Biden's Useless Crime Plan Doesn't Do Anything About THIS:

Biden's idiotic 'new' gun policy
That's right. Democrat gun-grabbing cops are nothing new.
show the officer a measure of respect, and comply with the officer's orders.
Dude. We're supposed to be citizens of a free country. We're not enlisted private soldiers under the command of a drill sergeant.

The law is what we are supposed to obey. They law allows us — each and every one of us — to possess and carry Firearms and other weapons.

The arbitrary orders of hired law enforcement officers are not the law. The cops shouldn't be hassling black people or people of any other race without a warrant.
Name 1 thing Biden's failed 'Crime Bill' is going to do to stop the out-of-control, massively exploding crime rate in Portland and Chicago.
Name 1 thing Biden's 'crime' bill does to stop crimes against policemen like this incident.
Name 1 thing Biden's crime bill does t stop Black-on-Black crime?
Name 1 thing Biden's crime bill will do to stop the demonization and targeting and assassinations of police officers that is going on.
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These are the faces of 'stupidity', 'hatred', 'disrespect', and of 'zero concern for human life'.

These three were arrested after beating and attempting to choke to death a policeman after he affected a traffic stop.

The Aurora Police Department announced Tuesday that 28-year-old Paul Sherrod, 24-year-old Jennifer Taylor and 26-year-old Sheba Taylor have each been charged with aggravated battery, resisting or obstructing a police officer causing injury, and aggravated assault of a peace officer.

All three suspects appeared in Kane County Bond Call Tuesday morning. Bail for each of the Taylors was set at $50,000, with 10% to apply for bond. Sherrod's bail was set at $75,000, also with 10% to apply for bond.

Biden's idiotic 'new' gun policy will not solve escalating crime like this because it does not even address crimes like this....and because, as the saying goes, 'You can't fix stupid'.

All they had to do was stay in the car, show the officer a measure of respect, and comply with the officer's orders.

Instead, these 3 dumbasses 'copped' (no pun intended) an attitude, showed their asses, and attacked a police officer. Now they are facing jail time.


So? These three have been arrested and are going to prison.

Sounds like the system in working in this case.

Thank God they didn't have a gun!!!

Or are you whining because you expect Biden to wave a magic wand and make it so that there are no more idiots in the whole world?
Dude. We're supposed to be citizens of a free country. We're not enlisted private soldiers under the command of a drill sergeant.
WTF does what you just said have to do with criminal thugs and POSes showing total disrespect for authority / police that leads to needless, violent altercations with police where either cops or these thugs get shot / killed?

One thing many of these incidents have in common is the individual showing no respect to officers, refuse to comply with orders given, and by not doing so become threats to the officer.

'enlisted private soldiers...drill sergeants'...?! WTF are you babbling about?

The spike in violence has nothing to do with “defunding the police”

Yeah, I stopped reading your stupid, uneducated comment / LIE at this point.

Local and State Law Enforcement leadership have and continue to declare the Democrats' failed 'Defund The Police' has caused thousands of police to retire, caused crimes to sky-rocket, as they say they do not have the man-power any longer to keep up with / deal with the escalating crime.

You are right, though, it is not only 'Defund The Police' - it is also other moronic failed actions and policies ordered / carried out by dumbass pro-criminal/terrorist Democrats running these cities across the country.

One idiot Democrat declared the policy of ignoring traffic crimes because of the almost guarantee of criminal, disrespectful threats like these 3 criminals to resist, ignore police orders, and the threat of a needless violent confrontation that will either lead to the thugs or policemen being shot / choked / stabbed / killed.

The policy of allowing shoplifters and thieves to take whatever they want from stores is just f*ing insane, definitely increasing crime and creating a culture of crime.

Defund The police' has definitelycontributed to this crime explosion!

Asshole - NOTHING has been done remotely resembling defunding the police. Biden wants increased pay, better screening and a national database so nobody rehires buttholes like Chauvin.

He and others would like to redefine police duties to be LAW ENFORCEMENT .. Not mental health issues and wellness checks that waste their time.

Up your game loon, and kindly stop repeating the lies of the Former Guy and the NRA.

So? These three have been arrested and are going to prison.

Sounds like the system in working in this case.

Thank God they didn't have a gun!!!

Or are you whining because you expect Biden to wave a magic wand and make it so that there are no more idiots in the whole world?

I thought Biden's goal was to address this type of crime, to stop it / prevent it?

'Racial division', 'hatred and disrespect for cops', villainizing officers....this is the criminal culture Democrats have created. This should not have happened in the 1st place. THIS in part was / is due to the failed 'Defund The police' Democrat movement.
This has NOTHING to do with stopping the illegal sale of firearms.

Hopefully the MAGA buttholes who attacked police officers on 1/6 will do some hard time also.

We need a Blacks Behaving Badly forum. BBB will give kooks and racists a place to circle jerk.
you should learn to read.

Asshole - NOTHING has been done remotely resembling defunding the police.

Yes, emotionally triggered snowflake, 'Defund The police' was / is a failed Marxist Socialist-Dem adopted tactic that undermines authority and the government and has caused the increase in a lot of this crime. And the experts - not highly emotional, unstable snowflakes - are all declaring 'Defund The Police' has definitely contributed.

....but you just keep screaming and throwing your tantrum. I will stick to listening to the experts.

So? These three have been arrested and are going to prison.

Sounds like the system in working in this case.

Thank God they didn't have a gun!!!

Or are you whining because you expect Biden to wave a magic wand and make it so that there are no more idiots in the whole world?

I thought Biden's goal was to address this type of crime, to stop it / prevent it?

'Racial division', 'hatred and disrespect for cops', villainizing officers....this is the criminal culture Democrats have created. This should not have happened in the 1st place. THIS in part was / is due to the failed 'Defund The police' Democrat movement.

There are many things that Biden wants to address. Unfortunately, the Republican's Senate minority blocks them.

So, before you continue whining about Biden, why don't you complain about the obstructionist Republican Senators?

Otherwise, are you proposing that Biden ignore the rule of law and assume dictatorial powers?

There are many things that Biden wants to address. Unfortunately, the Republican's Senate minority blocks them.
OH STOP, lying lil snowflake. Once Biden hit the oval office he signed more edicts into law than any other President, bypassing Congress to do it. He could have and can still do whatever he wants without the GOP. The SOB declared he was going to be the 'Great Uniter', and all he has done is radically divide, giving the Middle Finger to the GOP as he passes / passed by.

Try again, and this time don;' lie.