Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Obama put a health care reform package on the table 18 months BEFORE he was elected.

What has Trump done? Nothing. He bloviated that he had a "beautiful" plan. Now we know he didn't have jack shit. He counts on his Chumps having memories like goldfish. That's why I quoted his exact words. To show them he lied. Again.

Oh, wait. He did sign an EO asking his Cabinet of billionaires not to fine their rich friends for not buying health insurance. And the rubes spunked in their jeans! :lol:


Holy shit! How do you have the energy and stamina to stay continually outraged 24/7/365? It has to be draining to live such an angry and miserable life. Take a walk or get a dog.
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
Obama put a health care reform package on the table 18 months BEFORE he was elected.

What has Trump done? Nothing. He bloviated that he had a "beautiful" plan. Now we know he didn't have jack shit. He counts on his Chumps having memories like goldfish. That's why I quoted his exact words. To show them he lied. Again.

Oh, wait. He did sign an EO asking his Cabinet of billionaires not to fine their rich friends for not buying health insurance. And the rubes spunked in their jeans! :lol:


Holy shit! How do you have the energy and stamina to stay continually outraged 24/7/365? It has to be draining to live such an angry and miserable life. Take a walk or get a dog.
I'm not expending anywhere near the energy the psuedocons did for eight years. Not even close.

I see you joined this forum in 2009. Don't pretend you didn't see the eleventy trillion anti-Obama and anti-Clinton topics in all that time. Where were your jeers then, hypocrite?

Is this all you can do to confront the truth? Really?
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.

The stench of rank hypocrisy. Textbook projection.

Impeach Obama Now!

Obama at again.

More Criminal Acts by Obama

Obama Aplogizes to Terrorists AGAIN!

Barack Obama is a Fucktard | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Obama pisses in the face of Amerca | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Barack Obama Incites Violence, Cops Die

Obama appoints KKK Leader to his administration
Last edited:
The biggest hoax was the ironically named "affordable care act". It's no secret that it was a poorly written law that Nancy Pelosi didn't even read ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed") and was passed through intimidation and bribes. Almost nobody likes it and just about everyone agrees that it doesn't work and it will bankrupt middle class families. The fact that lefties are whining that it won't be replaced soon enough is puzzling but when you take into consideration ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed lefties are hysterical and angry about the election you understand that they are liable to say anything regardless of how loony it sounds.
No one likes it and it doesn't work, yet somewhere between 18-20 million people have signed up
("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed) as to this bit of garbage, why not post her entire sentence, her entire comments, or do you prefer to cherry pick a few words
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
This coming from a guy who started topics like this one: Michelle Obama did Tijuana Donkey Shows? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah. You're all class, fuckwad.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, Guno.

Learn to read, Comrade...

Standard Disclaimer: The above is a fabrication and there is no truth to it, meaning it is identical to the claims Strolling Bones made regarding Sarah Palin and Glen Rice.
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.

The stench of rank hypocrisy. Textbook projection.

Impeach Obama Now!

Obama at again.

More Criminal Acts by Obama

Obama Aplogizes to Terrorists AGAIN!

Barack Obama is a Fucktard | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Obama pisses in the face of Amerca | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Barack Obama Incites Violence, Cops Die

Obama appoints KKK Leader to his administration


You don't like that I exposed your criminal and dishonest party? Well, you just have a nice cry there dean...
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
This coming from a guy who started topics like this one: Michelle Obama did Tijuana Donkey Shows? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah. You're all class, fuckwad.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, Guno.

Learn to read, Comrade...

Standard Disclaimer: The above is a fabrication and there is no truth to it, meaning it is identical to the claims Strolling Bones made regarding Sarah Palin and Glen Rice.
You foamed at the mouth over Obama and Clinton for years on end. See a small sampling in post 106.

Thanks for coming and showing us what a raging hypocrite you are. This was fun.
You foamed at the mouth over Obama and Clinton for years on end. See a small sampling in post 106.

Thanks for coming and showing us what a raging hypocrite you are. This was fun.

I opposed to open corruption of the Obama administration, which you of course supported - party above all with you. But a daily tantrum? That's all you, turd breath. :lmao:

Look, you're a hack - you filled with rage that your filthy party lost. You're butthurt beyond all previous limit. You think your party deserves to rule and you're going to hold your breath because you didn't get your way.

Poor guno...
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
This coming from a guy who started topics like this one: Michelle Obama did Tijuana Donkey Shows? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah. You're all class, fuckwad.

If your going to quote him, do so in its entirety. Here's the rest of the quote that you purposefully left out:

"Standard Disclaimer: The above is a fabrication and there is no truth to it, meaning it is identical to the claims Strolling Bones made regarding Sarah Palin and Glen Rice."

Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
This coming from a guy who started topics like this one: Michelle Obama did Tijuana Donkey Shows? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah. You're all class, fuckwad.

If your going to quote him, do so in its entirety. Here's the rest of the quote that you purposefully left out:

"Standard Disclaimer: The above is a fabrication and there is no truth to it, meaning it is identical to the claims Strolling Bones made regarding Sarah Palin and Glen Rice."

See post 106 for more of the hypocrite's work, loser.
Guno5000 is losing his shit in a butthurt fueled temper tantrum...

Must be a day ending in "y"

You lost guno, pull up your big girl diaper and work on trying to elect Communists in 2018 - you only make a fool of yourself with your daily tantrum.
This coming from a guy who started topics like this one: Michelle Obama did Tijuana Donkey Shows? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yeah. You're all class, fuckwad.

After Dems started their "Sarah Palin Glen Rice" threads
Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

Lol, dumbass. Show me one person who thought that anybody was going to get that done in day one. It's a figure of speech you stupid fuck. It did not take him long at all to get started. That is the only thing that counts. You butthurt morons want to nit pick then go ahead. Like I said earlier, you are winning anyone over with your stupid antics.

Can you learn anything at all?


Figure of speech: I have a beautiful plan to replace Obamacare.

Actual meaning: I have no plan to replace Obamacare.

About right?

If so that is not figure of speech, that is good ol' LYING.

For fuck's sake moron, you're too stupid to be talking to me. Dismissed.
Shut up idiot, you got nothing.

Oh, the irony. :lmao:

It will be interesting to see how they spin things when they are proven wrong again. Will they try to pretend they never said it? Will they move the goalposts? I'm betting on a combination of both.
You will never prove me wrong on this one. It is a simple fact Trump did not repeal and replace ObamaCare on Day One as he promised he would.

Lol, dumbass. Show me one person who thought that anybody was going to get that done in day one. It's a figure of speech you stupid fuck. It did not take him long at all to get started. That is the only thing that counts. You butthurt morons want to nit pick then go ahead. Like I said earlier, you are winning anyone over with your stupid antics.

Can you learn anything at all?

He's kind of bogged down just trying to get his cabinet in place thank to libs like G in Congress obstructionism.

He'll get it done. Not being one of the people who are on 0bamacare, I can wait. The people suffering on it right now are doing so because if the left and their idiotic plan.
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Actually, the biggest hoax ever was Social Security. It dispossessed more would-be millionaires than any program in the history of any government on earth.

High on the list is the first implementation of Obamacare, which lived up to none of its promises., and raised everybody's medical costs yuugely.

The idea that we should replace that awful government program, with yet another big government program, is very questionable.

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