Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Only a total fool would think that having insurance means you're covered, there is no guarantee just because you have insurance that it's going to pay for shit…
It's a damn sight better than having NO insurance.

Ask anyone who doesn't have insurance.
I have never purchased insurance in my life, and I'm not about to either. You're paying for something that might happen… Makes no sense to me. I pay as I go
I hope you don't get cancer or a catastrophic illness.

I mean that sincerely.

Medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in America.
I don't live life that way... scared.
Anyway, I would never trust a insurance company to pay for my shit them fuckers have a lot more money than me and they can find a way out of anything.
It's not about fear. It is about actuarials and common sense.

I have a family member on whom millions of dollars have been spent in the past 8 years. Thank God I have Tricare!
The second I have to depend on the federal government, big Pharma and insurance companies for a happy life… I'm better off dead
Obamacare is just another socialist entitlement program that once people have A taste of, they will never want to let go of it. Human nature wants something for nothing, that being other people to paying for it.

prolly why they're going to keep most of it ... socialist RW's n' such.
Eventually they're going to have to get rid of the mandate, it's unacceptable to play Robin Hood with other peoples money.
Eventually, we're going to be railroaded into single payer. The GOP sold us down that river decades ago.
Yes, I would say that is true. The second we are forced into a single payer that is the end of the country... that will be the end of any sort of freedom and and that will be the last nail in the coffin.
The GOP had plenty of time to stop it. Decades.

But they deliberately chose not to.

That's why I say they sold us down the river.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
I agree, I don't differentiate the parties when it comes to All career politicians. There has been thousands of people in our history that have warned of this overbearing be everything for everybody federal government.
The biggest hoax ever is the global warming scam. Hands down.
Just like with so-called "universal healthcare" it's all about control - nothing to do with "health care''...

Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism…
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Actually, the biggest hoax ever was Social Security. It dispossessed more would-be millionaires than any program in the history of any government on earth.

High on the list is the first implementation of Obamacare, which lived up to none of its promises., and raised everybody's medical costs yuugely.

The idea that we should replace that awful government program, with yet another big government program, is very questionable.
Social Security was not intended as an entitlement. The average life expectancy at its implementation was 61.7 years. It was insurance, intended for those who lived beyond the mean.

Only 5.4% of the population was over 65 at that time.

Today, 14.9% of our population is over 65. More than 135% of the entire population of Canada.

We need to raise the SS eligibility age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population.
Are you fucking kidding me?!

They need to do away with SS!
You got people who've been living off of SSI
and have never paid a dime into SS!

Let people save their own money
and fend for themselves!
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Actually, the biggest hoax ever was Social Security. It dispossessed more would-be millionaires than any program in the history of any government on earth.

High on the list is the first implementation of Obamacare, which lived up to none of its promises., and raised everybody's medical costs yuugely.

The idea that we should replace that awful government program, with yet another big government program, is very questionable.
Social Security was not intended as an entitlement. The average life expectancy at its implementation was 61.7 years. It was insurance, intended for those who lived beyond the mean.

Only 5.4% of the population was over 65 at that time.

Today, 14.9% of our population is over 65. More than 135% of the entire population of Canada.

We need to raise the SS eligibility age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population.
Are you fucking kidding me?!

They need to do away with SS!
You got people who've been living off of SSI
and have never paid a dime into SS!

Let people save their own money
and fend for themselves!
That's the way it should be, but with the political correctness of the bleeding hearts. But the fate of this country was sealed many many decades ago... socialism takes no prisoners
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Actually, the biggest hoax ever was Social Security. It dispossessed more would-be millionaires than any program in the history of any government on earth.

High on the list is the first implementation of Obamacare, which lived up to none of its promises., and raised everybody's medical costs yuugely.

The idea that we should replace that awful government program, with yet another big government program, is very questionable.
Social Security was not intended as an entitlement. The average life expectancy at its implementation was 61.7 years. It was insurance, intended for those who lived beyond the mean.

Only 5.4% of the population was over 65 at that time.

Today, 14.9% of our population is over 65. More than 135% of the entire population of Canada.

We need to raise the SS eligibility age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population.
Are you fucking kidding me?!

They need to do away with SS!
You got people who've been living off of SSI
and have never paid a dime into SS!

Let people save their own money
and fend for themselves!
That's the way it should be, but with the political correctness of the bleeding hearts. But the fate of this country was sealed many many decades ago... socialism takes no prisoners
That's the way it should be, but with the political correctness of the bleeding hearts. But the fate of this country was sealed many many decades ago... socialism takes no prisoners
Damn straight, that's the way it should be!

The only reason they raise the age for eligibility
is because the funds are not available to cover people
They need people to work longer to generate money
just to cover people receiving it already.

Then, you have to figure in all the revenue that was lost
after the unemployment skyrocketed in '08

My father was able to take an early retirement.
He took a cut in what he received but, was still decent.
He died before becoming eligible to receive a dime
of the SS he paid over the course of his working life....

My mother couldn't collect his SS because
they were only married for 9 1/2 yrs and not the required 10!

When my mother became ill and before she moved in
with one of my sister's, and despite the fact that
between my 3 siblings, they were more than financially
capable and willing to care for my mother....

I made it my mission to collect anything
and everything my mother was eligible for...and that I did!

SS will be bankrupt long before the time I'm eligible...
It probably already is!

The government is like a giant Ponzi scheme,
and, eventually, people will have to
pull their heads out of their ass and deal with it!
When I was fifteen, a man taught me that money is God. I realized then that many people probably believe that.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?
Hey, come on, dammit.

Yes, the ACA is a stupid pig of a law, but the GOP has only had nine years to come up with a viable alternative.

Nine years. I mean, that's only a little more than a year in dog years.

I'm sure Trump knew precisely what he was talking about when he pulled these promises out of his ass. I think he has a dog.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true. In fact just about everything you say is false. Then you start stupid threads based on stupid things you JUST MADE UP. You idiots do it all the time and you never ever learn.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Last edited:
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true. In fact just about everything you say is false. Then you start stupid threads based on stupid things you JUST MADE UP. You idiots do it all the time and you never ever learn.
Too bad for you not one bit is made up. It's all true. I know how much that must suck for you, but it does not do you any good to live in a delusion, rube.

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.

You idiots can't learn can you?

....LOL you just said THAT, in a thread about Trump making chumps out of you Trumpsters yet again.

Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true.

It's true not because WE said it, it's true because IT IS A FACT.

While on campaign Trump promised that he has a great plan to replace Obamacare, he now became the president and his admin has actually delivered NOTHING and is instead relying on Republicans to produce something.

What of this is less than factual?

Trump keeps getting caught blatantly lying and here you are, self-appointed water boy for that clown - better roll up those sleeves.

Lol, it's true, you cannot learn. I'm not going to bother explaining simple concepts to you. Stay stupid, I don't care.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't relax a smidge. You know, pace your outrage a little. A sustained full volume is never good.
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true. In fact just about everything you say is false. Then you start stupid threads based on stupid things you JUST MADE UP. You idiots do it all the time and you never ever learn.
Too bad for you not one bit is made up. It's all true. I know how much that must suck for you, but it does not do you any good to live in a delusion, rube.

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Lol, dumbass.
The biggest hoax was the ironically named "affordable care act". It's no secret that it was a poorly written law that Nancy Pelosi didn't even read ("you will find out what's in the law after it's signed") and was passed through intimidation and bribes. Almost nobody likes it and just about everyone agrees that it doesn't work and it will bankrupt middle class families. The fact that lefties are whining that it won't be replaced soon enough is puzzling but when you take into consideration that lefties are hysterical and angry about the election you understand that they are liable to say anything regardless of how loony it sounds.

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?

You're going to pop a blood vessel if you don't relax a smidge. You know, pace your outrage a little. A sustained full volume is never good.

Lol, it'll be fun to watch them pop!
Lol, if you idiots could learn at all, you would learn that just because you say something, it doesn't mean it's true. In fact just about everything you say is false. Then you start stupid threads based on stupid things you JUST MADE UP. You idiots do it all the time and you never ever learn.
Too bad for you not one bit is made up. It's all true. I know how much that must suck for you, but it does not do you any good to live in a delusion, rube.

On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

Lol, dumbass.
If that's all you can say, then you have nothing. As usual.

I have Trump's own words. Sucks for you.

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