Biden's Weakness Is 'Blood In The Water' - 1st Taliban Demanded Ransoms For Americans, Now Haitian Gangs

$1 Million dollars per hostage demanded for 17 American hostages.

Ever since Barry paid that plane-load of cash to the Iranians for US hostages Dems / Libs have been paying everyone....
So the Taliban thinks Biden cares about these hostages when he knowingly made them hostages by leaving them there?


The only way those hostages get home is if the family of a hostage buys a Hunter Biden painting for thousands of dollars, then just maybe Joe might bring one or two home.
The missionaries didn't need the US govt. to get into Haiti and they don't need them to get out try a fundraiser.
Oh fuck no---paying them will encourage more attacks all over the world. The US should annihilate them----hunt them, their families, their clans, their religious leaders down and annihilate.

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