Big Business Got Greedy


Aug 18, 2008

Big business got greedy and wanted to get bigger and make more money and in the process got corrupt.
First they took full advantage of sending jobs out of the country so they could produce more for less. For the jobs that were left, they got an unlimited supply of cheap labor from Mexico by way of illegal aliens. This took jobs from Americans and lowered their wages so they did not have money to put back into the economy.

Then they gave loans, home and cars, to people who they knew would eventually default and they did not care about anything but the short term dividends where they made lots of money but did not see the eventuality of the end scenario. The money would stop coming in and they would be left with houses that were not longer bringing in money and they could not resale because no one had money to spend because they were not working.

Auto industries got greedy and built bigger and more expensive gas guzzling cars that sold, short term, but eventually people could no longer afford to buy them and they stop selling and auto industries stop making money.

Corporations got too big for their britches and so did Americans. All of America got too big and need to come down a notch and start living within their means. Consumers cannot spend money they do not have and government is spending money they do not have.

Big businesses are not the only ones that got too big. There are all levels of business that have had to downsize after expanding. Here is Reno, Mervyns, K-Mart, Circuit City, Target, to name a few.

Obama has to put Americans back to work rebuilding American for Americans. No cheap foreign laborers need apply that will send earned money out of the country to go into Mexico’s economy instead of back into our economy. Mexicans send 20 billion back to Mexico each year contributed to our economy’s failure.


Big business got greedy and wanted to get bigger and make more money and in the process got corrupt.
First they took full advantage of sending jobs out of the country so they could produce more for less. For the jobs that were left, they got an unlimited supply of cheap labor from Mexico by way of illegal aliens. This took jobs from Americans and lowered their wages so they did not have money to put back into the economy.

Then they gave loans, home and cars, to people who they knew would eventually default and they did not care about anything but the short term dividends where they made lots of money but did not see the eventuality of the end scenario. The money would stop coming in and they would be left with houses that were not longer bringing in money and they could not resale because no one had money to spend because they were not working.

Auto industries got greedy and built bigger and more expensive gas guzzling cars that sold, short term, but eventually people could no longer afford to buy them and they stop selling and auto industries stop making money.

Corporations got too big for their britches and so did Americans. All of America got too big and need to come down a notch and start living within their means. Consumers cannot spend money they do not have and government is spending money they do not have.

Big businesses are not the only ones that got too big. There are all levels of business that have had to downsize after expanding. Here is Reno, Mervyns, K-Mart, Circuit City, Target, to name a few.

Obama has to put Americans back to work rebuilding American for Americans. No cheap foreign laborers need apply that will send earned money out of the country to go into Mexico’s economy instead of back into our economy. Mexicans send 20 billion back to Mexico each year contributed to our economy’s failure.


I came in to work today with the intention of posting almost exactly what you posted. Thanks for saving me the time. Let me see what else I may add. But great post.

This is to all the people I argue with on these boards. SO WHAT! That's my answer the next time you say, "but that will raise costs" or "corporations will just pass that on to the consumer". SO WHAT! First of all, they'll jack up the price on anything if they can get away with it. Look at gas. No one did anything to cause gas prices to go up. It didn't go up because of demand, China or any of that. It went up as far as they thought they could get away with. Then it trashed the economy because no one was spending money on anything else.

Anyways, we need to bring manufacturing jobs back home and we need to get the illegals out. Before Reagan got into office, we had 2 million illegals here. Today, 12 million. And in 1999 the Big 3 made profits. What's changed? Toyota, Honda and every other foreign car manufacturer that's selling cars in America, when their countries won't sell American made cars?

I don't begrudge Honda and Toyota manufacturing here in America, but NO IMPORTS! If it's made in Mexico, sell it in Mexico!!!

It's all about lowering our wages. Google CORPORATE PROFITS in 2007. You'll see corporations were doing fine. I believe this horrible economy was done on purpose by the super rich. And I know people who made a million dollars a year who thought they were on the right side of the HAVES vs. HAVE NOTS and they are finding out that they weren't.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this was done on purpose by the top 1%. And look, they won't even suffer, because they're bailing themselves out.

So I can't be against the Big 3 bailout because millions of Americans are depending on their survival, but ultimately, they're still going to lower our wages. And notice how the Southern Republicans want the Big 3 to fail? That's because Honda and Toyota are in their states. They want to benefit from our failure. Only they don't understand it'll take the entire economy down.

And what if we are attacked again? In WW2, we had the Big 3 build Tanks, Planes, Bombs and Ships. Who'll build them if we don't have a manufacturing base? Will we have China build our war machine after they attack us?

We need to kick ever illegal out of this country. If American's won't do it for $5 hr, pay em $10. We work in coal mines for the right money, so I'm sure we'll pick fruit if you pay us right. It'll raise the cost of fruit? SO WHAT!!! Turn the $1 Store into a $2. We can't send jobs overseas. It used to be wrong to work with slave laborors. What happened to those days?

This is the end of Bush Capitalism. Free Trade. Unfair trade practices. Tax breaks to overseas companies.

You wonder why countries go socialist or communist. They're cutting our wages and CEO's are making $20 million a year???

I heard Honda's CEO makes $1 million a year and they profitted last year. Then Ford's guy made $20 million and they lost billions? Unacceptable.

That doesn't mean break the unions and send more jobs overseas!!! For God sakes!!! It means cut Ford's CEO's pay to $1 million dollars a year. When they profit, he can get a million dollar bonus. $2 million is plenty. If there is any more money to go around, it goes to the shareholders and labor!!!

Wake up America!!! You want cheap products, but soon your job will be affected by this never ending quest for more and more PROFIT!!! Soon your company will ask to cut into your wages so they can make more profit!!!
Hmmm...looks like I came to the right thread.

So, comrades, how exactly do we fix this problem?

Here's a clue...guns won't fix it, votes will.
Anyone who has done their homework gets this stuff. But, so many Americans (and a few who post on this board) are intellectually lazy. Go into your local Walmart and you can see exactly what is wrong with America.

The Pulitzer Prizes | Works

I'm inside sales. They could send my job to India.

Indian IT Technicians & Engineers can take those jobs.

They screwed manufacturing because many of us don't work in manufacturing.

I've read articles about people in other industries where they thought they were safe but they were not, like archetech's.

And even my pharmacutical rep buddies who won't ever lose their jobs to an illegal and their job can't be send out of the country. Their companies are raising their quotas and demanding more for less. They're experiencing layoffs and the new people they hire are not getting as good a deal as my buddy who entered the company 15 years ago. And their companies are being sold to foreign investors.

They're now hitting us from all sides. Reagan started this movement and Bush accellerated it. I don't know if Bush and the GOP let 9-11 happen so they could push their radical agenda, but if you read books like Shock Doctrine and/or Desaster Capitalism, you'll see it sure does look like this is all by design. Bankrupt the treasury so you can end social security and social programs. Flood the market with illegals and send jobs overseas so you can lower wages. Create a crisis, like this Depression, and get away with anything. They control the money, so they control us.

And we are sheep! The fact that any middle class American is arguing with us any more tells me American's are really dumb.

$20 million to CEO's and they can't afford to pay us $35 hr. HA! They can afford it, but why afford it when you can pay slave labor wages?

Remember the saying:

When the Nazis came for the Communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a Communist.

When they locked up the Social Democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a Social Democrat.

When they came for the Trade Unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Trade Unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Hmmm...looks like I came to the right thread.

So, comrades, how exactly do we fix this problem?

Here's a clue...guns won't fix it, votes will.

We already voted. Obama is going to run his presidency the same way he ran his campaign. He's going to use the internet.

Will he kick illegals out? Will he bring manufacturing home? Will wages continue to go down in first 4 years?

I hope and expect him to take on Corporate America and the Rich.

Did you know the two Adam's and the two Bush presidents roots trace back to the mayflower? Do you get the feeling the rich feel like this is their country and they own us? They've done this before. The Guilded Age and the Great Depression. That's when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

So Obama will have to come up with his own NEW DEAL.
We already voted. Obama is going to run his presidency the same way he ran his campaign. He's going to use the internet.

Will he kick illegals out? Will he bring manufacturing home? Will wages continue to go down in first 4 years?

I hope and expect him to take on Corporate America and the Rich.

Did you know the two Adam's and the two Bush presidents roots trace back to the mayflower? Do you get the feeling the rich feel like this is their country and they own us? They've done this before. The Guilded Age and the Great Depression. That's when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

So Obama will have to come up with his own NEW DEAL.

Sealy...I have less faith that obama is change....

His picks for his administration are bigtime FREE TRADERS....and are wall streets big guns in the financial arena....

Basically....with the guys he picked, there is going to be the same ole same ole....there was no Change....
Sealy...I have less faith that obama is change....

His picks for his administration are bigtime FREE TRADERS....and are wall streets big guns in the financial arena....

Basically....with the guys he picked, there is going to be the same ole same ole....there was no Change....

He's picking people that know what they are doing, but ultimately they all work for him.

Bill Clinton did sign NAFTA, but it was the GOP that abused NAFTA. I don't think Obama will abuse it.

If they are not acting on behalf of the American people, then they'll be replaced.

I would reserve my judgement if I were you and wait to see what they do.

I heard today on Fox he might not end those tax breaks to the rich. That would be bullshit, but I guess in this economy, raising taxes on anyone is not an option? I say that's bullshit thought. Maybe I wouldn't raise taxes on the top 10%, but I would for sure on the top 1%. But then they're the ones who are holding us hostage with this bank bailout shit. That's why I think Obama is going to try to work with the establishment to see what he can do without rocking the boat too much, and that's why he's hiring people who know the inner workings of the Federal Reserve, but make no mistake, Obama is not going to be duped by the super rich. He's going to take back America for us.

If not, he'll be gone in 4 years.

And someone last week said there is no class warfare. Who was that again? Jsanders. That's right. What a dope to think this isn't class warfare.

If Obama is no change, then we are powerless. What are you suggesting is going to happen? I do agree that he might not raise wages overnight and bring all the jobs back overnight, but Clinton added jobs and the BIG 3 were profitable in 1999.

The big difference now is that they have to compete now with Honda and Toyota. But competition is good for consumers, right? Just as long as it's an even playing field. The union is going to have to stop being such a drag on their companies so they can be competitive. And we need socialized medicine so we can take that off employers plates.
He's picking people that know what they are doing, but ultimately they all work for him.

Bill Clinton did sign NAFTA, but it was the GOP that abused NAFTA. I don't think Obama will abuse it.

If they are not acting on behalf of the American people, then they'll be replaced.

I would reserve my judgement if I were you and wait to see what they do.

I heard today on Fox he might not end those tax breaks to the rich. That would be bullshit, but I guess in this economy, raising taxes on anyone is not an option? I say that's bullshit thought. Maybe I wouldn't raise taxes on the top 10%, but I would for sure on the top 1%. But then they're the ones who are holding us hostage with this bank bailout shit. That's why I think Obama is going to try to work with the establishment to see what he can do without rocking the boat too much, and that's why he's hiring people who know the inner workings of the Federal Reserve, but make no mistake, Obama is not going to be duped by the super rich. He's going to take back America for us.

If not, he'll be gone in 4 years.

And someone last week said there is no class warfare. Who was that again? Jsanders. That's right. What a dope to think this isn't class warfare.

If Obama is no change, then we are powerless. What are you suggesting is going to happen? I do agree that he might not raise wages overnight and bring all the jobs back overnight, but Clinton added jobs and the BIG 3 were profitable in 1999.

The big difference now is that they have to compete now with Honda and Toyota. But competition is good for consumers, right? Just as long as it's an even playing field. The union is going to have to stop being such a drag on their companies so they can be competitive. And we need socialized medicine so we can take that off employers plates.

If he has picked BIG TIME free traders, along with the head of the Federal Reserves as his new treasury secretary....HOW IS THERE going to be any change? These ARE the inner circle people that have ruled us for generation upon generation.

Yes, i understand they are experienced, but experienced at what? Being BIG TIME free traders?

Our only hope is that Obama advises them and they dont advise this point....

I still think that Obama can make some changes that could be good for us, with other things, but as far as his financial picks....they are buddies with the ones that BROUGHT OUR COUNTRY to its KNEES.

If he has picked BIG TIME free traders, along with the head of the Federal Reserves as his new treasury secretary....HOW IS THERE going to be any change? These ARE the inner circle people that have ruled us for generation upon generation.

Yes, i understand they are experienced, but experienced at what? Being BIG TIME free traders?

Our only hope is that Obama advises them and they dont advise this point....

I still think that Obama can make some changes that could be good for us, with other things, but as far as his financial picks....they are buddies with the ones that BROUGHT OUR COUNTRY to its KNEES.


True. This won't be all out revolution, but at least we have a new president that acknowledges that the middle class has a problem. Bush and the GOP said the economy was great last year. Last year corporate profits were up and they said the economy was strong. They also said oil companies should be able to charge whatever they want. And they gave the banks $350 billion no questions asked and the banks still aren't borrowing. It was nothing more than a bank robbery.

Just remember that when you discuss this with our conservative friends on these boards that last year they were saying the economy was fine and we need more free trade and less regulations so prices would go down. They never acknowledged that many of our wages went down too. And that their greed crashed the economy.

Hell, last week they suggested it was poor people who ruined the economy. :cuckoo:

And I don't think any of us should expect free trade to end. We want cheap shoes. We want cheap fruit. But there is a limit, and THEY went too far. I expect Obama to make trade fair, not free.

But Bush and Tom Delay for 6 years went too far. Let's pray :eusa_pray: that Obama and Hillary and Pelosi & Reed can right the wrongs that were done to us for 8 years. Get the illegals out of the country today!!!

Should we undo NAFTA? Probably not an option. But does it need fixing? Hell yes.

So let's hope the top 1% haven't gotten to Obama like they sure as hell owned Bush. I don't think they will.

But for sure lobbyists and special interest groups are working on our new government as we speak. But now it will be construction companies that benefit, not defense contractors/war mongers. We're going to rebuild our roads and levy's. We're going to invest in Green and mass transit. Etc.

PS. My brother asked me this yesterday. Why would Americans go to school to become engineers when there is no manufacturing in America?
Big Government got greedy.

Government used to be concerned with very few things, now it wants to control what we eat what we drive, how we heat our homes how much money we make how much money we keep........

Government now confiscates the earnings of more than 75 day's labor from all of us and wants more.

Government takes our money and allows politician to give it to people and companies who do them favors. Government establishes redundant agencies, offices and employees that answer to no one and exist only to prolong their own existence.

Government uses our young men and women who serve in the military to advance policy through force that has nothing to do with our national security

Shall I go on?

But you all think business are the cause of all evil in the world
GOT greedy? They've always been greedy. Companies don't exist to make you happy, they exist to take your money.

This has been 30 years in the making. First they slowly started sending jobs overseas and letting illegals in, but only to pick fruit and make shoes.

Before Reagan it was 2 million illegals here, now it's 12 million.

And before GW, we had millions more manufacturing jobs here than we do now.

Yes Corporations will move all their labor to 3rd world countries, if the government allows them. That's why FREE TRADE is a thing of the past. The conservatives made a good argument, but ultimately they were dead wrong.

This Big 3 possible bankruptsy is the ultimate verdict on Bushanomics/GOPanomics, or whatever you want to call it.

Now I will laugh at anyone who calls me a socialist. GOD DAMN right I'm a socialist. If it's either or, I'll take socialism.

Now we can put things back to the way they were in the 90's. That would be a compromise. Not socialism, but certainly not Bushanomics.

And if anyone tells you that we can't, just tell them YES WE CAN! And yes we will.

Yes unions got fat, corrupt and lazy, but so what? I don't want to here any of you worker bees bitching about union greed when we see CEO's getting $20 million dollar retirements.

And remember, you aren't in a union, yet still you are strugging and your CEO is making $20 million too.

I almost applaud the unions. If the CEO's and VP's want to make a fortune, even when the company is failing, why shouldn't the workers too make a great wage/living?

PS. Toss out the illegals and watch wages go up. It's supply and demand. If companies need help, they'll pay more. And that trickles up to people like me. Illegals can't do my job, but they are affecting my wages just the same.
Big Government got greedy.

Government used to be concerned with very few things, now it wants to control what we eat what we drive, how we heat our homes how much money we make how much money we keep........

Government now confiscates the earnings of more than 75 day's labor from all of us and wants more.

Government takes our money and allows politician to give it to people and companies who do them favors. Government establishes redundant agencies, offices and employees that answer to no one and exist only to prolong their own existence.

Government uses our young men and women who serve in the military to advance policy through force that has nothing to do with our national security

Shall I go on?

But you all think business are the cause of all evil in the world

During the last 8 years, and since Reagan to be honest, government has been in collusion with Big Business. Lobbyists/special interest paid the government to pass laws that gave tax breaks to companies going overseas.

This is about corporations and the rich becoming too powerful in our democracy. Bush and Chaney are good old boys. Defense, energy. We thought it would be a good thing to have Defense and Energy boys in charge, but we found that they sided with corporate greed.

Government confiscates 75 blablabla. What did Bush do about that? If I make a million dollars, let the government confiscate half of it. What do I care? I still have $500k!!! People like you say the rich pay too much in taxes and that we don't pay enough. Go fuck yourself. If we're making only $50k, we shouldn't pay shit in taxes. The rich should pay it all!! Since they have it all.

And it's funny you are so observant now that the Democrats are in power. You seemed to turn a blind eye until the Dems took control.

Hey everyone, Skull is using a very old and tired GOP argument. He's basically saying the government is the enemy. Here is a great rebuttal to that:

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'
Big Government got greedy.

Government used to be concerned with very few things, now it wants to control what we eat what we drive, how we heat our homes how much money we make how much money we keep........

Government now confiscates the earnings of more than 75 day's labor from all of us and wants more.

Government takes our money and allows politician to give it to people and companies who do them favors. Government establishes redundant agencies, offices and employees that answer to no one and exist only to prolong their own existence.

Government uses our young men and women who serve in the military to advance policy through force that has nothing to do with our national security

Shall I go on?

But you all think business are the cause of all evil in the world

And Skull, they were saying on all the Sunday talk shows that the GOP has to give up on pretending that they are for smaller government. Whether you/they like it or not, the government is necessary.

Now should we streamline it and maybe do away with the beurocracy Bush created in the Dept. of Homeland Security? For sure. Should we cut half of the defense spending we spend? Hell yea. Should the government stop borrowing $10 billion a month from China to fight the war in Iraq? Hell yea!!!
Not just since reagan BoBo

And don't think BHO is going to change it

Government has grown under every president in the past 60 years and will continue to grow unless we say 'ENOUGH"

It's not a GOP or Democratic phenomenon. Our federal and state governments need an enema.

Take an axe to government before taking a tax from the people.

But keep denying it and keep calling for higher and higher punitive and confiscatory taxes in the name of fairness. Keep allowing the government to control your life because you're too afraid to control your own but don't whine to me when it's your turn to pay.
Not just since reagan BoBo

And don't think BHO is going to change it

Government has grown under every president in the past 60 years and will continue to grow unless we say 'ENOUGH"

It's not a GOP or Democratic phenomenon. Our federal and state governments need an enema.

Take an axe to government before taking a tax from the people.

But keep denying it and keep calling for higher and higher punitive and confiscatory taxes in the name of fairness. Keep allowing the government to control your life because you're too afraid to control your own but don't whine to me when it's your turn to pay.

Remember Reagan broke the air traffic controllers union? And before Reagan, we had 2 million illegals and now we have 12. Yes, Reagan started this. Reagan and his montra of less government. Reagan said the government wasn't the solution, it was the problem. Well if you don't believe in government, then you shouldn't govern.

Yea, we know you don't think Obama will fix anything. That's why you voted the way you did. Of course you are a skeptic. We all know that. Just watch.

Now please explain what you mean by this, "higher punitive and confiscatory taxes in the name of fairness.".

Of course the government spends too much. We spend more than the rest of the world on defense COMBINED!

But what I think you mean are social services. You want to gut the government of all the good it does because you don't approve of giving to poor inner cities, for example. But you defend the excessive defense spending, correct?

Since I know that our government is going to spend one way or the other, then I say I want my taxes to go to poor people and to fix America's infrastructure. Where as you want to feed the military industrial machine.

So I think you are making an argument against raising the top 1%'s taxes. Sure, if the government can find a way to stop spending a lot of money, then fine, cut the rich people's taxes. But until that day comes, America works best when you take the burden off of the middle class. That includes slapping what we spend onto the debt.

And the rich will get along fine even if we take away their unfair tax breaks. We'll give them incentives/tax breaks when they hire people. Not just give them the break and keep our fingers crossed.

Because isn't that what the bankers are doing? We gave them $350 billion and they aren't doing what they said they would do with the money.

So don't talk free markets when the banks need $750 billion of our tax dollars. That's not free.

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