Big Brother wants Alcohol Detection System in every car

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
A government-auto industry program that is trying to develop a device to detect drunken drivers, which would be installed in all new vehicles, is on track to get a six-fold increase in funding.
The device, which would automatically sniff the driver’s breath or use a light beam to test the alcohol content of tissue, would prevent drunken operators from starting the vehicle. There is no plan for the device to be mandatory. Those working on the project hope consumers will accept the alcohol interlock voluntarily because of the safety advantages.


Regardless of the amount of money, the idea of a federal agency developing a device with automakers that they can sell back to consumers is wrong, said Joan Claybrook, a member of the board of directors at Public Citizen and former head of the safety agency.
“The purpose of N.H.T.S.A. is not to manufacture and develop air bags or seat belts or drunk-driving devices,” she said. “N.H.T.S.A’s role is of a regulator.”


A major question for the project is whether the public would voluntarily accept – and possibly pay extra for – such a system. Last year the insurance institute surveyed 1,004 people — two-thirds of whom drink alcohol — and found support for such devices. Having alcohol detection devices in all vehicles was seen as a “good” or “very good” idea by 64 percent. Thirty percent said it was a bad idea for reasons including privacy concerns and governmental interference.

Congress Considers Funding for In-Car Alcohol Detection System - Wheels Blog -

Diverting taxes from highway safety and invasion of privacy, what could possibly go wrong?
I'm not sure I buy the argument that getting behind the wheel drunk is subject to privacy protections. Can you elaborate?

If you don't view being forced to take a BAT every time you get into your car as a privacy issue I have no idea what you think is private.
Sure put em in there, keep the drunks off the road.

Would help but I have read of cases where an interlock was ordered installed by a DUI Judge, the offender in several cases I read just got a friend or in one case their child to blow in the tube to start the car.

Just outlaw Alcohol, problem solved :razz::razz:

If they would just put drunk drivers in jail and keep them there, driving drunk would not be a problem in this country and there would be no need for stupid ideas like this one.
Making this mandatory would be an issue to me, mostly as it assumes guilt for no reason. And for the people in the survey saying it is a good idea, I would bet 90% of them would disable the device the second they got it.
Ain't that the truth? I get incensed when I read horror stories where the driver has had multiple DUIs. Why do they get their license back? And if they kill someone, why are they only getting a couple years in prison?
I like the idea for chronic offenders. Everyone else; its just a wate of money and another electronic device that will need repair just like all of the other useless bells and whistles in a car.


I think I heard something the other day about Massachusetts lawmakers pushing for legislation that would require installing one in first offender's cars for six months or something.
I'm not sure I buy the argument that getting behind the wheel drunk is subject to privacy protections. Can you elaborate?

If you don't view being forced to take a BAT every time you get into your car as a privacy issue I have no idea what you think is private.

The State controls your ability and right to drive, one could argue you have no right to an expectation of privacy in regards the act of driving.
Sure put em in there, keep the drunks off the road.

Would help but I have read of cases where an interlock was ordered installed by a DUI Judge, the offender in several cases I read just got a friend or in one case their child to blow in the tube to start the car.

Just outlaw Alcohol, problem solved :razz::razz:


Been tried, failed so miserably that it is the only amendment I know of to be REPELLED.
Ain't that the truth? I get incensed when I read horror stories where the driver has had multiple DUIs. Why do they get their license back? And if they kill someone, why are they only getting a couple years in prison?

Most States view a drunk as not of their own mind. As being impaired and not thinking straight. Thus the disconnect on things like killing someone while drunk and no lengthy sentence.
the are called "blow and go"

they are used for chronics....the major problem i have seen with have to pull over every so many minutes and use it....they are easy to by pass...with a sober friend etc.
I agree with RGS. Driving on public roadways is a privilege. If a citizen has not been drinking, what is the problem with proving that as a condition of being able to exercise that privilege?
I agree with RGS. Driving on public roadways is a privilege. If a citizen has not been drinking, what is the problem with proving that as a condition of being able to exercise that privilege?

How about cameras too so any other illegal activities that go on in the car can be captured on film ?
I agree with RGS. Driving on public roadways is a privilege. If a citizen has not been drinking, what is the problem with proving that as a condition of being able to exercise that privilege?

How about cameras too so any other illegal activities that go on in the car can be captured on film ?

illegal activities that immediately threaten the safety of other citizens legally using the roadways? Such as?
Sounds like a good idea, BUT... what if you REALLY need to start your car?! Say, to run away from the police after a bar fight? You were planning to take a cab, but things got out of hand, and one thing led to another and...

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