It's expected. Besides, the only ones Republicans apologize to is British Petroleum. And they don't just apologize, they "grovel".
The TRUTH is that a Democratic Bigot must apologize, and either quits politics or joins the Republicans.

After targeting blacks, hispanics, muslims, gays, women, and anyone not white and Christian and confederate conservative, everyone expects Republicans to be bigots. No big deal. It's expected. Besides, the only ones Republicans apologize to is British Petroleum. And they don't just apologize, they "grovel".

You my friend are the worst kind of human Scum. You would make Goebbels proud.
Frank you forgot one
JIM LEHRER: And do you think that -- if it happens that he is elected, or even just being nominated, is -- will send positive ripple effects throughout the country on the race issue?

JIMMY CARTER: Around the world. Around the world. And I think it already has sent a wave of approbation and admiration in many countries around the world, just knowing that this black boy who grew up with just a loving mother and grandparents -- and that was about all he had to start with -- does now have a chance to become the nominee of the Democratic Party for president.

[ame=]YouTube - Jimmy Carter calls Obama "BOY"[/ame]
The TRUTH is that a Democratic Bigot must apologize, and either quits politics or joins the Republicans.

After targeting blacks, hispanics, muslims, gays, women, and anyone not white and Christian and confederate conservative, everyone expects Republicans to be bigots. No big deal. It's expected. Besides, the only ones Republicans apologize to is British Petroleum. And they don't just apologize, they "grovel".

I think you must be one of Byrd's "White *******"

"There are white *******. I've seen a lot of white ******* in my time" -- Democrat Senate Majority Leaders and KKK Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd
The TRUTH is that a Democratic Bigot must apologize, and either quits politics or joins the Republicans.

After targeting blacks, hispanics, muslims, gays, women, and anyone not white and Christian and confederate conservative, everyone expects Republicans to be bigots. No big deal. It's expected. Besides, the only ones Republicans apologize to is British Petroleum. And they don't just apologize, they "grovel".

It was Democrats and FDR that targeted blacks for syphilis experiments
"We won a victory this week, but the fight for a fair, honest, and responsible media goes on. With radio hosts like Rush Limbaugh race-baiting and fearmongering, and Fox News mixing right-wing talking points, falsehoods, and the outright promotion of political candidates, Media Matters' work is more important than ever. You can be part of this critical fight."

Little jackbooted thugs want to silence all of talk radio.

Too bad Dr Laura was done in by the forces of darkness, they make her talk like them and that was the end of her.

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