big problems uncovered in the state of Georgia's 2020 elections !

Please tell us why he’s a “ Zionist fraud” and FOX News are “ Zionist traitors” Another dirty “ Christian” with a sewer mouth

Roberts is a Zionist fraud because he lies about being a Christian when in fact he is really a Jew, joining a long list of such frauds in DC including traitor Joe, hero of the Atlanta Jewish times.

Roberts and Fox News only care about Israel and preventing anyone from releasing the FBI 911 file to the American people.

There is a reason why some in history felt it necessary to ID your chosen demographic in ridiculous ways. That reason is because your side engages in people frauds for the purpose of false flag hate hoaxes and active participation in treason....


Col Tim osman - Osama
Simon Elliot - Baghdadi
Saudi crown prince bin salman - Jeff epstein's best pal
Traitor Joe
Rupert "Catholic" Murdoch
Marsha Marsha Marsha 100% for Israel BLACK BURN
Jefferson Davis
Tucker "Catholic" Carlson

10 gig more...
Roberts is a Zionist fraud because he lies about being a Christian when in fact he is really a Jew, joining a long list of such frauds in DC including traitor Joe, hero of the Atlanta Jewish times.

Roberts and Fox News only care about Israel and preventing anyone from releasing the FBI 911 file to the American people.

There is a reason why some in history felt it necessary to ID your chosen demographic in ridiculous ways. That reason is because your side engages in people frauds for the purpose of false flag hate hoaxes and active participation in treason....


Col Tim osman - Osama
Simon Elliot - Baghdadi
Saudi crown prince bin salman - Jeff epstein's best pal
Traitor Joe
Rupert "Catholic" Murdoch
Marsha Marsha Marsha 100% for Israel BLACK BURN
Jefferson Davis
Tucker "Catholic" Carlson

10 gig more...

Muhammed Ben Salman is only 36 years old. Why do you think he was involved with Epstein?
and it seems that other states are also finding discrepancies and possible illegal voting activity . i'm not saying these results will change the outcome of the 2020 elections but it is clear that the US needs to strengthen voting integrity and security . it may come to the point if enough states uncover voting discrepancies that the Supreme Court will have no choice but to take up voting fraud claims brought before them . New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020

Your source is the Federalist.. Not known for accurate reporting ever.


Casting Doubt on Potential Illegal Votes
Some of those moves could have been temporary, involving students or members of the military, Davis stressed, adding that under Georgia law temporary relocations do not alter citizens’ residency status or render their votes illegal. But, given the margin separating the two presidential candidates, approximately one-third of the votes at issue could have altered the outcome of the election. Yet the media, the courts, and the Secretary of State’s Office ignored or downplayed the issue.

“It was disconcerting to see the media and the courts largely ignore serious issues like these, especially since the data I was seeing showed very legitimate issues,” Davis said. “In fact, I heard members of the Secretary of State’s team admit some votes were cast with residency issues, but then claimed there weren’t enough of them to cast the outcome of the election in doubt,” Davis added. “That was not at all what I was seeing, and as far as I am aware the Secretary of State’s Office has never put an actual number on the ones they did see.”

While frustrated, Davis told me that he never stopped working on these issues. “In May I received an updated voter database from the Secretary of State’s office, and I imported the data and compared voter’s addresses to the NCOA information I processed in November.”

The Data Speaks for Itself
When Davis ran the data, he found that, of the approximately 35,000 Georgians who indicated they had moved from one county to another county more than 30 days before the November general election, as of May, more than 10,300 had updated their voter registration information, providing the secretary of state the exact address they had previously provided to the USPS. Those same 10,000-plus individuals all also cast ballots in the county in which they had previously lived.

“That number continues to increase every day as more and more people update their registrations,” Davis said. “I have little doubt that the total number will eventually meet and then exceed President Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia.” Davis, who has testified as an expert witness multiple times in disputed election cases, believes Trump might have won a challenge to the Georgia election results had a court actually heard his case.
Muhammed Ben Salman is only 36 years old. Why do you think he was involved with Epstein?

Both are Jews.

Both made a fortune investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910

Epstein is on video bragging that bin salman was his #1 customer on the island.

You already knew all of that. You could search for both. Instead....

Search for this

Saudi Royal family Jewish
Roberts is a Zionist fraud because he lies about being a Christian when in fact he is really a Jew, joining a long list of such frauds in DC including traitor Joe, hero of the Atlanta Jewish times.

Roberts and Fox News only care about Israel and preventing anyone from releasing the FBI 911 file to the American people.

There is a reason why some in history felt it necessary to ID your chosen demographic in ridiculous ways. That reason is because your side engages in people frauds for the purpose of false flag hate hoaxes and active participation in treason....


Col Tim osman - Osama
Simon Elliot - Baghdadi
Saudi crown prince bin salman - Jeff epstein's best pal
Traitor Joe
Rupert "Catholic" Murdoch
Marsha Marsha Marsha 100% for Israel BLACK BURN
Jefferson Davis
Tucker "Catholic" Carlson

10 gig more...
Sorry, but Judge Roberts is Catholic Re:9/11 The Jews did it? Of course! Everyone knows the Israelis pinned it on Bin Laden and the 19 Arabs were Israelis. Our Govt is covering it up.
Sorry, but Judge Roberts is Catholic Re:9/11 The Jews did it? Of course! Everyone knows the Israelis pinned it on Bin Laden and the 19 Arabs were Israelis. Our Govt is covering it up.

John Roberts is a fraud of a Catholic, and your Zionist rear has known that all along.

John Roberts "found" the "right" of the court to force Americans to buy health insurance.

911 was a fraud, Zionism was behind it, and col Tim osman was Osama, which is why there are no photos of osama in Saudi.....

So go search for photos of bin laden in Saudi...

And this

Nypost 913 FBI Saudi obstructionist
John Roberts is a fraud of a Catholic, and your Zionist rear has known that all along.

John Roberts "found" the "right" of the court to force Americans to buy health insurance.

911 was a fraud, Zionism was behind it, and col Tim osman was Osama, which is why there are no photos of osama in Saudi.....

So go search for photos of bin laden in Saudi...

And this

Nypost 913 FBI Saudi obstructionist
Bin Laden had nothing to do with it. Another psychotic nut case
Both are Jews.

Both made a fortune investing in gold, oil, the long bond, and defense stocks on 910

Epstein is on video bragging that bin salman was his #1 customer on the island.

You already knew all of that. You could search for both. Instead....

Search for this

Saudi Royal family Jewish

Nope.. The Al Saud are not Jews.. That's an old, stupid slander that has been soundly debunked.

Only nut cases and conspiracy theories repeat such ignorance.
John Roberts is a fraud of a Catholic, and your Zionist rear has known that all along.

John Roberts "found" the "right" of the court to force Americans to buy health insurance.

911 was a fraud, Zionism was behind it, and col Tim osman was Osama, which is why there are no photos of osama in Saudi.....

So go search for photos of bin laden in Saudi...

And this

Nypost 913 FBI Saudi obstructionist

The Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship in 1994 and declared AQ a terrorist organization.. He hated the Saudis as much as the US.. He hoped that 9/11 would destroy the relationship that's why 9/11 had a Saudi face.

OBL wanted war between the West and the Arabs. 6 of the hijackers used fake ID so we may never know whether they were Saudis or not. It wasn't Israelis.

You sure don't know much about the Middle East.
Bin Laden had nothing to do with it. Another psychotic nut case

Everyone notice.

There are NO photos of "Osama" in Saudi....

But there are three of col Tim osman talking to carter NSA zbigniew in 1980 thanks to the KGB....
The Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship in 1994 and declared AQ a terrorist organization.. He hated the Saudis as much as the US.. He hoped that 9/11 would destroy the relationship that's why 9/11 had a Saudi face.

OBL wanted war between the West and the Arabs. 6 of the hijackers used fake ID so we may never know whether they were Saudis or not. It wasn't Israelis.

You sure don't know much about the Middle East.

To learn about why Saudi crown prince bin salman (presumably Islamic) was Jeff epstein's #1 customer on Pedohile isle, search for

Saudi Royal family Jewish

And remember that Putin on 913 said 911 was a fraud by

US, Israel, AND Saudi.....

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