Big LIE Postal Union commercial.. Post office does use Tax payer money!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!
Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!
Postal closings delayed till May`12...
Postal Service Delays Closings Until May
12/16/11 - The Postal Service is postponing branch closings, but cuts still loom.
Hundreds of post offices got a stay of execution this week as the cash-strapped Postal Service agreed to put off any planned closings until mid-May. The Postal Service has faced multibillion-dollar budget deficits for the past few years and planned massive cuts to get itself back in the black. Plans included the closing of 3,700 post offices and 252 mail-processing facilities, with the latter resulting in the termination of next-day first class mail delivery.

The reprieve came about thanks to a request by 15 senators - all Democrats - who gave various rationales for opposing the cuts. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) noted that 1,800 Illinois residents would be put out of work by the closures, while Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) argued that post offices served as the center of rural Alaskan communities. While these are all legitimate objections, the moratorium certainly has the feel of kicking the can down the road. Several of the senators alluded to the need for "long-term solutions" and Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said that he wanted to give Congress "time to get the U.S. Postal Service's financial house in order and make needed, reasonable reforms."

When we asked readers last week what reforms they would make to get the Postal Service back on its feet, we heard a number of creative solutions. Reader David Backlin suggested reducing staff, noting that his local post office "has three people working when there's no one in line." Neal Phillips recommended raising rates, a plan the Postal Service is approaching tentatively by raising the price of stamps by a penny starting Jan. 22. And reader David Andre Arce recommends a number of revenue-boosting fixes, including selling ads on the Postal Service Web site and consolidating by relocating post offices in shopping centers and grocery stores.

We'll see what the government comes up with in the next six months to save the Postal Service from its mounting difficulties, but if lawmakers can't get as creative as readers have, all the senators have done is put off the inevitable.

All businesses use revolving credit lines for all sorts of reasons. The Post Office is no exception and it does pay it's bills very well without asking the taxpayers for a dime. Just more rightwing bitching.
go look at the constitution.

The founders were willing to PAY for a postal service.

why do the right attack the post office and make laws that FORCE the post office to fund 75 years of employee benifits in ten years?

WHY did the right do that?

NO private entity has to fund 75 years in advance.

Why did the right want this extraordinary burden placed on the post office?


They have some damned plan to make all corespondence take place on the internets.

Why ? what is the full plan they are trying to impliment and why?

I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!
Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

A line of credit does not count as costing taxpayers money. Credit is paid back. Get back to us with taxes that are not paid back.
The USPO is probably too big for the task it now serves.

Some downsizing is now in order.

Mostly it now serves to bring junk mail to most of us.
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!
Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

A line of credit does not count as costing taxpayers money. Credit is paid back. Get back to us with taxes that are not paid back.

A LINE of CRedit that would be used in Businesses would be over .03% interest rate which is what the USPS get's from FEB!
So taxpayers money which taxpayers could use to make more then .03% interest IS BEING USED to subsidize lower interest rate!

BUT some idiots here think because I am critical of the postal union for running out right lie ads.. "not one tax dollar used".. think I want USPS destroyed. HOW totally stupid!
I read evidently MORE then most of you stupid idiots that think that!

READ this report..

According to the same story, Phillip Herr, the Government Accountability Office’s expert on the Postal Service, “is struck by how many USPS executives started out as letter carriers or clerks. He finds them so consumed with delivering mail that they have been slow to grasp how swiftly the service's financial condition is deteriorating. "We said, 'What's your 10-year plan?'" Herr recalls. They didn't have one.’”

The U.S. Postal Service Nears Collapse - BusinessWeek

Myth #3: USPS receives no taxpayer support.
Fact: USPS has received billions of dollars in
indirect taxpayer subsidies over the years.

USPS benefits from preferential local, state, and federal tax treatment that results in an indirect subsidy, or tax expenditure, from all levels of government. USPS is exempt from the following:
• Local, State, and Federal Income Tax
• Property Tax
• Motor Vehicle Registration
• Parking Tickets
Like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, USPS can borrow money at very low interest rates from the U.S. Government; USPS borrows money through the U.S. Treasury paying less than 1% interest on some debt. The Postal Service has a $15 billion line of credit with U.S. Treasury.

If the USPS that brags if they were a business they would be 29th on th3 top 500.. DON"T PAY ANY taxes!
Just based on the fact of USPS gross of $67 billion and say they WERE a legitimate business their TAXES would be close to $4 billion in Fed/State..etc.

READ the myths here..


  • $Final_Myth_vs__Fact.pdf
    47 KB · Views: 267
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!
Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

Yep! I realized that the first time they ran it. If they didn't need taxpayer money they wouldn't be spending millions of dollars begging for it.. damn screwed up unions.
go look at the constitution.

The founders were willing to PAY for a postal service.

why do the right attack the post office and make laws that FORCE the post office to fund 75 years of employee benifits in ten years?

WHY did the right do that?

NO private entity has to fund 75 years in advance.

Why did the right want this extraordinary burden placed on the post office?


They have some damned plan to make all corespondence take place on the internets.

Why ? what is the full plan they are trying to impliment and why?


All businesses use revolving credit lines for all sorts of reasons. The Post Office is no exception and it does pay it's bills very well without asking the taxpayers for a dime. Just more rightwing bitching.

LOL Damn I wasnt aware you were so ignorant on the subject.

Please tell us you dont believe the post office has never taken a dime of taxpayer money.
All businesses use revolving credit lines for all sorts of reasons. The Post Office is no exception and it does pay it's bills very well without asking the taxpayers for a dime. Just more rightwing bitching.

LOL Damn I wasnt aware you were so ignorant on the subject.

Please tell us you dont believe the post office has never taken a dime of taxpayer money.

I never said the post office has never taken taxpayer money. At one time it operated completely from the taxpayer dole and there was no direct cost to the users of the system for their parcel deliveries. NOW, the post office is operating like no company on earth by having to preload its primary expenses for 10 years out in just one year. And no, the USPS, does not use or ask for taxpayer funding for that beyond that which the system allows for short term usage and accounting purposes just like any responsible and successful business would do. There are many governmental entities that also get pieces of that short term loan pie. TVA, Bureau of Land Management, Corps of Engineers, etc. And like the post office they all pay it back. Like I said, just more right wing bitching about something they don't understand and lack the curiosity to investigate.
go look at the constitution.

The founders were willing to PAY for a postal service.

why do the right attack the post office and make laws that FORCE the post office to fund 75 years of employee benifits in ten years?

WHY did the right do that?

NO private entity has to fund 75 years in advance.

Why did the right want this extraordinary burden placed on the post office?


They have some damned plan to make all corespondence take place on the internets.

Why ? what is the full plan they are trying to impliment and why?


I think TM is once again showing her complete paranoia.

The Post office is on the ropes because E-mail and ON-line Bill pay has made mailing letters obsolete. It's not some "Grand conspiracy".

The Post office SHOULD be forced to adapt. They refuse to do so. The union thugs refuse to give an inch, insisting on 50 employees when the work could be done by 5 now.
The Post office SHOULD be forced to adapt. They refuse to do so. The union thugs refuse to give an inch, insisting on 50 employees when the work could be done by 5 now.

they did not refuse to Adapt.....the PO has to get Congress to approve of any some cases this takes took them 4-5 years just to approve of scanners when you deliver parcels and other scanable items......everyone else was already using them....

insisting on 50 employees when the work could be done by 5 now.

where the hell did you dig up this shit? 32 years here i have never heard of something like this.....
go look at the constitution.

The founders were willing to PAY for a postal service.

why do the right attack the post office and make laws that FORCE the post office to fund 75 years of employee benifits in ten years?

WHY did the right do that?

NO private entity has to fund 75 years in advance.

Why did the right want this extraordinary burden placed on the post office?


They have some damned plan to make all corespondence take place on the internets.

Why ? what is the full plan they are trying to impliment and why?


I think TM is once again showing her complete paranoia.

The Post office is on the ropes because E-mail and ON-line Bill pay has made mailing letters obsolete. It's not some "Grand conspiracy".

The Post office SHOULD be forced to adapt. They refuse to do so. The union thugs refuse to give an inch, insisting on 50 employees when the work could be done by 5 now.

The Post Office is NOT on the ropes but they are adjusting for a new business model based on actual needs of the people and requirements of the constitution. Got problems with that? Take it to the Supreme Court. The Post Office will be here 100 years from now.
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!

Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

Money paid in union dues have been earned and belong to the workers that earn it. Once it is paid to the workers what they choose to do with it is no longer a concern of yours.
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!

Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

Money paid in union dues have been earned and belong to the workers that earn it. Once it is paid to the workers what they choose to do with it is no longer a concern of yours.

Then leave the taxpayer out of it. You don't need our money if you have enough money to pay the democrats.. it's just that simple.
All businesses use revolving credit lines for all sorts of reasons. The Post Office is no exception and it does pay it's bills very well without asking the taxpayers for a dime. Just more rightwing bitching.

LOL Damn I wasnt aware you were so ignorant on the subject.

Please tell us you dont believe the post office has never taken a dime of taxpayer money.

I never said the post office has never taken taxpayer money. At one time it operated completely from the taxpayer dole and there was no direct cost to the users of the system for their parcel deliveries. NOW, the post office is operating like no company on earth by having to preload its primary expenses for 10 years out in just one year. And no, the USPS, does not use or ask for taxpayer funding for that beyond that which the system allows for short term usage and accounting purposes just like any responsible and successful business would do. There are many governmental entities that also get pieces of that short term loan pie. TVA, Bureau of Land Management, Corps of Engineers, etc. And like the post office they all pay it back. Like I said, just more right wing bitching about something they don't understand and lack the curiosity to investigate.

LOL They pay there bills but cant pay there bills.

What else ya got.
I should add, damn repubs wont let us lie about our retirement fund, WTH we dont have that problem in calif. F in repubs.
I've heard this commercial:

Paid for by the postal workers UNION...

The union’s 30-second ad describes the enormity of the job postal workers do, and ends with a question and response:
Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer?
Not a single cent."

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) asked the union to cancel a union-sponsored television ad that has been airing on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.

In a letter to President Cliff Guffey dated July 11,2011, the day the ad began airing, Issa called the ad “misleading,” and in a July 13 posting on the Web site of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which he chairs, Issa asked the union to cancel the ad campaign.

The reason is THE Postal Service borrows from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a government-owned corporation under the general supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury, provide the Postal Service revolving credit lines of $4 billion!

At year-end, the current estimated market value of our debt was $1,800 million in 2004 and $7,283 million in 2003. Debt consists of $1,800 million in cash drawn on our line of credit with the FFB.
Financial Statements

WHERE did the FFB get their MONEY??? TAX Payers!!!
Government Sponsored Loan-Sharking Bank of Congress: Using Your Tax Dollars to Pander to Special Interests and Fund Pet Projects at Taxpayer Loss.

The U.S. Postal Service (which had $3.8 billion subsidy in 2009) selects an average of 1,125 employees daily to sit in empty “standby rooms.”
They are not allowed to work, read, play cards, watch television, or do anything.
The annual cost is $50 million!

Because of the American Postal Workers Union!
And guess how this ad campaign paid for?
Who pays the dues... UNIONIZED Postal workers!

Guess who donates 90% of their donations to Democrats ? Unions!
Guess who writes the bills that authorizes paychecks for the 1,125 employees that sit,in empty rooms at a cost of $50 million a year?
Democrats that receive donations from unions that pay for the commercials that CONVINCE you "!.no.! NO tax payers money being used"!
And the circle jerk is completed with tax payers left paying the tab!

Money paid in union dues have been earned and belong to the workers that earn it. Once it is paid to the workers what they choose to do with it is no longer a concern of yours.

Then leave the taxpayer out of it. You don't need our money if you have enough money to pay the democrats.. it's just that simple.

You need the people that work for you. You also need to pay them a fair wage. You would probably be the first to cry if you didn't have nice smooth roads to drive on, safe drinking water, adequate fire protection or your trash not being picked up.

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