Big-Time MAGA Chud, Chuck Woolery, Suddenly Realizes Covid-19 Is Real and Serious...AFTER Sons Catch It


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Looks like Chuck Woolery has changed his tune on COVID since his son has contracted it. I assume Trump and his talk radio Trumpsters will mock this.

Prior to his son's illness, Woolery was tweeting things like:
“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it".

Sounds just like reading a Trumpster post on USMB. Then, after his son contracted it, he tweeted:
“To further clarify and add perspective, Covid-19 is real and it is here. My son tested positive for the virus, and I feel for of those suffering and especially for those who have lost loved ones," before his account disappeared.

Looks like Chuck Woolery has changed his tune on COVID since his son has contracted it. I assume Trump and his talk radio Trumpsters will mock this.

Prior to his son's illness, Woolery was tweeting things like:
“The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it’s all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I’m sick of it".

Sounds just like reading a Trumpster post on USMB. Then, after his son contracted it, he tweeted:
“To further clarify and add perspective, Covid-19 is real and it is here. My son tested positive for the virus, and I feel for of those suffering and especially for those who have lost loved ones," before his account disappeared.

How is that a big deal? The democrats in the press are lying about the Chinese Flu, currently hiding the death and hospitalization rates while hyping the new cases found through testing. They want the economy shut down, and don't care about the science.

There is nothing contradictory in his posts.
So his son has it... so what? 99.96% of the people that have caught it are fine, and he probably deleted his twitter account because of the recent hacking, which is looking like it's far worse than first thought.
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Hey Chuck, Don’t Worry, It’s No Worse Than A Common Cold

Former game show host and conservative know-it-all Chuck Woolery couldn’t spread his bullsh!t fast enough, telling everyone who would listen that COVID-19 is a hoax created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), media, Democrats, and many others. In fact, the impeached president trump was so impressed with Woolery’s lies, he retweeted them.

Woolery’s Twitter account suddenly disappeared and the reason remains unknown. But it happened shortly after good old Chuckles learned one of his sons had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and his view of the novel coronavirus suddenly reversed.

In one of his final tweets he wrote, “To further clarify and add perspective, Covid-19 is real and it is here. My son tested positive for the virus, and I feel for of those suffering and especially for those who have lost loved ones.”

Will conservative Chuck Woolery’s sudden epiphany be the slap-in-the-face other right-wingers need to force them out of their fantasy world and back into reality? It’s doubtful. Fanatics’ mindset aren’t changed by facts that easily. The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will permit COVID-19 to kill all of their loved ones, and still stand fast behind the impeached president trump’s lies about the harmlessness of the novel coronavirus.

Chuck Woolery, who said 'everyone is lying' about COVID-19, reveals son tested positive

As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.

The fella was so ashamed he fled from Twitter, permanently....

Remember there was a rightwinger on here who had similar sentiments, until his mother came down w/it? I wonder how he's/they're doing now.

Wise up folks, stop following this Trumpian fake news nonsense, your life may be at stake.
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It going to get really interesting as these Trumpster family members are dying. As they come to terms they spread the COVID for the Great Orange Douche.
As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.

The fella was so ashamed he fled from Twitter, permanently....

Remember there was a rightwinger on here who had similar sentiments, until his mother came down w/it? I wonder how he's/they're doing now.

Wise up folsk, stop following this Trumpian fake news nonsense, your life may be at stake.
He slings on TV commercials. I wonder if he disappears there as well?
To be honest, I always thought he was a phony.
Any high-profile COVID-19 death of an individual with leftist political enemies is more likely than not to be due to poisoning, with falsified laboratory test results, and a medical examiner or coroner willing to swear falsely to cause of death.
His kids can have Wuhan and that changes nothing about democrats abusing Wuhan data.
I’m sure Woolery deactivated his account because he is no doubt being attacked by a democrat mob.
Butt, Butt. If you don't get tested, you won't have the MAGA COVID-19 virus on top of the Great Douche disease.
Is the (Soros funded) left going to track down every former game show host who disregarded the effects of the virus? The Wool-man's son apparently shows no effects of the disease although he tested positive. Give the 79 year old man a break lefties, it's not going to get Biden elected.
As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.

The fella was so ashamed he fled from Twitter, permanently....

Remember there was a rightwinger on here who had similar sentiments, until his mother came down w/it? I wonder how he's/they're doing now.

Wise up folks, stop following this Trumpian fake news nonsense, your life may be at stake.

My tomato plant tested positive for Wuhan virus.

Wuhan isn't a hoax, but 95% of what you Communists claim about it is.
My tomato plant tested positive for Wuhan virus.

Wuhan isn't a hoax, but 95% of what you Communists claim about it is.

So did a goat and a piece of fruit. The testing is a joke. But it sure has been useful for the purpose of propaganda and fear-porn, in order to manipulate the naïve fools who don't understand what is actually going on.
Chuck Woolery...totally forgot about that guy.
As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.

The fella was so ashamed he fled from Twitter, permanently....

Remember there was a rightwinger on here who had similar sentiments, until his mother came down w/it? I wonder how he's/they're doing now.

Wise up folks, stop following this Trumpian fake news nonsense, your life may be at stake.
He never said the virus wasn’t real dumbass, he said that the media and Dems are lying about it and using it to push their agenda.

His son getting it doesn’t change that fact.

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