Big Foot, Russia Collusion, Black New Deals, and Extreme Climate Change:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Big Foot, Russia Collusion, Black New Deals, and Extreme Climate Change:
A World of Myths and Media Brain-Fade

April 9, 2019 ~ By Vijay Jayaraj
Myths usually sound fascinating. Myths are things that never happened, stories that aren’t true, though often we wish they were, for various reasons.… As a young boy, I wanted to know if Big Foot was an actual animal. I saw almost every documentary that claimed to show evidence of Big Foot’s existence. And don’t get me started on flying saucers.... Despite its place in popular Internet theory, most people—including me—consider Big Foot continue a myth. No hiker walks out into the woods looking for Big Foot.... Unfortunately, some myths come camouflaged as truths. They do so for many reasons and aided by the mainstream media’s obsession with gaining more subscriptions and the explosion of fake news in the Internet era. More recently there has been increase in the use of strategic campaigns with false claims to malign the character of political opposites.
Almost all of my Democrat friends wished the findings of Mueller's report would conclude that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. But Mueller found that there was no collusion with Russia by President Trump, his family members, or his campaign. One more myth slain.... The pattern for the origin and end of fake claims seems similar: Claims are made without objective empirical proof, then, propelled by mainstream news media and internet sensation, sustained among the masses. They continue until irrefutable data finally contradict them. Only then are they put to rest.... The controversy over climate change follows this pattern. It is now more political than scientific. Since the 1970s, outlandish claims regarding our climate have been made repeatedly, only to be found untrue.
How exactly do we identify true and false claims in the climate sciences? It is simple.
Warnings of dramatic, possibly dangerous elements of climate change—like rapid global warming, sea-level rise, and extreme weather patterns—can be checked against actual observations. The credibility of the claims is then judged by their coherence or mismatch with the observed data.
It is high time we separate truth from myth in climate science. If 18 years (2000—2018) have revealed the climate model failure and the bankruptcy of the climate doomsday movement, the next two decades will likely reveal more discrepancies about misinformation being sold as truth.... Until then, the Big Foots of the Climate Empire will be walking with swag in our mainstream media.

The scientific method relies on the testing of predictions that result from theories that are intended to explain natural phenomena. When the predictions fail (as has been the case with catastrophic anthropogenic global warming), the theory is disproven.
Some advocate that solar and wind power can provide the energy needed to live life in the U.S. (or at least Western civilization as we now know it). That could only happen with a quantum leap in battery storage technology and massive battery storage facilities.
How is that going?
Rather than accept the fact that nuclear energy might, just might, dramatically cut fossil fuel consumption (for power plants), almost no one in the Green movement talks about nuclear plants providing what might be needed. Instead, they'd rather tilt at windmills (pun!) dreaming of Utopia where the land is be-spoiled by miles and miles of windmills and solar panel farms.
"The Big Lie" might as well be a whopper since it is propaganda and everybody knows it is a lie but are stunned that anyone would actually promote such an obvious untruth. Keep pounding away and despite the obvious absurdity, it becomes the political "consensus."
But Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats have a poor understanding of the theory, you see they have told and promoted multiple big lies, with each new one the previous examples are believed less and less.

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