Big-Time MAGA Chud, Chuck Woolery, Suddenly Realizes Covid-19 Is Real and Serious...AFTER Sons Catch It

As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.
Why is it that whenever you retarded moonbats claim that somebody called COVID-19 a hoax, you can never directly quote them saying that COVID-19 is a hoax?

Could it be because you're feeble-minded and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media?
As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!

You have this rabid rightwinger, who's been retweeted by the POTUS himself, who's been running around denying Covid-19, calling it a HOAXs, blaming Democrats and the media for over-blowing it, now suddenly saying "It's real folks", but only after, not one, but TWO, of his sons catch it.

The fella was so ashamed he fled from Twitter, permanently....

Remember there was a rightwinger on here who had similar sentiments, until his mother came down w/it? I wonder how he's/they're doing now.

Wise up folks, stop following this Trumpian fake news nonsense, your life may be at stake.
Mr. ATL sez: "As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!"

The same can be said of leftwingers and people in general who've had an illness notice that those who've never had the condition do not know of it is true.

It's a human thing to ignore suffering of someone they cannot relate to. Until I had a 17 year battle with Fibromyalgia, I'd never had the experience. AFter reading every book on the subject, it still hurt even when I followed the book's claims for relief. I didn't get any relief. But I followed an ad that sold a product to beat aging issues, and I realized you can deal with pain and lessen it, albeit temporary. When you stop taking the product, the pain returns. It's expensive, but I'm going to send a link to the stuff in case someone here has the disease and knows what heinous pain, 24-7-365, is like. I took it for several years, but when I moved back home to Texas, my new doctor noticed my calcium levels were high, she ran some tests, and 6 months and 3 consultants later I had 2 of 4 parathyroid glands removed. After recuperating, it was like, "what pain?" Doctors can't always treat it, so here's the link, and it's expensive, so try and get it on social security if you are retired. Vital Factors, 40 Effertabs The only reason I tried it was because Pat Boone said his wife had fibromyalgia, and it benefited her. He liked it because it enabled him to return to golfing, which for older people, can be strenuous or stressful on body parts. I figured if he said his wife benefitted, anybody could. And it worked.
Mr. ATL sez: "As I always post on here, rightwingers always, always, always never see anything UNLESS and UNTIL it happens to THEM!!"

The same can be said of leftwingers and people in general who've had an illness notice that those who've never had the condition do not know of it is true.

It's a human thing to ignore suffering of someone they cannot relate to. Until I had a 17 year battle with Fibromyalgia, I'd never had the experience. AFter reading every book on the subject, it still hurt even when I followed the book's claims for relief. I didn't get any relief. But I followed an ad that sold a product to beat aging issues, and I realized you can deal with pain and lessen it, albeit temporary. When you stop taking the product, the pain returns. It's expensive, but I'm going to send a link to the stuff in case someone here has the disease and knows what heinous pain, 24-7-365, is like. I took it for several years, but when I moved back home to Texas, my new doctor noticed my calcium levels were high, she ran some tests, and 6 months and 3 consultants later I had 2 of 4 parathyroid glands removed. After recuperating, it was like, "what pain?" Doctors can't always treat it, so here's the link, and it's expensive, so try and get it on social security if you are retired. Vital Factors, 40 Effertabs The only reason I tried it was because Pat Boone said his wife had fibromyalgia, and it benefited her. He liked it because it enabled him to return to golfing, which for older people, can be strenuous or stressful on body parts. I figured if he said his wife benefitted, anybody could. And it worked.
Is that what you take for Fibromyalgia?
This is the problem when you take advice from Game Show hosts like Woollery or Trump.

Except Alex Trebek. That guy is awesome.
Is that what you take for Fibromyalgia?
I quit taking it after my parathyroid surgery, which got rid of all the pain. I had suffered nostop pain for 7 or 8 years when I started taking the product. Moved home to Texas in 2009, and the surgery was in 2010 or 2011. That's when the pain totally stopped and I didn't need the meds any more, and stopping them was no problem because I started taking Senior Vitamins for women. Nutrition is good and keeps people healthy. Some of us have managed businesses, when fast junk food becomes to prominent in the diet. I look up nutritional cures any time I have a health issue now. It works really well, too. REcently, I went to the hospital with back and leg pain, and the diagnosis was a messed up gallbladder that resulted in a doctor telling me to meet with a specialist the following monday to arrange a surgery. I looked up gallbladder issues followed by the words "nutritional help for gallstones." Several sites I found agreed on 1 thing: eat only apples for 7 days. I tried it rather than sign up for surgery, and not only did the pain resolve, but my horrible asthma took a hike too. I'm now a devoted fan of apples, unfiltered apple juice, and the like. Our mothers who took nutrition in high school are to be appreciated. Nutrition can cure a lot of ills if you know what foods put the pox on your issue. Just saying.

Oh, and I wear masks when I go to the grocery store or anywhere else and abide by the rules of social distancing and frequent hand sanitizer. Today, I was the only one at the gymn wearing a mask. Didn't bother me a bit, and it wouldn't surprise me if in the next few weeks more people will be wearing masks and stying 6 feet away from others in stores, restaurants, gymns, and any other place people go to a lot. Good wishes for you and your family's good health, MarcATL. :thup:
I quit taking it after my parathyroid surgery, which got rid of all the pain. I had suffered nostop pain for 7 or 8 years when I started taking the product. Moved home to Texas in 2009, and the surgery was in 2010 or 2011. That's when the pain totally stopped and I didn't need the meds any more, and stopping them was no problem because I started taking Senior Vitamins for women. Nutrition is good and keeps people healthy. Some of us have managed businesses, when fast junk food becomes to prominent in the diet. I look up nutritional cures any time I have a health issue now. It works really well, too. REcently, I went to the hospital with back and leg pain, and the diagnosis was a messed up gallbladder that resulted in a doctor telling me to meet with a specialist the following monday to arrange a surgery. I looked up gallbladder issues followed by the words "nutritional help for gallstones." Several sites I found agreed on 1 thing: eat only apples for 7 days. I tried it rather than sign up for surgery, and not only did the pain resolve, but my horrible asthma took a hike too. I'm now a devoted fan of apples, unfiltered apple juice, and the like. Our mothers who took nutrition in high school are to be appreciated. Nutrition can cure a lot of ills if you know what foods put the pox on your issue. Just saying.
Thanks for sharing.
The same lefties tried to malign the memory of a U.S. Army Veteran because Soros investigators found out he made fun of Corona virus safeguards. Now they pick on a 79 year old guy they call a a "maga-chud" because his grown kid tested positive for the virus without showing symptoms. Which funeral will left wing investigators show up next?
He never said the virus wasn’t real dumbass, he said that the media and Dems are lying about it and using it to push their agenda.

His son getting it doesn’t change that fact.

Deactivating his tweeter account does.
How is that a big deal? The democrats in the press are lying about the Chinese Flu, currently hiding the death and hospitalization rates while hyping the new cases found through testing. They want the economy shut down, and don't care about the science.

There is nothing contradictory in his posts.

It is indeed contradictory. Trump and his supporters have lied about the coronavirus. They want to hide the death and hospitalization rates. Trump says we are testing too much and that is why it is rising. You jerks want to ignore it but that is not possible. That is why Alabama and Arkansas have instituted statewide mask mandates.
The Twazis are interfering with the election by censoring anyone right of Mao.

Twitter should be shut down.
Twitter has been hacked, according to this: Security Experts Are Trying to Track Down the Twitter Hackers
It's a little over my head, but I thought you would appreciate it.

Yep. A bit coin scam that some democrats actually bought into. Send $10,000 in bitcoin and Barack Obama or Bill Gates will send double back. The hackers knew who are the greedy and stupid and targeted the left.

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