Big protests in Arizona

Harry, that's a fed issue, not the states. That's why it will be come inactive by the end of the week.

Same as the health care bill I suppose

Apples and oranges, herring and smelt, goats and sheep . . . you get it, whistle.

The health care bill, just like Medicaid and Medicadre and Social Security, are all legal under the Constitution. Just as immigration policy and control is federal, not state, business.

A federal court will place the AZ law under injuction by the end of the coming week.

Nope.....apples and oranges. Medicare, Social Security, and forced health care insurance are totally different.

Don't hold your breath on the injunction by the way. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? For once Republicans are the first to make a move instead of a bunch of sneaky fucken Democrats.
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Ame®icano;2243589 said:
The protesters are just a bunch of idiots though, right?

That's where terrorism starts. One of those protesters could be the next McVeigh.

I read this and I had to go back to see what thread I was in... was it a thread about the illegal aliens who were protesting in Arizona or the Tea Party protests? I'm sure it could have been either one.

White males make up about 33% of the voting public, down almost 50% from 1950. That is what the reactionary white males are unhappy about ~ they can no longer dictate elections.

you are such a hack

Yeah, I know that facts and the logical interp from them are difficult things for you to emotionally accept.

I have noticed this Yurt person really hates it when you trhrow facts at him. Here is what happens, he called you a hack without disputing anything. Its just lazyness.

Yurt, you did graduate high school? Righty.
So how do the people against "big gubmint" square that belief with their support for the Papers Please law?

Why don't you people ever grasp the difference between "small government" and "no government"?

If such a law was being considered at the federal level, you guys would be shitting yourself.

Who is "you guys", and how do you figure that we - whoever "we" is - would have a problem with tougher immigration enforcement on a federal level? The only reason
Arizona is doing this is because the federal government is reneging on its obligation to protect us.
These people protesting are americans and have a right to protest.

oh they are?.....all of them?......more "Truth" from "TRUTHMATTERS"....geezus you are clueless....

this is land is our land this land is your land whatever happen to that? we share lands we love when people come here.

there abosultying fuck up law here.

Whatever happened to that? It and the non-land-owning hippies who sang it were ignored by the people who actually worked and paid hard cash for the land, that's what. Why is it that leftists always want to "share" things that belong to someone else?
Anybody see any bottle throwing going on at the Tea-party rallies?

Did anyone see any violence like we witnessed today in Arizona from these people?

All of the nastiness the Tea-party was accused of and then some was on display by the left and Illegal Immigration supporters....and that lousy fuck Obama was on their side.

Anyone catch what he had to say about the new law? It was fucken disgraceful.

BHO was correct, irresponsible non-action at the federal level leads to worse action at the state level. Absolutely correct, whistle.

So Obama as usual gets a pass. He doesn't do anything and he is able to look down his nose at anyone who does.

Explain to me how it's okay to break the law?

Why does Obama seem to support breaking the law?

After all being critical of anyone who dares to enforce the law is encouraging law-breaking.

In what way does fairness equate to entering this country illegally?

Explain to ME why he is utterly unembarrassed - as any rational person would be - that states are being forced to pass laws to do the job HE should be doing and isn't.
Key elements of the law
Story (0) Comments Posted: Friday, April 23, 2010 11:02 pm | Comments

• Bars governments and agencies from limiting or restricting their employees from enforcing immigration laws "to less than the full extent permitted by federal law."

• Requires police, where there is "reasonable suspicion" the person is an illegal immigrant, to make a "reasonable attempt ... when practicable" to determine that person's legal status.

• Contains an exception if pursuing that inquiry "may hinder or obstruct an investigation."

• Prohibits race, color or national origin from being the sole factor used in determining whether to pursue investigating someone's immigration status.

• Says governments cannot prohibit their employees from sending, receiving or maintaining information about someone's immigration status to determine whether they are eligible for public benefits or services.

• Permits any legal resident to sue if a government agency adopts any policy or practice that restricts the ability of its workers to enforce immigration laws, with judges required to impose penalties of up to $5,000 a day.

• Makes it a violation of state law to be in this country illegally, linking it to the failure to have the requisite "alien registration document."

• Makes it illegal to stop on a road to hire day laborers, or enter a car stopped on a road to get temporary work.

• Criminalizes transporting, concealing, harboring or shielding an illegal immigrant from detection if the person knows or "recklessly disregards" that the other person is in this country illegally.

Capitol Media Services

The law says it prohibits using race, but you'd have to be a fool to believe that's actually going to occur.

You'd have to be a fool living in a nearly all-white state to think it would. Do you KNOW how many citizens of Mexican heritage live in this state? There aren't enough hours in the day for the cops to card every Hispanic in Arizona just because. They'd about HAVE to have some other process of elimination at work.

Besides, as much as this might shock you, Arizonans actually allow the "little brown brothers" to join the police force. Think they're likely to do a lot of racial profiling against others of the same ethnicity?
What does this law allow law enforcement to do that they couldn't do before under existing law?


One most notable is the requirement to carry proof of citizenship.

Can't have that going on....according to Obama.

Reminds me of the voter registration ID that was proposed.

Can't have one with an actual picture of the voter on it. How the heck are they going to vote multiple times or in more then one district if they keep better control of exactly where folks are voting.

I don't know anyone in Arizona over a certain age who leaves the house without ID, anyway. Our public transportation SUCKS, and our cities are very spread out, which means most people over 16 drive everywhere . . . which means you're carrying a driver's license. I would think most adults carry ID, anyway, for purposes of purchasing with checks or credits cards, buying restricted items, all manner of reasons. And if you have a green card, I think you're supposed to carry it with you.
Same as the health care bill I suppose

Apples and oranges, herring and smelt, goats and sheep . . . you get it, whistle.

The health care bill, just like Medicaid and Medicadre and Social Security, are all legal under the Constitution. Just as immigration policy and control is federal, not state, business.

A federal court will place the AZ law under injuction by the end of the coming week.

Nope.....apples and oranges. Medicare, Social Security, and forced health care insurance are totally different.

Don't hold your breath on the injunction by the way. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? For once Republicans are the first to make a move instead of a bunch of sneaky fucken Democrats.

You brought up health care, whistle, and I competently answered your non sequitur. Nope, the injunction will be in place by Thursday. Watch and see.
Apples and oranges, herring and smelt, goats and sheep . . . you get it, whistle.

The health care bill, just like Medicaid and Medicadre and Social Security, are all legal under the Constitution. Just as immigration policy and control is federal, not state, business.

A federal court will place the AZ law under injuction by the end of the coming week.

Nope.....apples and oranges. Medicare, Social Security, and forced health care insurance are totally different.

Don't hold your breath on the injunction by the way. How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? For once Republicans are the first to make a move instead of a bunch of sneaky fucken Democrats.

You brought up health care, whistle, and I competently answered your non sequitur. Nope, the injunction will be in place by Thursday. Watch and see.

And we'll see what effect...if has on Arizona's rights.

What really seems to burn your ass is somebody dared to do something about a growing problem.

Obama and the Dems ignored all of the murders and all of the money being lost. So they decided after yet another rancher was killed in cold blood that it was time to do something. Something I'm sure Obama would have done himself had that rancher had been...dare I say...Black. Never let an opportunity to patronize a large voting block pass by they always say.

In the words of Obama...why can't we use a "Novel Idea" and require they used to in Europe. That would solve the problem or at least make it harder for illegals to roam the country.

NOPE..I'm sure you would scream bloody murder if we started doing something that resembled Europe. But that is essentially what we're talking about here. Right?

They're using the health care bill to computorize all of our health records.....why not have everyone apply for Visas and when a cop stops someone or a border guard checks IDs at state border crossings all they have to do is swipe the card and it tells the officer exactly where that person has been. Obama wants to check up on us....we should be able to check up on illegals or anyone traveling the country. Obama wants to monitor our bank accounts now so we should be able to monitor folks that are roaming the country.

The hypocrisy of you people is simply amazing.
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Explain to ME why he is utterly unembarrassed - as any rational person would be - that states are being forced to pass laws to do the job HE should be doing and isn't.

I'd agree with you except that I have to say he has only been in office for about 15 months it isn't like this problem has only been a problem under his watch and the solution is not something that will come about as quickly as say the total salvation (I'm puking while typing that) of our Health Care System. He's not to blame for the current situation. Yes, I think he should be working on a solution, but I don't think he is to blame for it.

Explain to ME why he is utterly unembarrassed - as any rational person would be - that states are being forced to pass laws to do the job HE should be doing and isn't.

I'd agree with you except that I have to say he has only been in office for about 15 months it isn't like this problem has only been a problem under his watch and the solution is not something that will come about as quickly as say the total salvation (I'm puking while typing that) of our Health Care System. He's not to blame for the current situation. Yes, I think he should be working on a solution, but I don't think he is to blame for it.


Yup. That old worn out excuse is not really flying anymore.

The Immigration issue was a problem long before Obama and the Dems decided to rig health care to suit them. Doing something rather then nothing would be better then what they've chose to do. The problem is simple yet becomes complicated because Democrats are so afraid of pissing off Hispanics.

True. It's not like he just woke up last week and discovered that we have porous borders, murders by drug-runners, and money is being lost left and right due the flood of illegals into this country.

Nope.....the illegal immigration problem serves them well so they are less inclined to deal with it then say.....going after "Fat-Cat" bankers.
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Explain to ME why he is utterly unembarrassed - as any rational person would be - that states are being forced to pass laws to do the job HE should be doing and isn't.

I'd agree with you except that I have to say he has only been in office for about 15 months it isn't like this problem has only been a problem under his watch and the solution is not something that will come about as quickly as say the total salvation (I'm puking while typing that) of our Health Care System. He's not to blame for the current situation. Yes, I think he should be working on a solution, but I don't think he is to blame for it.


That old worn out excuse is not really flying anymore.

The Immigration issue was a problem long before Obama and the Dems decided to rig health care to suit them.

It's not like he just woke up last week and discovered that we have porous borders, murders by drug-runners, and money is being lost left and right due the flood of illegals into this country.

Nope.....the illegal immigration problem serves them well so they are less inclined to deal with it then say.....going after "Fat-Cat" bankers.

I agree, but I don't think he should be embarrassed by the fact that the borders are porous. He didn't cause the problem. The fact that you and others believe that it should be priority #1 (something that I am not convinced of, but then I don't live in Arizona either and have not suffered the crime issue that they have mentioned) does not mean that I think it should be. I think the National Debt is much more important than hunting down poor immigrant workers who come to this country illegally. I think the tax structure of this country is more important than the hunting down of illegals as well, and corruption in Washington, Abortion, the wars in the Middle East, yes, even the health care crisis although I don't agree with the solution he and his cohorts came up with.

Illegal immigration is not my top priority in this country today. Partly because I believe "we" as citizens of the U.S.A. encourage and want those illegals here. I don't believe they would be here if we didn't pay them to come here, and I use the term pay quite loosely.

I'd agree with you except that I have to say he has only been in office for about 15 months it isn't like this problem has only been a problem under his watch and the solution is not something that will come about as quickly as say the total salvation (I'm puking while typing that) of our Health Care System. He's not to blame for the current situation. Yes, I think he should be working on a solution, but I don't think he is to blame for it.


That old worn out excuse is not really flying anymore.

The Immigration issue was a problem long before Obama and the Dems decided to rig health care to suit them.

It's not like he just woke up last week and discovered that we have porous borders, murders by drug-runners, and money is being lost left and right due the flood of illegals into this country.

Nope.....the illegal immigration problem serves them well so they are less inclined to deal with it then say.....going after "Fat-Cat" bankers.

I agree, but I don't think he should be embarrassed by the fact that the borders are porous. He didn't cause the problem. The fact that you and others believe that it should be priority #1 (something that I am not convinced of, but then I don't live in Arizona either and have not suffered the crime issue that they have mentioned) does not mean that I think it should be. I think the National Debt is much more important than hunting down poor immigrant workers who come to this country illegally. I think the tax structure of this country is more important than the hunting down of illegals as well, and corruption in Washington, Abortion, the wars in the Middle East, yes, even the health care crisis although I don't agree with the solution he and his cohorts came up with.

Illegal immigration is not my top priority in this country today. Partly because I believe "we" as citizens of the U.S.A. encourage and want those illegals here. I don't believe they would be here if we didn't pay them to come here, and I use the term pay quite loosely.


National Debt is simple....quit spending so much. What did they do? Spend even more. How's that for their solution?

The illegal immigrant problem is ruining our health care industry. So what do the Dems do? They take it over.

They like things the way they are. Face it.
So now democrats are the conservatives huh?

what a huge lack of logic.

Obama is provinding the change he promised and you call it staying the same?

The republicans left a huge mess and now you complain about spending to clean up they mess they made.

You people are pretzel brains
So now democrats are the conservatives huh?

what a huge lack of logic.

Obama is provinding the change he promised and you call it staying the same?

The republicans left a huge mess and now you complain about spending to clean up they mess they made.

You people are pretzel brains

Seems you have a way of seeing everything ass-backwards.

When it came to illegals Democrats were the party of no. That's why the problem persists.
So what the fuck are you trying to blame the democrats for now , You didnt make it very clear.

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