Big Obama donor cashed in on stimulus. Energy company received hundreds millions in t


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Big Obama donor cashed in on stimulus. Energy company received hundreds millions in taxpayer funds
Klein Online ^ | December 15, 2011 | Aaron Klein

Big Obama donor cashed in on ‘stimulus’. Energy company received hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds « Klein Online
The founder of an energy company that benefited from deals involving hundreds of millions in “stimulus” money made the maximum donation allowable to President Obama’s inauguration, WND has learned.

Peter L. Corsell, founder of GridPoint Inc., contributed $50,000 to the inauguration.

Corsell served as the Gridpoint’s chief executive officer from the company’s inception until transitioning to the position of non-executive chairman in October, 2010.

Yesterday, KleinOnline broke the story that an Obama adviser who played a key role in developing the energy provisions of the so-called stimulus bill serves on the boards of Gridpoint as well as several other companies that recently received government funds, including “stimulus” money.

TJ Glauthier served on Obama’s 2008 White House Transition Team. He is widely credited with helping to craft the energy provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also known as the “stimulus.”

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Big Obama donor cashed in on ‘stimulus’. Energy company received hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds « Klein Online

Big Obama donor cashed in on ‘stimulus’. Energy company received hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds

The Arlington, Va.-based company had landed a contract to help the Sacramento, Calif.-based municipal utility manage renewable power integration, energy storage and home energy management systems. SMUD had won $127.5 million in stimulus funds from the Department of Energy to carry out the project, which also includes deploying 600,000 smart meters in its service territory.

Also, in early 2009, the Energy Department awarded Argonne National Laboratory nearly $2.7 million in stimulus funding for three solar-energy related research projects. In addition, Argonne reportedly shared another $5 million in stimulus funding for projects with GridPoint and other companies and the University of Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.

Besides benefiting from stimulus grants, GridPoint last year won a $28 million contract with the United States Postal Service to install energy management systems in selected post office locations across the U.S.

Glauthier, meanwhile, also had come under fire after Fox News reported the U.S. Navy has purchased 450,000 gallons of biofuel for about $16 a gallon, or about four times the price of its standard marine fuel, JP-5, which has been going for under $4 a gallon.

And HotAir reported last week that Glauthier is a “strategic adviser” to Solazyme, the California company that is selling a portion of the biofuel to the Navy.

HotAir noted Solazyme received a $21.8 million grant from the 2009 stimulus package.
Also, writing at BigGovernment two weeks ago, Whitney Pitcher found that prior to serving as adviser to Solazyme and after his time as part of Obama’s transition team, Glauthier served on the advisory board of SunRun, a solar financing company.

In October of 2010, just a few short months after Glauthier joined SunRun’s advisory board, SunRun secured a $6.73 million grant from a Treasury Department stimulus program. The company was the ninth largest recipient of such programs through December 2010.
Other Florida Republicans, who warned that the stimulus plan was part of a tax-and-spend culture in Washington, D.C., that would bankrupt the nation, shared Mack’s view. They cited that belief in casting votes against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in January 2009.

But seven months later, Mack wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation asking for $29 million in stimulus funds to improve railroad infrastructure in his district.

LeMieux did not mention that on the day before his speech, he had written a letter to the Transportation Department in which he asked for more than $65 million for a bus and train center in Jacksonville.

But in September 2009, eight months after the stimulus vote, the Ocala Republican wrote a letter to Transportation Department officials requesting $79 million in stimulus money for a project to improve infrastructure of a port in Jacksonville.

He asked that they use millions in stimulus dollars to fund 10 separate projects in his Panhandle district, including hundreds of miles of improvements to roads and the replacement of more than 100 bridges.

GOP Congressmen Criticize Stimulus, Ask for Money

This is all from one state. Republicans in congress who voted against the stimulus received hundreds of millions of dollars used to create thousands of jobs they took credit for all the time complaining the stimulus made no jobs.

And their easily misled Republican base repeats over and over again the stimulus was a failure, all the time their leaders taking credit for jobs that came from Obama's "failed" stimulus.

How will all this play in the debates? All the Republican leadership have taken stimulus money for projects in their districts. How will they explain that once the real debates start?
Other Florida Republicans, who warned that the stimulus plan was part of a tax-and-spend culture in Washington, D.C., that would bankrupt the nation, shared Mack’s view. They cited that belief in casting votes against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in January 2009.

But seven months later, Mack wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation asking for $29 million in stimulus funds to improve railroad infrastructure in his district.

LeMieux did not mention that on the day before his speech, he had written a letter to the Transportation Department in which he asked for more than $65 million for a bus and train center in Jacksonville.

But in September 2009, eight months after the stimulus vote, the Ocala Republican wrote a letter to Transportation Department officials requesting $79 million in stimulus money for a project to improve infrastructure of a port in Jacksonville.

He asked that they use millions in stimulus dollars to fund 10 separate projects in his Panhandle district, including hundreds of miles of improvements to roads and the replacement of more than 100 bridges.

GOP Congressmen Criticize Stimulus, Ask for Money

This is all from one state. Republicans in congress who voted against the stimulus received hundreds of millions of dollars used to create thousands of jobs they took credit for all the time complaining the stimulus made no jobs.

And their easily misled Republican base repeats over and over again the stimulus was a failure, all the time their leaders taking credit for jobs that came from Obama's "failed" stimulus.

How will all this play in the debates? All the Republican leadership have taken stimulus money for projects in their districts. How will they explain that once the real debates start?

Every time I point this out on a thread, it seems to ruin the thread. No comments from the GOP base about their leadership taking hundreds of millions of dollars of stimulus money to create thousands of jobs?
Every time I point this out on a thread, it seems to ruin the thread. No comments from the GOP base about their leadership taking hundreds of millions of dollars of stimulus money to create thousands of jobs?

It's the same fascist logic that claims people who pay into Social Security aren't allowed to collect it if they criticize the program. All you have proven is that you would vote for Adolph Hitler if given a chance.
Here's an example of stimulous , Obama style. The Bio Tech company Solazine can't make it in the free market even after receiving 21 Million in the Obama stimulous package so the administration awarded them a contract for a half a million gallons of Bio-Fuel to the US Navy at $16 per gallon. God help us but the Navy will force American pilots to fuel their Jets witn 100,000 gallons of the stuff. The con-trails might smell like a KFC restaurant and fool the enemy radar. Since the Navy already has a surplus of fuel the bio-crap might be stored and later sold back to the public aat about a buck per gallon.

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