Biden's Thursday Night Speech Will Be A Call For Violence Against Trump Supporters

I do get people are threatened by Trump cultists.

If they've got 10-to-1 odds or better, Trump cultists can be a serious threat to children, the elderly or the physically handicapped.
Sorry retard, that’s your pals who (triggered by the sight of a red hat) attack women, children, the elderly, anyone you think won’t fight back and put your worthless ass on the ground. As long as you have 20 of your pals with with you because your and yours are full blown cowards with yellow streaks a mile wide.
I am seeing on CNN that he is going to spend many billions to hire 100,000 officers, it is going to be his "law enforcement speech". How is yout federal government involved in this? Furthermore, doesn't spending go through your congress?

Someone online posted that he believes that the Dems want to provide as many billions to as many groups as possible before the mid-terms to buy votes as they fear counter investigations that could include some high profile Dems and/or their family members if they lose the House.

The worm is turning, as it has turned in your northern nation and as it is turning throughout Europe. Praise the shadows, the deep woods, the few remaining surveillance free sanctuaries; as above, so below.
These Leftest bastards think they want war but it won't go like they think it will.

They are true believers, unfortunately; zealot religionists to the last and no less dangerous than fundamental Islamic terrorists strapped into boom boom vests.
The problem is not with the Marxist Left...they make no pretense as to who they are and what their plans are for you.

No, the problem lies squarely with the conservative Right who was clearly told by the FF's that this day would come and what MUST be done about it.

The right has ignored that timeless advice and instead has developed a "talk about it only" position as if that's a real strategy.
They tune to talk radio shows like Sean Hannity and Dan Bongino and raise their fists in a unified "Hell yeah brother!!!"....then go back to sleep.

The Marxists and Communists can literally do ANYTHING to the conservative Right because they know for a fact there are no consequences beyond hearing their incessant bitching and whining about it.
THAT is the real problem.

Everyone who might make a difference is terrified of sticking even one toe in those waters, if you get my drift. Too many real current and former warriors are too busy making You Tube videos and writing books to even consider doing what must be done. I am sick to death of so-called quiet professionals monetizing their service and selling fucking t-shirts rather than doing what must be done. Yellow streaks run wider than the Amazon river these days.

What a load of rubbish.

Biden is going to take a page out of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" and give a speech Thursday that will be reminiscent of Hitler's proclamations against Jews.

Eric Swallwell is posting false claims in Twitter calling CPAC Domestic Terrorists.....and this is all everyone on the left seems to be talking about right now....right on cue.....the imaginary violence that is being perpetrated on themselves in their innocent Trump Supporters who are really saying or doing much at all.

President Potato will again bash Trump and all real Americans who support him in another divisive speech. He insults the intelligence of anyone with common sense. The Democratic Party has become "Team China" and Joe Biden is Xi Jinping's meat puppet.
President Potato will again bash Trump and all real Americans who support him in another divisive speech. He insults the intelligence of anyone with common sense. The Democratic Party has become "Team China" and Joe Biden is Xi Jinping's meat puppet.
Define "divisive."
Xiden’s script will clearly be a call for the demafasict brownshirts to violence against threats to the cult
I see Mudwhistle wasn't shy about using the George Soros antisemite dogwhistle.

Remember, when a conservative says "soros" or "globalist", they mean "jew".
America's anti-Semites are 75%-80% on the right.

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