MLK's family member on Glen Beck Show: Supports Beck, bashes abortion, Ruth Ginsberg


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.
They'll just say that the white man has done something to impede this woman's proper intellectual development.

Because they aren't racist or anything.
They'll just say that the white man has done something to impede this woman's proper intellectual development.

Because they aren't racist or anything.

Come on guys. Can't you see the truth? OBVIOUSLY Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Haliburton and Fox News invented a mind control machine while they were inside a secret CIA prison in Guam waterboarding Tupac, and they used the machine to brainwash MLK's family into going on Beck and supporting him. DUH!!
that's not really mlk's niece.

it's jeffrey ross in blackface.

fucking jews.
that's not really mlk's niece.

it's jeffrey ross in blackface.

fucking jews.

Haha!! I thought maybe it was Condaleeza Rice with some serious Hollywood makeup.

NO WAY MLK's neice is on Beck supporting everything he is doing, and actually calling liberal support of abortion a genocidal attempt to rid the country of the black population. Although Ruth Ginsberg said just that.
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

"MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck,"

I don't think beck is actually "evil"

not do I believe he is a "racist"

but I have seen enough of him to believe that he is a bit...(don't mean to be insulting here...just honest...)

unless it is all a which case....he is disingenuous

and I don't appreciate ANY PERSON (left or right) using illogical, irrational fear tactics and misinformation to further their questionable agenda.

" saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, "

This is, of course, nonsense..
and rather dangerous talk

now you are behaving the way you claim liberals behave....

there are no liberals who endorse genocide of blacks

liberals may be wrong or misguided but most of them have good intentions and honestly want to help the black cause

suggesting that they have some hidden agenda intent upon genocide is just insane

"and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck."

sorry to use logic on you but her opinion proves nor disproves nothing.

it's just her opinion
(and it sounds rather insane, to me)

just because you like someones opinion doesn't automatically PROVE that they or you or beck are right

beck uses irrational beliefs (god/christian religion) and fears to promote division, fear and hatred of liberals who do not deserve such treatment

most liberals are decent people regardless of how misguided they might be on any given issue
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

So your saying MLK's niece speaks for him? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

"But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. "


do we?

I think he is dangerous....

I think he accuses liberals and democrats of crimes they never actually committed

I think he uses fear and misinformation to foment hate and division...

I think he engages in the type of rhetoric that leads to the slaughter of innocents...

and I certainly believe that his tactics are wrong (and dangerous)

but I never called him a "racist"

can you actually cite any examples of liberals calling him a racist?
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

She represents the entire black race? If you look hard enough, you will find a black republican....they do exist you know. In fact, its suspect as to why you thought this thread was necessary....
I didnt write it but....

"Alveda King and Stephen Broden do a great disservice to the memory and legacy of her revered uncle, Dr. King’s great memory and legacy, by allowing themselves to be used by the (racist) demonic forces at Fox Propaganda. Dr. King would NEVER have linked arms and marched with the mad klan murderer/bomber, Bobby Cherry, right after his bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, without Cherry’s having made a very public, serious, penitent, show of contrition. Nor would Dr. King have embraced Bull Conner right after he had ordered the dogs and beatings of peaceful Civil Rights marchers, without Conner’s having somehow conveyed his serious transformation. Beck (and his ilk) are not repentant; they hate president Obama (and minority people in general) just as much today as they did when they first embarked on their campaign of divisiveness and white power promulgation. Shame on Alveda and Stephen for selling out to Satan!"
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'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

every family has a goofy member that the rest would prefer stay hidden. A few generations ago, the "crazy aunt" was confined to the attic. today? not so much.:razz:
I didnt write it but....

"Alveda King and Stephen Broden do a great disservice to the memory and legacy of her revered uncle, Dr. King’s great memory and legacy, by allowing themselves to be used by the (racist) demonic forces at Fox Propaganda. Dr. King would NEVER have linked arms and marched with the mad klan murderer/bomber, Bobby Cherry, right after his bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, without Cherry’s having made a very public, serious, penitent, show of contrition. Nor would Dr. King have embraced Bull Conner right after he had ordered the dogs and beatings of peaceful Civil Rights marchers, without Conner’s having somehow conveyed his serious transformation. Beck (and his ilk) are not repentant; they hate president Obama (and minority people in general) just as much today as they did when they first embarked on their campaign of divisiveness and white power promulgation. Shame on Alveda and Stephen for selling out to Satan!"

Toldya they'd be squawking about how she's too stupid to know she's being used by bad white people.

Thank you, multiple posters, for stepping up to the plate and proving, yet again, that you are the true racists.
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

"But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. "


do we?

I think he is dangerous....

I think he accuses liberals and democrats of crimes they never actually committed

I think he uses fear and misinformation to foment hate and division...

I think he engages in the type of rhetoric that leads to the slaughter of innocents...

and I certainly believe that his tactics are wrong (and dangerous)

but I never called him a "racist"

can you actually cite any examples of liberals calling him a racist?

so he's not a racist, just an accesory to mass murder?

name a few crimes beck has accused democrats of committing?

what exactly are his tactics?

i don't watch beck often, but from ,what i have seen, a typical show consists of: this czar used to work for this institute that got money from this guy who said this 25 years ago = obama's a socialist.
you might not like the dots he's connecting, but he usually uses the person's own words to make his point.
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'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

No one who actually read and understood where he was coming from would be the least bit surprised by this. The man was NOT a liberal radical. He was a minister (and not the Jeremiah Wright brand of hateful and hate-filled pretend minister) and a civil rights activist when "civil rights" meant something totally different from what it has been bastardized to mean today. Democrats have a nonstop campaign to spread disinformation in order to whitewash their own filthy past and history for a reason. There was near universal REPUBLICAN support for civil rights -and in fact, were it not for the fact there was near universal Republican support, in spite of Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would never have passed at all. It was DEMOCRATS who were deeply divided over the issue, it was Democrats who filibustered it in Congress. And it was Democrats who instigated violent opposition to it and it was Democrats who murdered the civil rights workers in Mississippi. NOT Republicans and NOT conservatives.

You'd have to be a total idiot or a liberal to believe that MLK's family of all people, would suddenly not remember the REAL facts and REAL history. Or know who they think was really behind MLK's murder. Again, the people his own family suspect are not Republicans and conservatives.
I'm not comfortable with either 'side' claiming MLK as their own. To me, and I've studied the man, his politics and his activism, he was someone who ignored partisanship and saw individuals - both good and bad - on both sides.

His niece is as entitled as anyone else to speak for herself... and herself alone. This equally applies to the left who try to claim King as one of theirs. He was not. He was someone - ahead of his time - who judged others on the content of their character. Sadly, most of those who 'claim him' are incapable of such insight.
I'm not comfortable with either 'side' claiming MLK as their own. To me, and I've studied the man, his politics and his activism, he was someone who ignored partisanship and saw individuals - both good and bad - on both sides.

His niece is as entitled as anyone else to speak for herself... and herself alone. This equally applies to the left who try to claim King as one of theirs. He was not. He was someone - ahead of his time - who judged others on the content of their character. Sadly, most of those who 'claim him' are incapable of such insight.
I didnt write it but....

"Alveda King and Stephen Broden do a great disservice to the memory and legacy of her revered uncle, Dr. King’s great memory and legacy, by allowing themselves to be used by the (racist) demonic forces at Fox Propaganda. Dr. King would NEVER have linked arms and marched with the mad klan murderer/bomber, Bobby Cherry, right after his bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, without Cherry’s having made a very public, serious, penitent, show of contrition. Nor would Dr. King have embraced Bull Conner right after he had ordered the dogs and beatings of peaceful Civil Rights marchers, without Conner’s having somehow conveyed his serious transformation. Beck (and his ilk) are not repentant; they hate president Obama (and minority people in general) just as much today as they did when they first embarked on their campaign of divisiveness and white power promulgation. Shame on Alveda and Stephen for selling out to Satan!"
again, you post this and admit you DIDNT write it, but dont include a source link
I didnt write it but....

"Alveda King and Stephen Broden do a great disservice to the memory and legacy of her revered uncle, Dr. King’s great memory and legacy, by allowing themselves to be used by the (racist) demonic forces at Fox Propaganda. Dr. King would NEVER have linked arms and marched with the mad klan murderer/bomber, Bobby Cherry, right after his bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, without Cherry’s having made a very public, serious, penitent, show of contrition. Nor would Dr. King have embraced Bull Conner right after he had ordered the dogs and beatings of peaceful Civil Rights marchers, without Conner’s having somehow conveyed his serious transformation. Beck (and his ilk) are not repentant; they hate president Obama (and minority people in general) just as much today as they did when they first embarked on their campaign of divisiveness and white power promulgation. Shame on Alveda and Stephen for selling out to Satan!"
again, you post this and admit you DIDNT write it, but dont include a source link

Why is it, do you think, that zona is so scared to provide the link? What on earth could he have to hide? Hmmmmm..... Maybe, just maybe, it's this:

Civil Rights? Dr. Alveda King and Pastor Stephen Broden on Glenn Beck Saynsumthn’s Blog

It's a left wing nutjob blog. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well, that's the last shred of zona's credibility blowin' in the wind. :lol::lol::lol:
Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'Glenn Beck': What Would Martin Luther King Think of America Today? - Glenn Beck -

There is just too much great stuff in this link to comment on it all.

MLK's neice and a black preacher, on the evil, racist Glen Beck's show, supporting and agreeing with Beck, saying the injustice in the black community is truly the genocidal attempt by some to sterilize and eliminate that community, pointing out SC justice Ruth Ginsberg, radical leftist, as one who supports this, and basically disproving everything every leftist in America assumes about Beck.

Liberals, for the sake if intellectual honesty, I hope you'll read the entire interview. MLK's neice and a preacher........nah, I'll leave it there. The material speaks for itself.

But you guilty white libs keep calling Beck racist and evil and mean and wrong. I'll take the word of MLK's family in support of him over you all.

No one who actually read and understood where he was coming from would be the least bit surprised by this. The man was NOT a liberal radical. He was a minister (and not the Jeremiah Wright brand of hateful and hate-filled pretend minister) and a civil rights activist when "civil rights" meant something totally different from what it has been bastardized to mean today. Democrats have a nonstop campaign to spread disinformation in order to whitewash their own filthy past and history for a reason. There was near universal REPUBLICAN support for civil rights -and in fact, were it not for the fact there was near universal Republican support, in spite of Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would never have passed at all. It was DEMOCRATS who were deeply divided over the issue, it was Democrats who filibustered it in Congress. And it was Democrats who instigated violent opposition to it and it was Democrats who murdered the civil rights workers in Mississippi. NOT Republicans and NOT conservatives.

You'd have to be a total idiot or a liberal to believe that MLK's family of all people, would suddenly not remember the REAL facts and REAL history. Or know who they think was really behind MLK's murder. Again, the people his own family suspect are not Republicans and conservatives.

Fail! It was Southern Democrats and Republicans who blocked this bill. In fact if you take out the Southern vote, a greater % of Democrats voted for the bill than Republicans.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)

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